Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 162 The Brit Is the Best Tool Man

Chapter 162 The Brit is the Best Tool Man (Second update, please subscribe)
The carriage stopped at the British embassy in Buenos Aires,

When getting out of the car, Domingo deliberately looked up at the embassy, ​​and then he walked into the embassy holding his cane. As the manager of the Amelia company, he has long regulars.

All it took was a business card to meet Edward Thornton, the British ambassador to Argentina.

"Edward, Edward..."

Before anyone entered the house, Domingo shouted angrily.

"You have to stop that madman, that guy is crazy!"

"Domingo, what's the matter? Is it that lunatic?"

Ambassador Edward Thornton wondered.


Domingo shouted angrily.

"That guy actually sent a warship to bombard the American company. Edward, we are a free company, just businessmen. He actually sent his fleet."


Edward Thornton said in surprise.

"When did this happen?"

"Now, Edward!"

Standing in front of Edward Thornton, Domingo asked directly:
"I would like to know why that guy sent the fleet to the American Company as soon as he got the loan from England, Edward, although we are friends, but I need to explain that our company has always been Britain's best trading partner. Could it be All of this was ordered by Britain?"

Facing the accusation, Edward Thornton immediately shook his head and said.

"Domingo, please rest assured that London has absolutely not issued such an order, and as we all know, the company is definitely a more important trading partner than Buenos Aires!"

This is a fact!

Although Argentina was an extremely important trading partner of the United Kingdom in the past, dozens of British merchant ships brought goods worth millions of pounds every year, and goods from the United Kingdom can be seen everywhere in the Argentine market.

However, in Edward Thornton's view, now the American company is replacing Buenos Aires - in the past few months alone, they have purchased goods worth more than one million pounds from the UK, even Also purchased the giant ship "Great Orient". Just half a month ago, the company also borrowed 120 million pounds from the British financial community by mortgaging the shares of the Atlantic Telegraph Company.

"We need an explanation. After we mortgaged part of the stock of the Atlantic Telegraph Company to the Bank of England, and purchased a large amount of goods in the UK, we purchased as many as [-] ships just for merchant ships, Your Excellency! But how do you repay us? What about it? It was to provide loans to Miter, and now he is attacking the company with British loans, Edward, is this a British game?"

"of course not!"

Edward Thornton immediately denied it.

"This is definitely not an order from London. For London, it is more willing to deal with companies."

He is not perfunctory, but the fact.

"As long as there is trade, there are British interests!"

In 1851, Britain became a businessman in the world. As the designer of the foreign policy of the empire, then British Prime Minister Pascal Metton has always adhered to the principle of "there are no permanent enemies and allies, and only the interests of the United Kingdom will never change". For ten years, the United Kingdom has been pursuing outward expansion policies in the name of "liberalism" and using balance of power diplomacy to promote British interests.

Although Britain signed a treaty of friendship and trade with Argentina as early as 1825, Argentina's opening up and expansion to Britain was extremely limited.But "chartered companies" like the American American Company can fully open their ports, trade, even tariffs, and zero tariffs-free ports, this is the biggest feature of "chartered companies".

Moreover, after the American company obtained a large loan from the United Kingdom, it immediately purchased a large amount of goods, so where to find such an excellent trade partner.

Because of this, in Edward Thornton's view, it is absolutely impossible for London to support Mitley's attack on the company.

"But the fact is that he is attacking the company, using British warships and British loans, which makes the company's board of directors have to seriously consider the orders that have been issued!"

Serious about ordering?

Are you kidding me?
If the American company cancels the order, Edward Thornton believes that he will definitely be torn apart by the British businessman. After figuring out the stakes, he immediately stood up and said.

"Domingo, please rest assured, I will stop Mitre immediately!"

Even without too much words, the tool man took the initiative to play a role.


"Mr. President, Britain needs a reasonable explanation!"

In Miter's office, Edward Thornton said bluntly.

"As far as I know, the loan granted to you by London is to relieve your financial pressure, and of course to show your support - between Buenos Aires and the Confederacy, London has chosen Buenos Aires Ellis, not the Confederacy!"

"Thank you very much for the support of the United Kingdom, Mr. Ambassador."

Miter said.

"But what confuses me a little is, what is the explanation you mentioned?"

In the face of Edward Thornton, who was asking questions, Mitley felt extremely uncomfortable. Anyone would be disgusted with such a superior attitude of the British, but he was also very helpless.Who makes Britain's national power strong, and is it his benefactor?
"America Corporation! Mr. President!"

Edward Thornton looked at Mitley and said.

"What? The American Company?"

Frowning slightly, Miter suppressed his inner dissatisfaction and said.

"Mr. Ambassador, you should be very clear that this is Argentine land."

"It doesn't look like that on the map, even on your own printed map, it's outside Argentina, Mr. President!"

Edward Thornton even took a special look at the map on the wall, which is indeed not the land of Argentina.

"So the UK doesn't approve of our sovereignty over the Pampas and Patagonia?"

Miter watched each other vigilantly. The United Kingdom has always been full of ambitions for the La Plata region. As early as 1806, the United Kingdom had invaded Buenos Aires. They wanted to rely on the control of the entire La Plata Tower area, but due to their resistance, the two British invasions ended in failure.

All this has only been in the past few decades.

The British ambitions for Argentina have never stopped!
Now, Edward Thornton's "barbaric" immediately aroused Mitre's vigilance.If it was just an instinctive dislike before, then now it is doubting the British position.

"No, Your Excellency, Britain will not engage in too much entanglement on such issues. For Britain, we do not want the status quo to be changed, and the American company is an extremely important trading partner of the United Kingdom. In this regard, I I hope you can think about it clearly!"

With a smile on his face, Edward Thornton stood up, looked at Mitley and said in an extremely serious tone.

"When I came here, I heard that your warship was bombarding the Amelia Company. I hope you know that there are many British engineers and technicians there. Britain will never allow their personal safety to be compromised. of!"

Suppressing the anger and dissatisfaction in his heart, Miter asked in displeasure.

"Mr. Ambassador, are you threatening?"

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(End of this chapter)

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