Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1582 The Great Miracle Day

"It's a trap!"

It was not until the battleship "Royal Oak" was hit by a torpedo and a huge water column exploded at the stern that Fisher finally realized what had happened.

"We ran into the Imperial Navy's trap..."

Now it seems all too obvious!

Perhaps the Imperial Navy had carefully laid this trap from the beginning, one designed to weaken the Combined Fleet.

But how did their torpedo boats travel so far?

When this idea appeared in Fisher's mind, the atmosphere in the command tower was already tense to the extreme.

"Eighteen degrees to starboard! Torpedo boat!"

A sudden scream rang in Fisher's ears. He saw a small torpedo boat approaching him in the wind and waves. Then the torpedo boat almost fired two torpedoes towards the bow of the ship. There was no way to avoid it. of head-on attack.

"Order, immediately..."

Before Fisher could give an order, a violent explosion came from the bow of the "Canopus", the most cutting-edge battleship in the British Empire. The waves from the explosion almost submerged the bow of the ship. The Star jerked, as if it had hit a wall, and Admiral Fisher fell down like everyone else in the conning tower.

The flagship was hit!

At this time, another torpedo boat approached from the starboard side. The two torpedo boats were like fish in troubled waters swimming on the battlefield, passing through warships, and finally came within two feet of the "Canopus". At a distance of 300 meters, two torpedoes were fired, and then quickly separated immediately.

One minute later, there were two violent explosions on its starboard side. During the violent explosions, some crew members had already begun to save themselves by lowering their lifeboats.

In the darkness, shouts of "Water in the ammunition depot!" and "Water in the boiler room" were heard from the sound transmission tube of the "Canopus" battleship. In just a few minutes after being hit, the old man The front part of the star's bow was submerged, the stern began to tilt up, and the boiler and turbine could no longer work normally.

At this time, the "Old Man Star" was completely paralyzed in the sea. Fisher, who stood up with his support on his things, realized that this was his last moment, and he gave the last order to the radio messenger beside him.

"My ship was attacked by a torpedo, all ships should leave me alone and retreat from the theater immediately!"

After issuing this order, Fisher specifically emphasized.

"All ships retreat to the northwest!"

This is the only thing he can do. If an hour ago, what Fisher valued in his heart was victory, then now, what he hopes is to preserve his strength.

When the captain gave the order to inject water to maintain balance, Fisher saw that a torch was already burning in the sea... more than [-] warships were hit, and at least half of them were battleships or armored cruisers.

This sea battle, which was fought with small things, completely overturned his imagination, but what can he do?Nothing can be done.

"Mahan, it's up to you..."

When Fisher handed over hope to Mahan, the torpedo boats on the other side did not give up attacking. As the British and American coalition fleet fled, they did not pursue, but continued to consolidate the results of the battle - using the remaining torpedoes to attack those The incapacitated warship, which attempted to inject water to maintain balance, fired torpedoes.

Zheng Peiyun, who had already emptied the torpedo, looked at the fleeing British and American fleet in the northwest direction, and said with the corners of his lips slightly raised.

"we won!"

Yes, we won!
But this is just the beginning, and other troops will continue to attack them on the way they retreat.

When Mahan took over the command ship and led the Anglo-American fleet, which had lost one-third of its strength, to escape from the battlefield, Mahan did not know that another group of killers had already made preparations.

"Okay, guys, now it's up to us!"

In the valley in the center of Trindade Island, there is a wooden platform painted with camouflage paint. A group of pilots are shouting excitedly there. This is an airstrip. Different from ordinary airports, it is made of steel. Made of beams and wooden boards, it is like a double-decker bridge. The top layer is a flight runway 1 kilometer long and 100 meters wide at the widest point, and the lower layer is a hangar. This airport was temporarily constructed - in the "Hampton Raid" Later, faced with the astonishing power of the aircraft, the Navy expanded its naval air force on a large scale and revised its interception plan. 175 aircraft were deployed on the island. Their mission was to wait for the aircraft to carry out aerial interceptions before and after the torpedo attack. hit.

For the Imperial Navy, which closely grasps the pulse of the times, they do not limit naval battles to battles between warships. What is the core of their plan?It is to give full play to every power of the navy to defeat one's enemies.

So whether it is a torpedo boat or an airplane, they all exist for one purpose, that is to defeat the enemy.

The Imperial Navy did not limit naval warfare to ordinary battleships.After all, for the young imperial navy, they have no historical burden.The only thing they need to think about is winning.

It's about defeating the enemy as much as possible!

"Sheng Decai!"


"Li Chengen!"


"Xu Guoen!"


On the side of the runway, the captain of the No. 20 Third Wing of the Naval Air Force personally held the list and called the names of these pilots one by one.Whenever a pilot is called by name, he will step forward and return the salute after the wing captain salutes.Then the officer holding the wine glass put the wine glass in front of the pilot with both hands, and only after receiving the wine did he withdraw from the formation.

"Drink wins!"

Li Chengye, who was holding the wine glass, gave a deep drink.

"Drink wins!"

Everyone raised their glasses at the same time and drank it all together.According to the Chinese tradition, when the dead are about to go to war, they will always drink up their wine cups. Since ancient times, fine wines have always been accompanied by heroes. When everyone raises their wine glasses, the solemn farewell ceremony has reached its climax.

"Everyone has it! Stand at attention!"

The people who put down their wine glasses just stood at attention again.

"Sir, Navy No. 20 Third Regiment has completed preparations for attack, please give instructions!"

"Prepare to attack! Disband."

Following the wing commander's order, after the ceremony, the pilots ran towards their planes talking and laughing without a trace of hesitation or hesitation, even though they had already repeated it again in the previous combat meeting. They still had the right to voluntarily withdraw before the plane took off, and a backup crew member would fill their place, but none of them did.

Even the pilots of the backup crew offered a high price of hundreds of yuan in exchange for the opportunity to attack in their place.

But who would miss such an opportunity?
This is the moment to decide the fate of the country!

The fate of the country is determined in an instant, and if you can participate in it, even if you die... that is willing!

Most of the ground staff at the airport gathered on both sides of the runway at this time, watching them leave.


Following the command, the officers and soldiers standing on both sides of the runway simultaneously saluted the warriors who were about to go on the expedition.

When the No.20 triple team came out, the band played the national anthem.The photographers near the runway took these pilots who saluted their comrades into the camera, and used film to record the last moments before their attack.

They smiled brightly at the lens of the movie camera. At this moment, no one knew that they had already decided to die!

"Sir, goodbye..."

When Li Chengye boarded the plane and sat in his seat, when Li Chengye was about to check the plane's instruments, the ground crew officer on the side looked at him with red eyes. They all knew the decision made by these pilots.

Seeing his appearance, Li Chengye nodded, and then said casually.

"See you at the Martyr's Shrine when the triumphant return arrives!"


Just as the planes took off against the early morning sun, and when the pilots drove the planes to the sea amidst the farewell sounds of the ground crew, Emperor Zhu, who was far away in the Forbidden City in the central capital, had already learned of the first wave. The result of the interception battle.

"Uh, uh, good, good...uh..."

Emperor Zhu Da, who was holding the phone, listened to the report on the other end of the phone and nodded with joy from time to time.

"The officers and men of the torpedo boat unit did a great job! They are indeed the Jing Ke of the Empire. There is nothing better than a small reward. When they return home in triumph, I hope to invite them to the palace for a banquet. Well, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will arrange it. Yes, it’s not just them, there are other meritorious soldiers, I will wash their hands in the palace!”

When he hung up the phone, Emperor Zhu couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. He stared at the chart on the wall, then walked to the wall, looked at the map and said.

"The first attack was successful and 7 battleships were sunk, including Fisher's flagship. In other words, the combined fleet now has 25 battleships left, and it is still very strong! But it doesn't matter..."

While talking to himself, Emperor Zhu picked up a blue pencil and drew a line on the sea chart. This was the route of Mahan's retreat speculated by the navy, and then he drew a line based on Trindade Island. A circle with a radius of 400 kilometers is the combat radius of the "Sea Holly Aircraft". As long as they enter this range, they will definitely not be able to escape the second wave of strikes.

What will be the result of the second wave of strikes?
According to the Navy's calculations, about 20% of the enemy ships can be sunk. After the second wave of attacks, the combined fleet of the United Kingdom and the United States has been severely weakened, and then the main force of the navy will be here...

In the north of Trindade Island, there is a big black "X" point, where the main force of the imperial fleet will intercept and engage in a decisive naval battle with its remaining forces.

"After the X day, it will be the submarine attack. Next, the remaining enemy ships will face the attack of the imperial sea wolf..."

He vigorously drew a circle on the map with a pencil, and a smile appeared on Emperor Zhu's face.

"These three axes, it depends on whether you can hold on..."

At this time, it was 37:[-] in the morning, and the sun had risen.

Under the shining of the rising sun, 170 five aircrafts kept flying at low altitude over the sea.The young pilots searched the sea with their eyes from time to time. They were only 500 meters away from the sea.

This height is neither high nor low.


Once again, Li Chengye asked loudly, and the electromechanical operator in the back seat shouted loudly.

"Sir, they are still on the same course, about 200 kilometers away from us, the encounter point..."

The electromechanical officer's answer made Li Chengye's brows furrowed. What was he afraid of? What was he coming? outside the combat radius.

"What if it's outside the combat radius?"

Once again, the deputy commander's question came to Li Chengye's mind. It was a question raised by the commander at the land base before they entered the base.

"There is no combat radius!"

A young pilot said in a relaxed tone.


"Sir, we don't know what a combat radius is. We've already fought a war. Why are we talking so much? The war... the most important thing is to win. As long as we are allowed to attack, whether it is [-] kilometers or [-] kilometers, for us it's the same!"

Yes, there is no difference!

At [-]:[-] in the morning, to the naval officers and soldiers of the British and American Combined Fleet, they were like injured giant beasts, licking their wounds. The night attack in the early morning had a huge impact on the fleet. It’s unimaginable, but more of a psychological shock.

"How could this be?"

Mahan's mood was extremely bad. As a naval tactical expert, although he had considered the threat of torpedo boats, he never thought that torpedo boats could be used in the open ocean, let alone that torpedo boats could be used alone to carry out night attacks. This is simply...unbelievable.

"Admiral, we lost eight battleships, four aircraft carriers and three armored cruisers..."

While listening to the report, Ma Han frowned, facing heavy losses, he asked.

"Can you confirm that their torpedo boats set off from Trindade Island?"

"Sir, this is just our current speculation. Yesterday, the location where we were attacked was about 200 nautical miles away from Trindade Island. This distance is within the range of torpedo boats."

"What is the distance between us and Trindade Island?"

"300 nautical miles,"

"We need to get out of the dangerous position as soon as possible. After all, we can't suffer such losses again..."

After thinking for a while, Mahan said again.

"On the way back, we will pass through those islands, I mean the islands controlled by the empire, mark them on the chart, and then we must avoid similar attacks as much as possible, and pay attention to the submarines of the empire ..."

Raising the telescope and looking towards the vast sea, Mahan suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

How many murderous intentions are lurking in the sea!

How could the empire have only sent torpedo boats?

The torpedo boat is only their first move, so what's the next step?

While Mahan was doomed to worry about the sea, the lookout on the USS Caldwell, the US destroyer on alert outside the fleet, was also watching the sea. Holding a telescope, he observed the sea surface again and again.

Torpedo boat?

You can't be more successful.

"Hey, man, there's no way they're coming out again..."

Tom on the side said.

"Sneak attack will only happen once, and it will be at night. Now it's daytime, and the weather is still like this..."

Suddenly, Tom froze for a full second or two before speaking.

"Dude, what do you see that is?"

Following the direction of Tom's finger, Jefferson looked through the telescope and shouted.

"Plane, plane found in southwest direction..."

The captain's voice came from the destroyer bridge.

"Sound the alarm immediately!"

The ear-piercing battle alarm sounded on the destroyer "Caldwell". The anti-aircraft gunners who had been sitting near the gun positions on guard ran to the gun positions one after another, operating the 30mm Gatling anti-aircraft guns. Following the command of the gunner, he began to adjust the shooting angle. When the gunner kept adjusting the gun body and tried to aim at the flying planes, the officers on the ship watched the planes through the binoculars, and their serious eyes suddenly relaxed. down.

"It's our plane..."

The new book "I am a foolish king in the Ming Dynasty" has been released. I beg you all to continue to support me!Thank you! ! !A book club group has been created: 739209015. Everyone is welcome to join and discuss the plot of the new book.

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