Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1583 The Great Miracle Day

What is war?

War is to win by all means!
In order to win the war, any method can be used!
Because of this, camouflage is also acceptable. On the battlefield, sometimes soldiers will wear the uniform of the enemy country to perform tasks as needed. Of course, if they are captured, they will be executed as spies.

Now, in order to ensure the success of the plan, the aircraft of the No.20 triple wing as the lead attack are painted with a new camouflage - some of them are painted with British blue, white and red three-color circular marks, and some are painted There is the Great White Star of America.

"Sir, it's our plane, perhaps from the aircraft carrier "Lamley"..."

On the battlefield, a moment's hesitation can be fatal.

In this way, the twelve sea holly planes painted with big white stars almost swaggered through the outer cordon of the fleet. When passing over the destroyer, Xu Jingren even lowered the altitude somewhat ostentatiously. When they scolded because their hats were blown off, Xu Jingren and their comrades had already entered the inner layer of the United Fleet. In front of them was the enemy's battle fleet. They were like naked beauties , naked and waiting for their impact.


The warship directly in front looks exactly like a Dreadnought-class battleship. In fact, the first-generation Dreadnought-class battleships of Britain and the United States were more or less based on the Empire's Dreadnought battleship. After all, the Dreadnought ushered in an era. , which also makes warships from various countries look somewhat similar.

The same four twin twelve-inch turrets, what is the biggest difference?
It has three chimneys!

As he got closer to the U.S. warship, Xu Jingren found that his heart seemed to be shaking because... until now, the enemy still hasn't discovered his existence.

Or, in the eyes of the enemy, they were... American aircraft.

However, even the most perfect camouflage can be exposed at times. When Xu Jingren and the others were still one nautical mile away from the Montana, a sharp-eyed US military officer looked through the binoculars with some doubts, and then said to himself.

"Why did they bring torpedoes?"


"I mean, why do these planes have torpedoes, I remember when they took off, they didn't have torpedoes at all..."

"Son of a bitch, this is not our plane...alert, alert"

Just as another officer shouted as if waking up from a dream, the twelve planes suddenly dispersed, and they scattered in all directions and flew towards the nearest target.

"The Montana, the Montana..."

When Xu Jingren was driving the plane only 600 meters away from the "Montana", suddenly, every anti-aircraft gun on the ship burst into flames.

"They are damn Daming devils!"

The sailors operating the anti-aircraft guns on the ship yelled loudly. They fired at an almost horizontal angle.

"It's now……"

At a distance of 300 meters, Xu Jingren pulled down the torpedo launcher, and the torpedo under the belly of the aircraft was thrown down suddenly. After the torpedo entered the sea, it immediately rushed towards the "Montana".

At this time, the torpedoes were thrown into the sea one by one.The four torpedoes formed a perfect fan over the sea and rushed towards the "Montana", although they continued to use emergency maneuvers to try to avoid the torpedoes.

But after avoiding two, the bow was still hit by a torpedo!
Accompanied by a violent explosion, a sudden sea-air battle broke out again. Just when everyone was attracted by the twelve planes fishing in troubled waters, the outer guard ships didn't even notice that a group of planes rushed from another direction. Here they are, taking advantage of the attention of the United Fleet being attracted, they plunged into the sailing column of the United Fleet.

"Airplane, it's an imperial airplane..."

Amid the shouts of people, Mahan stared at the plane in the sky and asked loudly.

"Where's our plane?"

"Taking off..."

When the voice fell, an unidentified plane was shot down, and those planes that had completed the bombing immediately transformed into fighter jets, fighting with the planes in the sky.

In fact, if the Montana is just like the Intrepid, then there is almost no difference between the Sea Holly and the aircraft of the United Kingdom and the United States, because they themselves are imitated from the Sea Holly.

This is why they can sneak in.

In fact, there are differences. For example, from a tactical perspective, imperial pilots prefer diving attacks at high altitudes, while British and American pilots prefer dogfights.
But right now, this is not important. The important thing is that Hai Dongqing, who swarmed up, launched torpedo attacks on the sailing fleet one after another.

In order to avoid being attacked by torpedoes, the warships of the British and American combined fleets turned sharply and stopped suddenly from time to time.The planes that broke through the defensive circle in the air flew very low.One after the other, they swooped down in turn, the guns were rumbling on the battlefield, the anti-aircraft weapons were firing, and the smoke from the anti-aircraft guns almost completely drowned the warship in the smoke.

Standing on the bridge, Mahan saw two huge columns of white water rising from the ship of the "Glory". After seeing the temporary flagship of the British army suffered heavy damage, Mahan quickly ordered to ask them about the loss.Almost without the other party's answer, he knew the answer—the "Glory" had repeated the mistakes of the Old Man Star—and began to sway to one side, swaying.Its starboard shaft was blown out, and its rudder may have failed.

In an air raid, this means destruction!

"Sir, we have avoided six torpedoes so far." An officer reported to Admiral Mahan at this time, and then added.

"Thank God."

"God can't save us now, only we can save ourselves..."

As the words fell, someone suddenly shouted excitedly.

"My God, the New Mexico was hit, not one, not two torpedoes..."

While people were screaming in horror, the HMS Prince George of the Royal Navy was hit, and planes were shot down continuously, but facing one warship after another being hit by torpedoes, Mahan felt more and more ominous in his heart. It's getting stronger.

From torpedo boats to the current attack aircraft, can the combined fleet continue to support such an attack?
Next, what kind of weapons will the Imperial Navy come up with?
Is it a submarine?Or the main fleet?

If they invest another batch of planes and launch a second wave of attacks, it will be a disaster...

At this moment, Ma Han only felt cold sweat on his forehead.Even cold sweat came out of his back, and at this moment, he heard someone shouting loudly from the bridge.

"Sir, the aircraft cluster was found at 2 o'clock northwest..."

Damn, here we go again!

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