Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1587 New York Under the Gun

Chapter 1587 New York under the guns (second update, please subscribe)

The rise of a powerful country must be the rise of stepping on the bones of another powerful country, and the birth of one overlord must be accompanied by the decline of another overlord.

An almost miraculous "Trindade Sea Battle" completely broke the backbone of the British Empire. Of the 32 battleships in the Anglo-American combined fleet, 7 were sunk by torpedo boats or sunk after heavy damage during the night attack, and 8 were sunk in the The second wave of air raids was sunk by aircraft or sunk after heavy damage. 6 ships were sunk in the artillery battle of the main fleet, 2 ships hoisted the white flag, and the remaining 9 warships were sunk by submarines in the next day. Or it was sunk by a plane, and only two escaped in the end...

This day can be called the "great miracle day" in the history of naval warfare!
And such a big miracle day fundamentally changed everything.Britain without the Royal Navy, is it still Britain?
Facing the disastrous defeat, British Prime Minister Cecil had to announce his resignation. Henry Campbell Bannerman of the Liberal Party was ordered to form a new cabinet. On the day of his inauguration, he announced to the outside world that he would "fully investigate the assassination of Napoleon IV". He also promised that "any British person involved in the assassination, whether directly planning or assisting in concealment, will be severely punished by the law."

After the news was released, everyone knew that the United Kingdom began to prepare for peace talks.

However, how much money is left in the UK for peace talks?
This requires a big question mark. In fact, it is not a question of whether Britain will start peace talks, but whether the Imperial Alliance is willing to conduct peace talks with it.

Once again, diplomats in Europe began to operate in neutral countries, and even the outdated Earl Bismarck, who had resigned a long time ago, also set foot on a cruise ship to the Ming Empire through neutral countries.

Everyone knew that the best option for the Allies was to end the war before losing the last pair of pants.That is to say, when Bismarck went to the Ming Empire in his private capacity, a task force of the Imperial Navy sailed to the north in a mighty way, and the main force of the task force was transferred back from the Pacific Ocean to the "Da Han" And the "Dawei" battleship, in addition to two battleships, there are two aircraft carriers, multiple cruisers and auxiliary ships.

This mighty fleet sailed directly to the north, to the coast of North America.

In New York at the beginning of December, it was the middle of winter, and heavy snow covered the whole city, but what was even colder was people's hearts. Since the battleship "New Jersey" staggered into New York, people here have realized the crisis. The rich left New York in droves.

And in New York City, I don't know how many people are discussing a topic there - when will the Imperial Fleet arrive in New York and bombard the city?
In the early days of the war, New York had been traumatized by the war, but the riot was a "zero dollar purchase" by blacks. After the military and police quelled the riots, thousands of blacks were lynched by whites, and more blacks were forced to Conscription, as for women and children, were evicted from the house by the landlords.

Overnight, the city turned white again, so that many southern newspapers said triumphantly that "until now the Yankees finally understand a truth-those guys need to use whips to survive in civilization".

Although it was a riot, one can imagine the fear of war among the people here - after all, New York is a coastal city, and all the busiest areas of the city are located on the shore.

If an enemy attacked from the sea, the city would surely be destroyed by artillery fire.

The rich can escape, but ordinary people can't.

Although Henry Ford was an engineer of Edison Electric Company, he was still an ordinary person. Even if he knew the threat of war, he could only continue to work in the company. Although Mr. Edison died in an accident, Edison Company is still A well-known electrical company in New York, as an engineer, he has been researching internal combustion engines.

Today seemed to be the same as usual, no difference. Like everyone else in the laboratory, Henry Ford was busy with the work at hand. The war stimulated the development of industry, and it also kept them all busy.

"... More powerful power is the fundamental premise for developing high-performance aircraft..."

Just as Henry Ford was biting his pen and staring at the blueprints where he was studying a new type of aircraft engine, suddenly, an air defense siren sounded from the sky.

At first, he hadn't recovered yet, but in the next second, someone broke in and shouted loudly.

"Quick, everyone enters the air-raid shelter, the empire, the plane of the empire is coming..."

Like everyone else, Henry Ford hurriedly threw away the pencil in his hand and fled outside desperately. The air raid shelter was in Menlo Park. After running out of the park, Henry Ford could see that in the sky in the distance, something seemed to be going on. During the fierce air battle, he even saw a plane being shot down.

Is it American or Daming?

It didn't seem to matter, from here they could already hear the sound of bombs exploding - Imperial planes were bombing New York.

"Where did their planes come from?"

"The sea, it took off from their aircraft carrier..."

"My God, they're finally here..."

Just as people were talking to each other, there was a sound like a siren piercing the sky.

Everyone seemed a little confused. After all, they had never had any experience on the battlefield. Just when they were wondering, suddenly, there was a violent explosion in the distance. In the violent explosion, the earth seemed to be shaking. With.

"My God, it must be an Empire-class battleship bombarding New York..."

The Empire class is what Britain, the United States and other countries call the Dynasty class. It has always been a destructive existence in people's minds. Especially after the "Battle of Trindade", when faced with a devastating blow, almost everyone regarded the United Fleet as The defeat was attributed to the power of the Imperial-class battleships.Some even claim that it can sink an ordinary dreadnought with one shot.

For this, military experts will definitely not believe it, but for ordinary people who have suffered failures, this is the root cause to explain everything, and because of this, in the hearts of Americans... the imperial level is ruining the sky Existence of extinction.

And now, here they are, in New York.


At this time, there was another thrilling whistling sound in the air, and in the next moment, an earthquake-like explosion accompanied by a loud noise came over.

"My God, look, that building, that building was hit, my God it just fell down..."

(End of this chapter)

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