Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1588 The Road to Destruction

"Before Christmas Eve, at [-]:[-] in the morning, I was awakened from the room by a violent shaking. At this time, the room was shaking and the glass windows were rattling. What's wrong? Could it be that there was an earthquake?
Obviously, this is impossible; after all, there has never been an earthquake in the New York area.

But in the next second, with the rumble of cannons, I understood that this was not an earthquake, it was shelling!

Finally, what people had been worried about happened.

Maybe that's why Imperator-class battleships have been popping up in newspapers lately, so I remembered that I have a pair of binoculars.

When the bombardment was in progress, I ran out after finding the binoculars. Then, I looked out to sea through the binoculars, and two behemoths rushed into my eyes. I could clearly see two behemoths—they were from the Imperial Navy. Pride, and the most powerful warship in the world - the Imperial class.It played a decisive role in the recent "Trindade Sea Battle".

At this time they were shelling New York within three miles of my room.At this time, the beach was full of people, and all of them looked at the giant ship on the sea with tears of grief and indignation. The eight huge 3-inch artillery on the warship was daunting.

I saw Officer David standing there. He was a veteran of the Civil War. Like everyone else, he was looking at the Imperial fleet on the sea with tears in his eyes.

Why did the imperial fleet appear here?
Because American sea power no longer exists!

At this time, they were in a battle formation, and their guns were all pointing at nearly ten miles away, which was the direction of New York.

Suddenly, a cloud of black smoke was seen coming out of the barrel of one of the battleship's artillery, and in a blink of an eye, a large piece of fiery red burst out of the black smoke cloud.More than ten seconds later, there was a loud "boom", and the ground shook again, and then I could clearly feel a strong air wave blowing towards my face, making people's clothes rattle, Some women in long skirts were even knocked to the ground by the airflow.

The shock wave generated when the artillery is fired can actually have such a great impact on us several miles away. The power of its 15-inch cannon is evident. It is no wonder that our fleet will fail. Such a force is not something humans can resist. of.

During the bombardment of the Imperial Navy, New York's coastal defense batteries fought back bravely. Although they were brave, their guns had too short range and poor performance to make any impact on them. An attempt was made to launch an attack on the fleet, but it was shot down by a plane taking off from an Imperial aircraft carrier without causing any damage to the fleet.

…Then, the bombardment of New York by the Imperial Navy fleet lasted for a full hour.

Prior to this, almost all newspapers had mentioned that the 15-inch guns of the Imperial-class battleships were so powerful that they could be said to hit a hundred shots, and it could sink a battleship with one shot.

So, what is the actual effect?

After the bombardment, when the imperial fleet swaggered away, even though it was across the sea, black clouds of smoke could still be seen rising from New York. As a doctor, I arrived in New York by boat under the driving of responsibility. After the ship entered New York, I found that there was no place to disembark—the port was destroyed, and all I could see was smoke and flames. Maybe this is hell.

Then I saw the Statue of Liberty - the statue that symbolizes our friendship with the French, has been completely destroyed, and only the frame of the majestic statue is left. on the ground.

Many places in the city were burning with flames. When the ship passed the Statue of Liberty, I found a large crater near the Statue of Liberty, which was as big as a tennis court. I knew without asking that it must have been the explosion of a 15-inch artillery shell. Caused.

Looking at the fallen Statue of Liberty, I couldn't help but have a thought in my heart—maybe, America is coming to an end, maybe this is the future of America..."

The New York Times - The Statue of Liberty Collapsed!

When the "Battle of Trindade" was over, almost everyone thought that the British Empire was over!

After all, the honor and pride of the British Empire is achieved by the Royal Navy.

The fall of the Royal Navy meant...the end of the British Empire.

But to everyone's surprise, the first to end was not the British Empire, but... the United States.

The day before Christmas Eve, after the near-devastating bombardment of New York, followed by the bombardment of multiple cities, the governor and state legislators of Rhode Island, a coastal state, faced the Imperial Navy's assault on the coast. , finally made a decision that violated the ancestors-expressed through public channels that Rhode Island refused to intervene in the war between the Federation and the Empire. For the benefit of the citizens of this state, they will withdraw from the war and will recall the national guards of the state to fight in the west team, remain neutral.

"The blood of Rhode Islanders will not be shed for the politicians in Washington!"

This news not only shocked the United States, but also shocked the empire. When receiving the report from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Emperor Zhu was stunned for a long time before speaking.

“America is divided?”

"Your Majesty, it is just a Rhode Island, but our preliminary analysis is that Rhode Island's declaration may be the first domino to fall. We must prepare for the division of the United States."

"It needs to be prepared!"

Emperor Zhu said directly.

"Immediately tell the Rhode Island government through diplomatic channels that we welcome their neutrality and are willing to build deeper ties with Rhode Island..."

After thinking about it, Emperor Zhu said again.

"Also, communicate with the military to see how many prisoners from Rhode Island are in the prisoner-of-war camp. You can negotiate with them through the Red Cross to release the prisoners of war."

What is fueling?

This is fueling the flames!
Although the division of the United States has been planned for a long time, according to the plan, the division should have started at the negotiating table, but who would have thought that the United States... would fall into division so easily.There is actually a state that voluntarily withdraws from the war.

Withdrawing from the war, maintaining neutrality, and withdrawing the army-although all these are still a little far from independence, but if you add fuel to the flames, it is not impossible to achieve what you want.

"Your Majesty, what is a deeper connection?"

"It is to establish diplomatic relations!"

Emperor Zhu said directly.

"Tell the Rhode Island authorities that in the next negotiations, we will ask the United States to pay no less than 20 billion US dollars in war reparations, and this reparation will definitely be distributed to the states, and it will definitely be theirs. Burden, I think they'll respond accordingly!"

Yes, Rhode Islanders will definitely respond accordingly. After all, they were united for their own interests, and they will also be divided because of their interests. After all, the United States... is not a country with a main nation, and they have neither A common history, and no common nation, at most it is only a common value, the so-called it worth the compensation of 20 US dollars per capita?

Perhaps in the eyes of some politicians, the United States is worth $20 per capita in compensation, but what about ordinary people?Are they willing to pay the money?

Ordinary people are realistic, and no ordinary person would want to carry such a heavy burden, especially in this day and age—$20, which is equivalent to two months' income of many ordinary Americans.

They will definitely make a rational choice. What is this choice?It's nothing more than - quit the American club.

"Thank God, the United States is an elected country. In order not to pay reparations, those people will definitely elect those congressmen who do not want to be independent..."

As New Year's Day is approaching, Emperor Zhu Da took a rare moment to express his gratitude to God and the American political system. After all, the United States has since been destroyed...

The new book "I am a foolish king in the Ming Dynasty" has been released. I beg you all to continue to support me!Thank you! ! !A book club group has been created: 739209015. Everyone is welcome to join and discuss the plot of the new book.

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