Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 1627 The Embankment

"Your surname is Zhu, are you..."

The old man stared at the guy next to him, just staring at him, as if he was looking for something, but in the end he shook his head and said.

"Impossible, the royal family does not...could it be said..."

Seeing his frowning and thoughtful look, Zhu Xianhai didn't want him to get stuck in, but said directly.

"No need to guess. Although my surname is Zhu, I am the son of a commoner, not the son of a dragon or a phoenix grandson."

"Then how do you know..."

"What a look!"

Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"Some things can be concealed, but appearance cannot be concealed, don't you think so, Mr. L?"

"As expected of the Faceless One."

The old man looked at him thoughtfully,
"To be honest, until now I still can't believe that Shizu actually made such a secret move. However, Shizu has farsightedness and brilliance, which is beyond our ability to guess, but..."

Staring at Zhu Xianhai, the old man said.

"We have been helping you these days, what about you? Since it is cooperation, there must be some sincerity."

Facing the old man's request, Zhu Xianhai took out a piece of paper and handed it to the old man.

After taking the note, the old man took a look and his expression changed.

"He, how come?"

The reason why he was so surprised was entirely because this man was so familiar. He was the president of the Imperial Conservative Party. In other words... he was a supporter of the royal family.

Who would have thought that the name that popped up would be that of a guy like this.

"Why not?"

Zhu Xianhai said.

"The most fascinating thing in the world is power. Power always makes people lose their way, especially in the process of chasing power, many people will lose their nature..."

While talking, Zhu Xianhai kept looking at the lake. This may be some kind of realistic helplessness.

"From the beginning when he became the district attorney, he was bound to pursue a higher position and more power. At that time, he may have wanted to play a greater role in a higher position, but in order to achieve his wish, he It may lead to another path. Desire can make people look far ahead, and it can also make people lose themselves. When he loses himself, he can do whatever it takes to gain higher power!"

Turning to look at "Mr. L", Zhu Xianhai said quietly.

"Even at the risk of destroying the entire empire!"

"Destroy the entire empire?"

Mr. L was stunned for a moment, and then said, "I can see the crisis, but it shouldn't have reached this point!"

The reason why he said this was because in his opinion, the current crisis did not reach the point of destroying the empire. In his opinion, there were just some careerists who ambitiously wanted to change the traditions of the empire.

"A thousand-mile embankment collapses in the mosquito waters. If he succeeds, the empire will be on the verge of splitting in as little as 50 years or as slowly as a hundred years."

Zhu Xianhai said directly.

"Look at what many counselors have done to win over people's hearts. Ten years ago, someone proposed that based on the principle of fairness, the nationality law should be changed to the principle of place of birth. If this bill is implemented, millions of people born in the Ming Dynasty will illegal immigrants will become legal citizens, and they will become supporters of those counselors. In order to gain their support, the counselors will also propose bills that are beneficial to them. Also, those so-called minorities, They are also fighting for it. The so-called "affirmative action" has been mentioned every year in recent years. It seems to be equalizing rights, but in fact it is causing chaos in the country..."

The reason why Zhu Xianhai said this is because in another world, he clearly saw the chaos in some countries - black people and minority groups used so-called "fairness" to demand privileges, and even frequently attacked people on the grounds of discrimination. others.Fairness has long since become a joke.

"In order to win the support of certain people, law and power have become tools of trade in the hands of those people. In the end, they will have no bottom or bottom limit. At the beginning, no one thinks there is anything, but when the so-called When "fairness" becomes ZZZQ, the empire will inevitably move into the chaos of identity division, which may even lead to the split of the empire."

Seeing that "Mr. L" did not speak, Zhu Xianhai said.

"You don't understand, but some people do. The people behind you know..."

Who is behind him?

Of course he is the emperor of the empire. The emperor must know. After all, Emperor Zhu left a secret family motto, telling them clearly what might happen in the future world and what they should do their best to avoid. .

Therefore, the Empire maintains a state of crackdown on many minority groups. When he was in Mexico, he had seen the news. Many years ago, someone forcibly intercepted a truck transporting meat dogs and released the meat dogs. Not only the interceptor was arrested by the police , and was prosecuted by the local prosecutor for endangering public transportation safety and violent robbery. Even the planners and sponsors - the so-called donors - were prosecuted as participants in the robbery.Since then, dog lovers have still loved their dogs, and dog meat restaurants have continued their business.

The laws of the Zhuxia Empire are always laws, and legal issues belong to the law.It has always been so simple, it can even be said to be extreme. Sometimes, extremes can only be used to deal with extremes.

"We stand together today to prevent this from happening."

After saying that, Zhu Xianhai pointed to the note in his hand.

"He is our target, and Umbrella Company is his white glove. He provides protection for Umbrella Company while obtaining a large number of official orders for it, and Umbrella Company provides him with financial support. The cooperation between them , started 15 years ago, when he was still a prosecutor and he personally suppressed the investigation of the umbrella company..."

When the prosecutor was mentioned, Zhu Xianhai suddenly felt helpless. Originally, the prosecutor was his first line of defense, or the east factory within the emperor's factory, so he gave them enough power.But who would have thought that one day this Dongchang would turn against its owner.

Looking at the note in his hand, Mr. L did not speak because the information he received was too big. However, what really made him uneasy was... when did this kid get this information.

This intelligence was never mentioned in Mabond's previous report. Even their previous plan was to follow the clues of the Umbrella Company to investigate and then dig out the mastermind behind the scenes.

But now?
This guy took out this note as soon as he got off the plane. The amount of information was really huge!
What's big is not the name on the note, but when and through what channel this kid got the note. After all, he has been under the investigation bureau's sight since he got on the plane.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Mr. L asked.

"Now that we have found out who is behind the scenes, the next thing could not be simpler. It is nothing more than to focus on searching for evidence, find out the people involved, and then completely eliminate those people while minimizing the number of people involved. The harm they bring.”

After thinking about it, Zhu Xianhai said again.

"They must be an organization. This organization may have become parasitic in the political system of the empire. We must completely remove the carrion, don't you think so?"

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