Chapter 1628 The mystery appears (first update, please subscribe)
The convoy was driving along Zhuque Avenue at high speed. They were all black full-size BMW off-road vehicles. Without asking, you knew that the convoy must be a government convoy, and the people in the car must be high-ranking government officials.

On Zhuque Avenue, such a convoy is quite common. The convoy usually consists of three cars. The two cars in the front and rear are security personnel and the middle car is a car for VIPs. However, this convoy is composed of four cars. It is obviously for the fans. Array.

The important people may be in car No. 2 or car No. 3.

However, today he is sitting in car No. 4. As the head of the Imperial Bureau of Investigation, Mr. L has adhered to a principle for many years - not to stay in the same car twice, and the same goes for the team rankings.

Safety first.

As the motorcade drove towards the palace, he flipped through a piece of intelligence in his hand. This was the agent information of the Investigation Bureau - they were all agents who had come into contact with that kid. Why should they be investigated?
There was no way. The strength that the boy showed was beyond his expectation. He was able to obtain new information under strict guard. Even the agents that the boy came into contact with were his most trusted ones. After all, not Anyone knows where he lives.

For years he had been confident of his control, and now for the first time, he doubted it.

"The Faceless..."

Staring at the information in his hands, the old man only had one thought in his mind - who among them is the Faceless One?
Half an hour later, as the convoy slowed down, the old man knew that the convoy had entered the palace. Unlike ordinary convoys that parked in the parking lot, his convoy drove directly into the underground parking lot, where there was a dedicated entrance leading to the palace. aisle.

Soon, he saw the emperor again. As before, after saluting, he was pulled by the emperor to play chess. Most members of the royal family like to play chess, Go and chess, which are traditional royal entertainments.

They were playing chess and talking about business, and soon they started chatting.

"People often say that the Ming Dynasty started with a game of chess..."

While playing chess, Emperor Qian Sheng once again talked about the origin of the empire.

"The merchant ship Shizu was traveling on was shipwrecked. Although Shizu was lucky enough to be saved by a passing ship, when he arrived in Buenos Aires, the penniless Shizu only had a box of chess, which was left by Emperor Zhaozong. 200 The inheritance in the family has never been lost during the years. Due to the pressure of making a living, Shizu had to sell the chess pieces, but he never got to know Mrs. Jing..."

These old stories told by the emperor are the most popular stories in the Ming Dynasty, and have even been made into movies many times. The story of the encounter with the Bellucci sisters is even called a classic love story.Of course, Shizu was a romantic emperor who had numerous relationships throughout his life. Even the Queen of France and the Queen of Austria-Hungary were rumored to be his lovers.

But it is just a rumor, but the early experience of Shizu's disaster is indeed a legend. The royal family has never made any secret of it. Legends are legends.

Finally, the emperor said with regret.

"It's a pity that the box of chess was not passed down. Otherwise, there would be one more treasure in the empire's collection."

"It is said that chess pieces are made of dragon bones. If it could be handed down from generation to generation, we might be able to know what is unique about the dragon bones today."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, Emperor Qian Sheng said with a smile.

"A bunch of local grandsons, what kind of dragons are there in this world? It's just Emperor Shizu who made up a good story in order to sell it at a good price. Shizu..."

After a pause, he said again.

"He is a very good storyteller!"

After saying that, Emperor Qian Sheng looked at the old man and said no more.

"Your Majesty, you mean that "The Faceless Men" is just a story?"

The old man frowned and said.

"The story is easy to tell but difficult to complete. That boy does have an intelligence source that I can't figure out. The agents of the Investigation Bureau have been keeping an eye on him, but he can still get a steady stream of information. There is a lot of information. In my opinion, there is even some information. Unbelievable, like, like..."

"It's like he can see through the future!" Emperor Qian Sheng narrowed his eyes and stared at the chess pieces on the chessboard. The chess pieces were made of ivory, just ivory.

“Can anyone in this world predict the future?”

The emperor's rhetorical question made Mr. L stunned for a while, and then he said.

"With sufficient intelligence, anyone can predict the future."

"That's true. It seems that you have a deep taboo against "faceless men"."

The emperor's question made Mr. L silent for a moment, and he made a chess piece.
"What I am taboo about is not the "faceless men", but the institutions that are not controlled by the empire. If this institution is really that powerful, if it falls into the hands of ambitious people, it will definitely endanger the empire, just like Xu Zili. "

Xu Zili, the president of the Conservative Party, a counselor highly respected by the emperor, and a die-hard supporter of the royal family.

"Who would have thought that he was actually the mastermind behind this?"

Emperor Qiansheng smiled bitterly.

"Now, I finally understand why Emperor Shizu made a decree when establishing the Imperial Council. Councilors are not allowed to hold actual government positions. In order to gain power, they will indeed please others at any cost. Power... Why."

"He is already the dean of the Council, what else does he want?"

Mr. L's words filled Qian Sheng's heart with mixed emotions.

"What he wants is the position of Prime Minister, holding the power from left to right, and controlling the Council and the Executive Yuan. This is his goal. Just like England, the monarch is a virtual monarch, and the power belongs to the cabinet."

The United Kingdom has long been divided. After the defeat of the United Kingdom, an anti-British uprising broke out in Ireland, and then it gained independence. 40 years ago, Scotland became independent, leaving only England in the so-called "Great Britain", but even so, England still maintains their tradition of.Even these traditions are actually envied by some people. Of course, what they envy is certain powers.

"If Shizu hadn't set the ancestral precepts long ago, I'm afraid he would have already fulfilled his wish. Only now do we, the unfilial descendants, understand Shizu's painstaking efforts."

The reason why he said this was because he did have the idea of ​​asking him to resign and then become prime minister, but he failed to do so because he could not bypass the ancestral precepts of King Sejo.

However, who would have thought that that guy has been eyeing that position and even plotted to "zB".

"The ancestor's vision is beyond our comparison."

Mr. L said.

"However, now that his ambition has been exposed, as long as he urgently reverses it, it will not damage the foundation of the empire."

"It's not him that's exposed, but the empire's weakness."

Emperor Qian Sheng said,

"If you can turn my Dongchang into his, and then let the empire's prosecutorial system use it, this is my pet peeve!"

At this moment, the news coming from the TV nearby attracted their attention.

(End of this chapter)

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