Chapter 1629: Revisiting the old place (second update, please subscribe)

"...Xu Zili, the Imperial Counselor, said that the stock market crash was extremely harmful. It not only caused the imperial stock market to fall into crisis, but also caused damage to the property of tens of millions of investors. Before the stock market crash, a large number of Internet companies were squandering, causing investors' interests to suffer. , therefore it has been recommended to set up a special committee to investigate the matter..."

At this time, there was only the sound of news in the room, and both of them were watching TV quietly. Although they knew that Xu Zili was planning this an hour ago, they were still a little surprised when it actually happened.

What was surprising was not the news itself, but the fact that the "Faceless Men" could learn this information one day in advance.

"It seems that the "Faceless Ones" have indeed penetrated very widely!"

Glancing at Mr. L, Qian Sheng said.

"In this regard, you are not as good as them."

"Your Majesty, it is a rule set by Shizu that the Investigation Bureau does not involve itself in internal affairs."

"The Security Bureau is just catching spies. What that guy is doing, at the most serious level, is ZB, but at the most minor level, it's nothing more than chasing more power. It's part of the empire's power field. It's intrigues and power struggles. Things like this happen every day in Zhongdu..."

Shaking his head and sighing, Qian Sheng said.

"Now, I understand Shizu's painstaking efforts. What Shizu understands best is human nature! Human achievement comes from dissatisfaction, and so does human desire. When desire is greater than reason, people will always go astray."

"Times will change, but people's hearts will not."

L nodded.

"That's why Shizu left one eye, but this eye must be used by His Majesty. After all, he can be an eye or a sword. The sword can hurt others as well as yourself."

Nodding, Qian Sheng said.

"I know, you should keep an eye on this matter first. I can rest assured that you are keeping an eye on it, but..."

The emperor thought for a while and added.

"From the performance of this incident, although it is not ZB, it does not have the name of ZB, but it has the reality of ZB. It intends to subvert the imperial government. If this incident is exposed, it will definitely be a scandal that shocks the world. The empire... …”

Pursing his lips, Qian Sheng glanced at the chess pieces on the chessboard. He was the chess player, and those people were always just chess pieces.

"The empire does not need such a scandal. If it is found out, we will find an opportunity to deal with him directly."

His voice was cold and devoid of any emotion. The reason why he made such a decision couldn't be simpler. The world's order is maintained by the empire. Such a scandal damages the prestige of the empire. This is impossible to accept, even if It is to tell the outside world, that is, to communicate with each other among several emperors.

L was not surprised by His Majesty's decision. An emperor can be merciful, but he must also be ruthless. "I understand, but I'm afraid there are many people involved in this matter."

"If it involves the core, it will be dealt with together. If it is not deeply involved... politicians, there will always be scandals!"

"I understand."

"The most important thing is that I want to take back Dongchang. The knife must still be held in my own hands."

Although Qian Sheng's words were not loud, L could imagine that in the coming days, the imperial political arena would definitely face a drastic change.

L didn't know what kind of impact this drastic change would have on the imperial political arena, but what was certain was that this was just the beginning.


At the same time, Zhu Xianhai finally returned to his loyal Zhongdu. When Li Jielin and others opened an office in Zhongdu, he had already begun to visit this long-lost city.

However, what is different from usual is that he did not bring his own security team, but like many foreign tourists, he boarded a tour bus.

As for safety issues, he is not worried. With the Bureau of Investigation behind him, there will be no problems with safety.

"...On the inner side of the drum-holding stone lion of "Yongding Gate", four war-themed reliefs of "Foundation Laying", "Expedition", "Victory" and "Conquer" are engraved. On the outer side, there are engraved sacrifices for the empire. Warrior name.”

When the car passed through the "Yongding Gate", the female tour guide dutifully explained the gate and the story behind it.Tourists all crane their necks to see every word of the 1306 million names.These tourists come from all over the world, both Chinese and Europeans. They carry cameras of various brands around their necks. Many of them should be from the north of the empire. Many of them wear northern-style cowboys. Of course, many of them come from African colonies. They may be farmers or citizens. Some of them look no different from Chinese people, but their slightly curly hair seems to reveal their ancestry. After all, there are millions of people. Japanese people intermarried with local indigenous people. Although the indigenous genes have been greatly diluted through several generations of mutual integration, African sports talents have doubled over the years.

Every year, many people come to Zhongdu for tourism, not only because this is the central capital of the empire, but also because the promotional brochures of Zhongdu’s tourism department promote Zhongdu as a fairyland on earth: blue sky, sea of ​​flowers, body and soul. People in costumes, clean streets, sumptuous food, golden girls presenting gifts in front of the Forbidden City... although this beautiful scene is actually ordinary.

But this is Zhongdu after all, and there are many distinctive places, such as Yongding Gate and the drum-holding stone lions inscribed with the names of martyrs.

"On this special monument, everyone is fair. Whether they are generals or soldiers, they all have only one identity: heroes of the empire. Their surnames are arranged in strokes, regardless of military rank. This demonstrates the basic principles of the empire—— fair!"

During the tour guide's introduction, many people turned their attention to the list of the dead. Maybe there was the name of their great-grandfather and maternal great-grandfather somewhere on it. The female tour guide took the opportunity to take out a handkerchief and wiped her eyes, maybe after entering. It was gray, maybe one of the names above touched her.

The female tour guide didn't notice that anyone was paying attention to her with interest. She was a woman with a lot of stories, but she was also a thoughtful and beautiful woman. She was wearing the blue-gray uniform of the imperial tour guide and looked a little lazy. On the windshield, her appearance showed obvious traces of mixed race, possibly a generation of mixed race.

In fact, Zhu Xianhai was just admiring it. After all, the wedding ring on the woman's finger reminded him that she was a married woman.The female tour guide seemed to notice that someone was looking at her. She looked in the direction of his gaze. When she saw Zhu Xianhai, she smiled sweetly at him.

The woman's smile made Zhu Xianhai's heart flutter. He had to say that there was a thief living in every man's heart, even him was no exception.Soon, he picked up his phone and sent a text message.

(End of this chapter)

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