Chapter 195 Distant Friendship and Close Attack (Second update, please subscribe)
The deviation of history, sometimes, always exceeds people's imagination.

At midnight on June 1862, 6, a bright light shone through the windows on the second floor of the Nanhua Government Affairs Building.In the lighted room, Nanhua and Russian diplomats worked all night to develop a historical document called the "Transfer of Alaska Treaty".

At four o'clock the next morning, the Russian envoy Count Bruno and the American Company formally signed the treaty.Alaska and the Aleutian Islands officially became the exclusive domain of the American Company.

The significance of this treaty to the American Company is extraordinary. The company officially owns the territory of the Arctic region and also has a new hunting ground.

One and a half months later, Nanhua's Suzaku flag was raised for the first time on the territory of Alaska.

No one knew what it meant, and even when Washington got the news, the politicians didn't react at all, they just said to themselves - as long as the Russians get out of there.

For the politicians in Washington, they do not want the forces of the Old World to go deep into the Americas, but they are powerless to stop the countries of the Old World.Although they say "America is the Americas of the Americans", they are not the same, and their strength cannot support their ambitions. To put it bluntly, South America is now Britain's backyard.

As for the United States, we have to wait another few decades.

For the whole world, the signing of the "Transfer of Alaska Treaty" does not seem to have any impact. The only impact is that the stock of the Atlantic Telegraph Company has fallen. After all, Alaska is a place of ice and snow. What is the use of buying it? ?

However, this does not prevent the American Company from becoming a "super company" with a large territory like the Northwest Company and Hudson's Bay Company overnight.But, of course, the land they own is the same, and they are all ice fields of ice and snow.

But, fortunately, the American company also has Nanhua, and the Pampas prairie...

In January 1863, the railway from Nanhua to Neuquén was officially opened to traffic. Although it was only partially opened to traffic, it was still more than two months ahead of the original plan.

Zhu Xianhai took Elizabeth, Maria, Marina and Monica to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the opening of the first train at the Central Railway Station with great interest.With the opening of the railway, Nanhua really extended its tentacles deep into the hinterland of the Pampas grassland for the first time. For Nanhua, it is extremely important to expand inland, and with the increase of population, the corresponding Pampas grassland is become more prominent.

Hearing the sound of the carriages colliding when the wheels pressed against the joints of the steel rails and swayed, Zhu Xianhai looked a little excited.

"Boom, boom..."

This familiar sound and swaying brought Zhu Xianhai back to his own memory, the memory of traveling on a green leather car when he was in college. Of course, this steam locomotive is far from comparable to the green leather car of the 21st century, even in terms of speed. It is only about 30 kilometers, but even so, the emergence of the railway will still fundamentally change Nanhua.

While Zhu Xianhai was immersed in some kind of memory, Zuo Zongtang looked curiously at the passing land.After a while, he asked.

"My lord really plans to overturn this railway and repair it to Linhai?"

After coming to Nanhua for half a year, Zuo Zongtang not only knows Nanhua well, but also has a certain understanding of South America and the world, and even started to improve his English.

"If the railway hadn't been built over the Andes Mountains, Nanhua would not be in order. The Pacific Railway has been connected..."

Pointing out the window, Zhu Xianhai said with a smile.

"Not only has Nanhua become a tidy place, but in the future immigrants can also go ashore directly from Linhai, take a train to cross the Andes, enter the Pampas grassland, enter farms, mines, and factories along the route."

This railway line was obtained by Zhu Xianhai from the simulator. As the most important trunk railway in Nanhua, it not only connects the inland and the sea, but also has many mineral resources along the way, not only coal mines, but also oil fields. During the transformation, a number of new cities and factories will be built along the way, and these inland factories are almost equivalent to Nanhua's "third-line project". This is a long-term preparation process.

There is no way, even if the current population exceeds [-], and if it continues at this rate, it will definitely be no problem for the population to exceed [-] million in fifteen years, Zhu Xianhai does not dare to take risks.

After all, in this world surrounded by tigers and wolves, if one is not careful, let alone gaining a foothold in South America, I am afraid that two million compatriots will fall under the rule of others in the future.

Prepare for battle, never relax!
"In the future, we will follow the railway, like spreading sesame seeds, and disperse immigrants from China on the vast land from Pampas to Patagonia. There are minerals in Patagonia, which are suitable for setting up factories and mines. Pampas is suitable for land reclamation, livestock, and agricultural development, while Nanhua is just in the center, with agriculture in the north and industry in the south..."

For the future of Nanhua, Zhu Xianhai has an overall plan, but this plan needs time, and everything takes time.

The question is, does Nam Hwa have that much time?
Staring into the distance, Zhu Xianhai also had no answer in his heart.He's done a number of short-term simulations over the past period, and they've all turned out well.

But what about the real layout of the future?
Seeing that the lord was lost in thought, Zuo Zongtang asked tentatively.

"The lord is still worried about the problems in the north?"

The so-called "north" is not just Argentina, but also Chile, and even the whole of South America, as well as the United Kingdom and the United States.


Nodding slightly, Zhu Xianhai said.

"In this world of great contention, all countries have only two choices. If they want to be tigers and wolves, or they are the prey of tigers and wolves. If they want to avoid becoming the prey of tigers and wolves, they must turn themselves into tigers and wolves. But he is extremely weak, how can he use his weak body to resist tigers and wolves?"

Zhu Xianhai frowned.

"This needs to be solved by using strategic layout and diplomacy. Some people say that weak countries have no diplomacy, but many people don't know that weak countries need diplomacy even more!"

Looking at Zuo Zongtang, Zhu Xianhai said.

"Because we need to use diplomacy to break the deadlock, and through diplomatic planning, we will weaken our enemies and buy time to develop ourselves."

"My lord is talking about long-distance friendship and short-distance attack!"

Zuo Zongtang thought for a while, and thought of the decision made by the lord recently, he said.

"This is why my lord sent people to Paraguay, hoping to establish diplomatic relations with Paraguay. Is it to use the hand of Paraguay's new dictator, Francisco Lopez, to contain Argentina?"

(End of this chapter)

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