Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 196 Treaty of Tang Poetry, Song Ci and Qing Dynasty

Chapter 196 Treaty of Tang Poetry, Song Ci and Qing Dynasty (third update, please subscribe)
Contain Argentina with Francisco Lopez!

It's more than just containing Argentina, including Brazil.

In South America, at least east of the Andes, the only real powers are Brazil and Argentina, and the rest are just foils.

Nanhua wants to gain a foothold and develop here, and sooner or later it will conflict with them.In this case, it is of course beneficial to one's own development to properly use some contradictions to contain them.

"When playing chess, no matter how small the chess piece is, it will always be useful. The only question is how effective the chess piece can be!"

Let Zuo Zongtang nod and say the words of the lord.

"My lord, although Paraguay is not as powerful as Argentina, it is called the "Prussia" of South America by the world. Even Argentina and Brazil are afraid of him. If we can form an alliance with him, we should be able to contain Argentina. Especially last year Francisco Lopez inherited the dictatorship. After the dictatorship, he changed the flexible foreign policy of the old Lopez, and I thought that he would definitely have conflicts with Argentina in the future."

Zuo Zongtang's analysis made Zhu Xianhai nodded in relief. They may have never heard of South America in the past, but now they have been working hard to change themselves. Through various channels, they understand the situation of South American countries and While studying the political situation, study diplomacy to adapt to changes in the world.

In fact, there is nothing complicated about diplomacy. The key is to understand the other party. Only with the most basic understanding can we make corresponding judgments based on the situation.

Just like the judgment made by Zuo Zongtang now!Without the corresponding understanding, he simply doesn't know what kind of judgment he should make.

"This also means that we can use Paraguay's hand to contain Argentina."


Zhu Xianhai who knows the history, how could he not know that that guy is definitely a good head iron. In 1853, Lopez was sent by his father to purchase arms in Europe. "Martial Arts" was completely lost, and since then he has been inspired to be the "Napoleon III" of South America.I really don’t understand this buddy, who is known as the “Prussia” of South America. He is not obsessed with Frederick the Great, but Napoleon III, the three-legged cat. However, Lopez was very lucky and had no chance to see his idol later replaced by Prussia. The ugly face of fat beating.

and then?
After succeeding to the throne last year, he began to want to imitate Nasan in South America. He wanted to achieve great things, but his strength was not enough. In the end, he was beaten and almost perished.

However, for Zhu Xianhai, it doesn't matter whether Paraguay is extinct or not. The important thing is that he needs the war next year.It is necessary for that war to contain the attention of Argentina, Brazil and other countries and consume their strength. Only in this way can the balance of strength between the two sides be fundamentally changed.

"But forming an alliance, there is no need for that at the moment..."

Shaking his head, Zhu Xianhai said.

"For the time being, we are just sending an envoy to visit Paraguay first, just to establish contact first. That big dictator, the dictator is an arrogant lord, and he must look down on us right now. The layout is not afraid of being slow... "

Then he looked at Zuo Zongtang and said.

"Now you seem to have some understanding of the political situation in South American countries. How about it? Do you want to be a staff traveler?"

"A staff trip?"

Zuo Zongtang was puzzled.

"Yes, but instead of going to Chile or Argentina, go to Europe, to England, France, and Prussia. Go to these countries and learn about the local customs and political situation. After all, the world is a chessboard, and small countries in this The chessboard is full of pieces that can be manipulated by others, and the real chess player is still a big country in Europe, I hope you can visit Europe, by the way, how about meeting our overseas students in Europe, are you interested?"

Go visit Europe!
Zuo Zongtang was stunned for a while, then immediately agreed.

"It's what I want."

In fact, after witnessing the modern industrial civilization in Nanhua, Zuo Zongtang was also full of curiosity about Europe. He always wanted to visit Europe to see the customs and customs of the European countries.

For Zhu Xianhai, he hopes that Zuo Zongtang and his party can realize that only by humbly learning from the West can a country be truly powerful through the investigation of European countries.Just like the Japanese Iwakura mission in history, it devoted all its energy to field investigations of politics, economy, military affairs, culture and education in Western countries.Read and understand the "knack" of the weak and the strong in international politics.

When did the fate of China and Japan diverge?
It was from the Meiji Restoration, when Japan chose to "seek knowledge from the world" and sent the Iwakura Mission to conduct in-depth inspections of European and American countries, and was really pulled away. At that time, what were the Manchus doing?
They are still obsessed with the dream of "the kingdom of heaven", not to mention "Chinese learning is the body, and Western learning is the application". They don't even know why the Western countries are strong, but they just keep signing treaties with others. Not to mention signing unequal treaties with European powers, all South American countries have signed unequal treaties, even Nepal, which is separated by the Himalayas. Just this can ride on my Daqing's neck and shit.The same unequal treaty was signed with others, and it was a few years ago-in 1856, the Qing Dynasty and Nepal signed an unequal treaty-"Tibet-Nepal Treaty", Nepal obtained extraterritorial rights and commercial privileges, and received a certain amount of old coins every year .

Several decades later, in 1891, Nepal continued to obtain various privileges such as the right to garrison troops in Tibet, the right to perpetual lease, and cultural privileges.

Well, there is also the Congo Free State across the Himalayas and the Indian Ocean. Yes, the one in Africa can also allow me to sign unequal treaties.

what is this?
Tang Poems, Song Ci, Ming Novels, Qing Treaties!
Not to mention, if it weren't for the filial sons and virtuous grandchildren who were afraid of people knowing, the study of Qing treaties might really become a [-]st century subject classification, and how many people might be able to support them.

Without him, there are so many!
What is my Qing Dynasty?
I don't know if there are any martial arts, but it is absolutely sure to sell every country, and every contract must be signed!After studying so many treaties one by one, it may be possible to create a study of "Great Qing Treaty Studies" to solve the problem of feeding the filial sons and grandchildren.

In the final analysis because of what?
On the one hand, it is because of the lack of national strength, on the other hand?because of ignorance of the outside world.

That's why Zhu Xianhai hoped that Zuo Zongtang and the others could go abroad to visit, and through the visits and studies, they could feel the world seriously and understand international politics.

It is obviously unrealistic to rely solely on one person to promote the reform of Nanhua. Therefore, he needs to send out his future team, like the Yancang Mission, to focus all their attention on the detailed inspection of the West. It took one year and ten months to inspect 12 countries including the United States, Britain, France, Bethem, Germany, Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Austria, and Switzerland, costing millions of yen—accounting for more than 1872% of the Meiji government's fiscal revenue in 2.Let them intuitively feel the changes in the world through detailed inspections, and understand the future of the world.Only in this way, will they truly abandon the old burden and welcome the arrival of this world of great controversy...

Of course, if you want to meet this world of great controversy, what will you ultimately rely on?
It depends on national strength!

And what does national strength depend on?Industry of course!

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(End of this chapter)

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