Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 234 Learning from Advanced Experience

Chapter 234 Learn from advanced experience (first update, please subscribe)
Bringing ism, not only the carbon filaments made of Japanese bamboo, but also electric wires.

Three years ago, when the electrolytic aluminum test workshop was built on "Panshi Island" to produce the so-called "Deville silver", that is, electrolytic aluminum, Zhu Xianhai had already had a batch of new-style electric wires manufactured.

The so-called "wire" is a high-purity copper core wire, and the so-called new type is a layer of rubber on the outer layer of the wire.

There is no problem with the application of such wires in "silver mines", but when they are used in companies, problems occur.

"It's so expensive?"

Zhu Xianhai looked at the budget statement and asked directly,
"Why are wires so expensive?"

"My lord, that's because our wires are made of rubber. Although rubber has good insulation, it's expensive. There's a saying in Brazil called "white gold." Of course, the wires made of it are expensive."

In fact, electric wires were originally telegraph wires, and telegraph wires were bare wires, insulated with air, and then began to be painted, and then fibers (that is, cotton cloth, linen) and resins and other raw materials appeared in turn.

Of all materials, rubber, although the best insulator, is extremely expensive.The current rubber is all produced in Brazil, and all natural rubber is obtained by black slaves going deep into the rainforest to cut down wild rubber trees. Natural rubber is really expensive these days.

How expensive is it?

Not to mention rubber-soled shoes, but condoms. Well, those things are also a patented product of Hailun Pharmaceutical Company. The technology is not complicated, but the main principle is the principle.The results of it?Because of the price, users are very limited.

There is no way.Raw materials are expensive!
A pound of rubber is worth three pounds!That's almost 24 grams of gold, equivalent to nearly 400 grams of silver.Basically, it can be understood as equivalent to silver.

"White Gold" is not an exaggeration at all!
"If gum is used instead, the cost can be reduced a lot. At present, telegraph wires in various countries use gum or rubberized cloth."

Zhu Xianhai nodded at Zhao Can's suggestion.

"Okay, let's do it in their way."

After Zhao Can left, Zhu Xianhai leaned back on the thick chair, looking at the sky-high priced rubber wire, and said to himself.

"Really? I actually forgot about that thing, that natural rubber...seems to have something to do with it?"

Zhu Xianhai leaned his head back on the back of the chair, which made him feel quite comfortable.

"It's not difficult to collect rubber seeds, the key is where to plant them! Nanhua..."

It must be impossible for Nanhua!

After all, planting rubber has high requirements on the natural environment, tropical!It can only be grown in the tropics.

Although it is said that there is no cold winter in Nanhua, it is definitely not tropical.After thinking for a while, Zhu Xianhai looked sideways at the map and said,
"It seems that it's time to put their affairs on the agenda!"

Zhu Xianhai refers to them, not others, but another group of "first-generation South Chinese" - he rescued not only Chinese laborers but also more than 1500 black slaves in the Brazilian gold mines. Among those black slaves, Except for less than a hundred female slaves, most of the others are black slaves in their prime of life, and those black slaves can be regarded as sweating for the foundation of Nanhua.

Now it's almost time to fix their problems.

"In general, it's fairly stable. Although for black people, they don't think freedom is important, but my lord, they have always longed to have their own families and women, so, I think, sooner or later, their problems will have to be resolved. The problem, otherwise, sooner or later they will be shot, after all, even slaves have some normal needs."

Sitting in front of the lord, Qian Deshan reported truthfully.The identities of the black slaves in Nanhua are extremely embarrassing. They are the first generation of immigrants in Nanhua, they are also slaves, and they are also the private property of the lord.

"Actually, saving them was just a matter of convenience, not for free labor."

Zhu Xianhai said.

"I've been thinking about how to settle down those black slaves. As you said, it's time to solve this problem, so I'm going to..."

Pointing to the map, Zhu Xianhai said to him.

"Considering that Philip and the others also sweated for the foundation laying of Nanhua, I decided to give them freedom and send them back to Africa."

"What? Send it back to Africa?"

Qian Deshan opened his eyes wide in astonishment.

"My lord, what does this mean?"

"They are Africans, and their ancestors are slaves that white people plundered from Africa. Since they are freed, they must be sent home. It was barbaric and inhumane for white people to force black people out of Africa. Now that we have given them their freedom, although we are not obliged to send them back to Africa, it is a kind of humanitarianism to let the black people return to their ancestral land!"

In fact, to put it bluntly, Zhu Xianhai is not very happy to keep those black slaves in Nanhua, and sending them to Africa can also play their role.

"In most parts of Africa now, there are only a few local indigenous tribes. We can buy a piece of land from the indigenous chief, and then, send Philip, send those people there, and build a piece of land locally..."

Zhu Xianhai originally wanted to talk about the colony, but changed his words when he was on the verge of speaking.

"A tropical plantation, which belongs to the company, grows rubber, coffee, cocoa and other tropical crops. Of course, they can live and work freely there, and they can also start a family with the local black people."

In fact, someone has done this.

As early as half a century before the outbreak of the Civil War, "liberating black slaves" had become the mainstream idea in the North of the United States, but the core idea of ​​so-called "liberation" was to send blacks back to Africa.

In 1816, the northern United States established a "charitable organization" called the "American Colonial Association". The founder was the nephew of "Father of the Nation" Washington.Of course, is it "charity", you know.

It was this colonial association that bought a piece of land in Africa. By bribing local tribal chiefs and relying on the support of the US Navy, they coerced and lured them to sell the land to the association at a low price.Then began to transport blacks to the local area, that place is "Liberia", which means "free and liberated country".

However, many former black slaves in the United States who were moved back then regretted it after they arrived in the "free and liberated country". Life there is not as good as being a slave in the United States.So, they expressed their opinions one after another: What kind of shit ancestors' land, I want to go back to the United States!

In fact, this is the case, although in the 21st century, those individuals say that "life is precious", but if he loses his property to Africa, they will definitely be the first to be unhappy.

Although there were many problems in Liberia, the free black slaves clamored to return to the United States, and there were constant conflicts with the local blacks, but more than ten years ago in 1847, the United States allowed Liberia to establish an independent country.

In fact, the United States' positioning of Liberia was initially used to transfer blacks who were regarded as domestic "burdens" to exile, and to gain a foothold on the coast of Africa, and to use this as a springboard to infiltrate other parts of Africa in due course.

Although things backfired in the end, it did not prevent Zhu Xianhai from learning from "advanced experience"—using those free black slaves to establish a foothold on the coast of Africa, and use this as a springboard to infiltrate other parts of Africa in due course.

(End of this chapter)

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