Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 235 Liberator Marshal Zhu

Chapter 235 Liberator Marshal Zhu (Second update, please subscribe)
Not penetration, but expansion!

Why did America's "African cause" fall short?
It took thirty years to create a lonely, no, they created a small America.

As a country, Liberia's constitution is completely based on that of the United States. It was drafted by Professor John Simon Greenleaf of Harvard Law School. The flag is also copied from the Stars and Stripes, just like a miniature version of "Black America".

The "African cause" of the Colonial Association fell short. To put it bluntly, it was a "bitch mentality".

Zhu Xianhai would definitely not make the same mistake.

"They are the first step in our expansion in Africa."

Smiling, Zhu Xianhai stood up, walked to the map, and stared at Africa on the map.Except for North Africa and South Africa, Africa is basically a land of no man.

The division of Africa by the Western powers was a matter of the Berlin Conference in 1884, and it is still [-] years away from now.In Africa now, whoever occupies it owns it.

No owner's land, let it go and don't occupy it, are you worthy of God?

"Congo River!"

Zhu Xianhai said calmly.

"My plan is that we first establish a stronghold along the mouth of the Congo River."

Staring at the Congo River on the map, Zhu Xianhai thought of Leopold II, another so-called "hand-chopping maniac and great benevolent man". The reputation of "hand chopping maniac" is also called "the light of the righteous way".

"We can buy a piece of land here first. The locals have been in contact with Europeans for two to three hundred years. They don't reject such transactions. First, they will build tropical plantations, and then step by step along the Congo River to the interior, so that those The chiefs surrender to the corporation and accept the rule of the corporation. You know, they are very backward, they are just a bunch of tribes, they don't understand what a country is, and they don't care."

Africa...we really don't understand!
Qian Deshan opened his eyes wide, even if he was in charge of those black slaves, so what?He doesn't know anything about Africa.

"Occupying the Congo River Basin is only the first step. If necessary, we can also occupy a piece of land on the coast of East Africa, and finally connect West Africa and East Africa. In this way..."

Zhu Xianhai paused for a moment, a hint of wildness flickered in his eyes.

"From the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean..."

Could such a feat be achieved in the nineteenth century?

Zhu Xianhai was really a little suspicious, not suspicious!
It is more of a desire, a desire for expansion in the bones.

The world is so big, why can only white people conquer it, why can't Chinese people conquer and occupy it?

In essence, this world speaks by strength, as long as the strength is strong enough, Huaxia can also participate in this game of carve up the world.

"In this way, we may have a huge colony outside of Nanhua. On that land, we will get everything we need. For example, the coal that Nanhua needs now is farther away from Nanhua than in Alaska. More recently, transportation costs are lower, but labor costs are also lower.”

It is true that there are coal mines in Alaska, and they have a full range of varieties, from high-quality anthracite to bituminous coal. The only problem is that there is not enough manpower to mine—even until now, Nanhua has only set up a fishing company in Alaska and The cannery produces canned fish.

But Africa is different!

There is cheap labor everywhere, and Leopold II won the "praise" from the father of the hand-chopping party by driving the labor force. In a word, there is coal and people in Africa.

"Well, if my lord thinks it's good, that's good."

Qian Deshan was straightforward, anyway, for him, the most important thing was to send those black slaves out.

"If that's the case, then it's decided."

Staring at the map, Zhu Xianhai waved his hands and said to Qian Deshan.

"Look at making preparations and strive to send those people back to their ancestral land this year. In fact, this should be a great cause. In the future, we may go north, and we may have conflicts with the Brazilians. During the war, We will free a lot of slaves, Western whites - Portuguese, British, Americans, who took black slaves from Africa to America as slaves! What about us? We will free them, we will not only give them freedom, but also We will send them back to the land of their ancestors where they have lived for generations. We will help them build cities, schools, and plantations, and teach them to enter modern civilized society. We will educate them, guide them, and guide them. Compared to the white man... we are the true model of human morality..."

Zhu Xianhai was moved by himself when he uttered these great truths. At this moment, he really regretted it a bit. He should get a movie camera and take pictures of the scenes at this moment. Record his compassionate tone when he said these words on film.

Leopold, that's the father of the handchopping party.

We are the real "heroes", the real "Ming Jun", and the real "light of justice".

What is a great benevolent person?
This is the real good man!

Not only free the black slaves, but also give them real freedom!

The United States... is simply hypocritical. Their so-called "liberation" is just lip service. What did the "liberated" black slaves get?
After the end of the Civil War, the freed black slaves had nothing. In order to survive, they had to live on the land of the old manor owners, rent their houses, and pick cotton for them. After paying the rent, the meager income The remaining money was not even enough to make ends meet, and some manor owners even found that their profits were higher after using free people.


Because in the past, black slaves were the property of the master, and the master would feed him a livestock worth thousands of dollars. After all, if he died, it would be his own loss!
But the workers of the freemen are different. Do you work for two cents a day?If you don't do it, someone else will.

Can't get enough to eat?

Is it about me?
worn out?
fuck me.

Freedom... false liberty and liberation, but only for better slavery.

In contrast, we are the real liberators - not only give them freedom, but also send them back to their hometowns, let them farm there, live there, and work there, this is the real freedom!

Turning around gracefully in front of the map, Zhu Xianhai whispered to himself:

"Hey, if there is a Dynamite Award, we will also be the winners of the Peace Prize for such a righteous deed!"

(End of this chapter)

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