Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 236 Fortification, Combat Preparation

Chapter 236 Fortification, Combat Preparation ([-]rd update)
Before touching others, touch yourself first!
Liberate them and send them back to their hometown as free people.

Zhu Xianhai, who had proclaimed himself the liberator of slaves, even picked up a map himself in the following days and chose a suitable landing location at the mouth of the Congo River.

In fact, it is good to directly use doctrine.

What about Brazzaville, what about Kinshasa, whether they are Belgians or French, they must have their reasons for choosing there, and they can develop, which shows that their choice is correct.

After gaining the experience of Nanhua, when planning again, it is naturally handy, and the ease is almost unnecessary.Of course, during this period, he also met several scholars who knew about Africa, and he was very happy to learn from them that Europeans have no interest in Africa at all!

It's not that there is no interest, but because of diseases and other reasons, Europeans regard Africa as a daunting way.Of course, all this will change in the next decade or so. Facing the reality that the world has been divided up, coupled with the advancement of medical technology, the Europeans finally blew the clarion call to conquer Africa, the last land of no man. .

But for now—Africa remains unclaimed.

Well, you can’t actually say that, there are still people in the local area... but according to the standards of people of this era, are those barbarians... considered masters?
"This is preparation for the liberation of millions of black slaves!"

Finally, after lightly painting on the south bank of the lower reaches of the Congo River, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help sighing, "We went to Africa not for colonization or expansion, but for the liberation of black slaves!"
However, this requires a long time of preparation, such as preparing ships, collecting rubber seeds from Brazil, and even training those black slaves.

Great careers are sometimes started so inadvertently, but even the most magnificent facts are essentially based on interests.


Everything started with rubber, but Nanhua's first street lamp line did not use expensive rubber wires, but the most common rubber-coated wires.

As usual, in the early morning, as soon as the sky was bright, Zhu Zhenwu carried the bamboo pipes and his workers down the sewer of Zhuque Street. As the first street in Nanhua and one of the most spacious streets, Zhuque Street is not only nearly [-] meters long Wide, it also has the most modern sewers in Nam Hwa.

In fact, the 1850s and 60s were the era when Europe and the United States remodeled sewers on a large scale to reduce the spread of diseases such as cholera.Before that, what did the sewers in Europe and America look like? The better ones were ditches on the side of the road, and the worse ones were discharged directly on the streets. The sewage flowed like carts and horses in the center of the street, and after a considerable distance, it entered the gutter. .The overflow of sewage in the streets is not only inconvenient for travel, but also brings about the epidemic of chaos and other diseases.

Both Paris and London have suffered from sewage and disease. In 1858, Chicago even raised the entire city by nearly ten feet to build underground water pipes.

In fact, it was the same at the beginning of Nanhua, just digging a few sewers on the side of the road to fill the sewers. But in 1861, when the city planning began, Zhu Xianhai decided to follow the example of the large-scale sewers built in Europe at the suggestion of several European engineers. The system is proud of the relatively high altitude, and the city was first built. At that time, the sewer pipes were directly dug out and covered, and then covered with soil.

However, in the early planning, only Suzaku Avenue planned a large-scale sewer, but after Araucania came back, Zhu Xianhai changed his mind—not because all kinds of new things could be installed in the large-scale sewer—tap water, cables, wires, Gas and so on can be stuffed into this huge sewer.

The more important reason is war!
In the simulator, the British and American navies attacked Nanhua. Although they did not attack Nanhua, the shelling caused a lot of casualties. In the simulator, only a few sewers in the main street and the basements of buildings in Nanhua could escape the shelling , in most places, citizens simply have nowhere to hide in the face of shelling.

In the era without subways, the spacious sewers were the best air-raid shelters. So with the support of Zhu Xianhai, engineers from the United Kingdom and France took advantage of the terrain characteristics of South China, which is high in the northeast and low in the southwest, and borrowed lessons from Paris and London. As well as the successful experience of Chicago and other places, a plan to discharge domestic sewage to the suburbs was designed, and a relatively complete set of technologies was established for the development, removal and maintenance of the sewer system.

The sewer on Suzaku Street is very spacious, with a drainage channel about 3 meters wide in the middle and sidewalks about 1 meter wide for maintenance personnel to pass on both sides.But now, Zhu Zhenwu and the others are fixing the bamboo tubes on the wall of the sewer along the sidewalk, and the wires pass through the bamboo tubes. This is not only to protect the wires, but also to mark the lines of the wires. street.

Although it is in the sewer, there is no peculiar smell here. Hearing the sound of rushing water, after fixing the hundreds of meters of bamboo pipes to the wall, Zhu Zhenwu would sometimes involuntarily stare at the sewer in a daze when he was resting. Looking at the closed iron gate at the sewer intersection of Taiping Road and Zhuque Street, he asked.

"Uncle Li, what is this door for?"

With the light of the oil lamp, Li Mingquan glanced at it and said.

"Isn't it written on read it."

"War room 113, Taiping Road... what is this?"

"What is it? You don't understand it. This combat preparation room is the basement of No. 113 Taiping Road above. If the people drill into the sewer during the war, they won't worry about the artillery fire, but they still have to fight. Ah, didn’t you see, our buildings on Nanhua Road have a three-foot-high half-floor, two-foot-thick walls, even guns can’t hit them, and the soldiers beat people from the basement through the windows, I told You, don't look at our Nanhua as a city, but when we fight, this Nanhua is a... well, what is it? A fortress, yes, a fortress!"

Li Mingquan even pointed to the road sign and said.

"Look at this road sign. It looks the same on the ground and on the ground. If you follow the house number, you don't have to worry about getting lost. The most important thing is to wait for the war. Even if there is a lot of gunfire outside, we don't have to worry about staying here. I Let me tell you, even the fort in Nanhua Bay is nothing more than that!"


A fortified city, of course, this is also a fortification in a certain sense, but it is just that some sewers have been built, but these sewers have been endowed with a special meaning...

(End of this chapter)

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