Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 237 The Marshal's Special Product

Chapter 237 The Marshal's Special Product (First update, please subscribe)

In the 19th century, no region had to consider invasion and the threat of national subjugation and extinction from the very beginning, but for Nanhua, war was almost inevitable.

The threat of war was never far away.

From the Mapuche people at the beginning of the opening of the city, to the Argentines, then to the Chileans, and then to the future British.

It can be said that the cloud of war has been hanging over here.

Zhu Xianhai was so overwhelmed that he couldn't breathe. To a certain extent, he understood why "Father Iron and Steel" and others went to develop heavy industry and military industry at all costs.

Without him!

Just survive!

In order to survive, individuals can still change their sons and daughters.

And what will a country do in order to survive?
Of course, it is to strengthen the armament. In fact, in the past four years, strengthening the armament has always been the top priority of Nanhua's development.

From making grenades to grenades, from imitating Enfield P1853 front-loading rifles to imitating and improving Spencer rifles, from casting bronze cannons to imitating and improving Armstrong cannons, Nanhua's military industry has grown from scratch in one step. Step by step laid a solid foundation.

Among all the weapons, explosives are probably the most popular—whether it is silica explosives or picric acid explosives, both are famous for their powerful power. The latter is Nanhua's secret weapon, while the former has long been widely exported All over the world, it is widely used in mining and military.

But even so, Zhu Xianhai never stopped asking for armaments, especially after confirming that the black hand behind the scenes in the UK would go to battle in person, he even set his sights on the UK, and on the possibility of a direct confrontation with Nanhua in the future. conflicting "superpowers".

What does Britain have in this era?
Of course, it is the industry that the British are proud of, the envy of other countries, and the powerful navy!
It is the British navy that has achieved its reputation that never sets!
"Our goal is to defeat the British Navy!"

"Don't think it's impossible! Don't think the French have failed, how can we?"

This is simply a dream!
In 1862, Zhu Xianhai proposed to use the United Kingdom as a potential imaginary enemy, and even put the navy, no, Nanhua has no navy until now, and when the potential imaginary enemy of the Coast Guard was placed on the Royal Navy.

No one thought it was a dream.

Because dreaming has its own merits.

And that's just daydreaming.

Go to England!
What is the current situation in the Royal Navy?
Since modern times, its naval construction and its overseas colonial undertakings have relied on and promoted each other, and together they have become the strong cornerstone of the British Empire.In view of this, Britain attaches great importance to the construction of the navy and always puts it in a more important position than the army.Moreover, the goal of the British government's naval construction is "to make its navy capable of countering the Second World War."

"The strength of the navy of a strong country" means that the British navy is stronger than the combined navies of the second and second countries. For this reason, it has invested in naval funds, expanded the fleet, and improved ship technology. On the one hand, more effective measures have been taken, and actual results have been received.

In other words, the British Royal Navy is stronger than France and Russia combined!

For Nanhua, who has not even established a navy, is it not a dream to challenge such an opponent?

Even the instructors of the Naval Academy on Panshi Island in Nanhua Bay are British. For Nanhua, who is determined to follow in the footsteps of the Royal Navy and build a powerful navy.

Before learning how to crawl, the United Kingdom should be regarded as an imaginary enemy. This is simply digging a hole and burying oneself-looking for death.

However, for Zhu Xianhai, he didn't think it was impossible!

There is nothing impossible in the world at all, first you have to dare to think, and then what?
Of course it is necessary to create conditions!

How to defeat the Royal Navy?
This is a very important topic. Fortunately, Zhu Xianhai has history as a giant shoulder to step on.

Speidel is an Irishman. He is full of hatred for the British no matter in terms of history and race, or the current famine in Ireland. Although he studied in London, his national sentiments have never faded. As a A mechanical engineer, he can do nothing for Ireland.

As a mechanic, he has been in charge of the confidential work of the tenth research room for three years after immigrating to Nanhua.

"This weapon should be cylindrical, launched from an underwater or above-water launch tube, the navigation depth is adjusted by a hydrostatic valve to control the elevator, and the navigation direction is controlled by a fixed fin..."

In October 1862, at a confidential meeting in the laboratory, Speidel received a mission statement, which not only briefly proposed the concept of "Special Product No. 10", but also gave some technical details of the conception, from Since then, he has been in charge of this job, and the person directly responsible for this job is the chairman of the company.

"...D0 is the preset depth, X is the shooting range... The horizontal pendulum device adds an inertia factor to the above control principle, so that the elevation angle of its navigation is more accurately proportional to the depth... The thrust of the propeller is divided into two parts One is used to counteract the negative buoyancy, and the other is used to push the product forward. When the product is disturbed by the outside and the depth is greater than the preset depth, the elevation angle of the product should be increased to return to the normal depth..."

In the chairman's office, when Paidar explained the working principle of the "pendulum depth setting mechanism" to a delicate brass model, Zhu Xianhai did not need him to introduce these principles, because this principle was "proposed" by him, Including the so-called "No. 13 Special Product Task Statement", which was also proposed by him.

And the No. 13 special product is actually... a torpedo!
What is the most complex structure on a torpedo?This is the depth setting mechanism for water pressure adjustment. This mechanism seems to be simple in principle, but it is actually a miracle of engineering. It was invented in the late 19s and was used until the end of World War II. It is called "A marvel of Victorian engineering".

It was this so-called "Robert Whitehead's Secret" that took a dozen mechanics three years to design.


Zhu Xianhai's brows twitched, with joy on his face.

After three years of waiting, I finally saw the results!

Speidel replied.

"Yes, the experiment started half a year ago. After adding the damping limiting factor, the depth error has been reduced from plus or minus 40 feet to less than plus or minus two feet, but we are sure to reduce it to within one foot. However, considering the current The results are enough, and the tests on the launch test site have also achieved many successes, so the research laboratory hopes to conduct a target shooting!"

(End of this chapter)

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