Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 248 Fight Night

Chapter 248 Battle Night (First update, please subscribe)
Chillan, the seat of Chile's interim government, has been under semi-siege since last October.If it weren't for the forts and trenches outside the city that blocked the attack of the Chilean army, perhaps the city would have fallen long ago.

In fact, its fall was only a matter of time-the Chilean army in the north mobilized nearly [-] troops to attack the city, and the defenders here were only a mere [-] people.

After several months of confrontation on the battlefield, the northern army also built a complex fortress trench outside the city of Chillan. The trench was more than one meter deep, the fort was higher than the ground, and the dark cannons pointed at one or two Confederate Army positions kilometers away.

After several years of war, trenches became popular in Chile after enjoying the precision strikes of rifled rifles. After all, this is an experience gained by tens of thousands of lives.

The trenches of the Chileans were dug very deep. Above the one-meter-deep trench, there was a trapezoidal parapet nearly one meter high. Staying in a two-meter-deep trench was definitely the safest place, so there was no need to worry. While the sentinels were vigilantly observing the outside world, the Chileans in the trenches were smoking and chatting there. Since there are whites in these northern troops, there are also many mixed races called mestizos, but more Most of them are Indians. After all, at least half of Chile's population is now Indians.

Although the status of these Indians in the army is low, compared to the outside world, the army is fairly equal. At least those mixed-race officers still treat them as adults. At night, under the glass oil lamp, the Indian soldiers are smoking , playing traditional music with simple indigenous instruments, and the melodious and low-pitched music echoed in the dark night.

The sound of the music seems a bit sad, as if it is telling the story of being conquered. They were indeed conquered. After the Spaniards came here more than two hundred years ago, they not only conquered this land, but also conquered the people here. Even the Indians themselves are tending to disappear. Half a century ago, Indians accounted for 80% of Chile's population, but now they are only half. Those white immigrants continue to marry Indian women, and now the Chilean mestizos , that is, there are more and more mixed races between whites and Indians.Perhaps in a few decades, the Indians will disappear from this land.

The music of the Indians is low, sad, and desperate. These Indian men who serve in the military may not be able to marry a wife for life. After all, women prefer to marry men with more land and wealth. , that is, those white immigrants who occupy the economic advantage.

Poor people who have no more than three generations of poverty and no land or property will certainly not be able to reproduce.In the current situation where most of the land in Chile is occupied by European immigrants, the Indian ethnic group will only slowly disappear, and eventually Europeans from Spain, France, and Germany will achieve "ethnic integration" with the Indians...

The sad music echoed in the night sky, and at the same time, on the defense line of the Southern Army kilometers away, groups of soldiers were entering the trenches through the traffic trenches.

Against the sky full of stars and moons, the soldiers of the two regiments entered the trenches. After entering the trenches, they held the 1862 rifles of Strike and looked up at the top of the trenches. Their expressions seemed calm, but it was inevitable that they would Some nervous.

In the tense atmosphere, an officer came over and looked at the soldiers by the moonlight, Chen Yunsheng said loudly.

"Okay, today is going to be a war, so I won't talk nonsense. On the battlefield, everyone just kills the enemy and serves the commander. Even if he dies, the commander will not treat everyone badly!"

After that, he raised the letter paper in his hand.

"This is the form, you guys must fill it out carefully! If you die in battle, your family will get a pension of [-] yuan from Ocean! If you have no relatives, you can choose to donate to the Huaxia Education Foundation. A will must be written and handed over to the squad leader for sealing.”

During his explanation, the company platoon leaders distributed the pension slips and letter papers to the soldiers one after another, and at the same time they repeatedly reminded the soldiers of the importance of the pension slips.If they were killed in battle, the security forces would provide them with a large pension, enough for their families to spend the rest of their lives comfortably after their death.

Providing a generous pension can not only prevent the families of the officers and soldiers who died in battle from being impoverished, but also has another effect. It is the premise of ensuring the combat effectiveness of the troops, and the soldiers will have no worries. Fight risk your life on the battlefield.

As for honors and responsibilities, of course there must be, but the most important thing is to let the soldiers have no worries.

"Hey, I didn't expect that after crossing the ocean to come here, I still didn't escape the life of eating soldiers' food. Fortunately, the food that dies is worth it..."

Zhao Liu, who wrote the will, was a Qing soldier and a long-haired soldier. He never wanted to be "sold" to Nanhua, but he still became a soldier. He had eaten two military rations, so of course he knew which two he served as a soldier. If you die, you die. As for pensions and the like, there is no fart.

But it’s different here in Nanhua. When a person dies, the commander-in-chief really gives money, even if he died during training, he also gives money. Even if his family is far away in Tangshan, he will remit the money. It's still a big burden.

Marshal benevolence!
But after thinking about it for a while, Zhao Liu really couldn't think of who to hand over the insurance money and pension to - his parents and brothers were either in the hands of deadly soldiers and bandits, or lost contact in the chaos of war.

If he died, who should the money be given to?
"Or give it to an educational foundation."

As for what the education foundation is for, Zhao Liu doesn't care, anyway, it's for running a school, and it's a good thing to spend money on it.

Although Zhao Liu hadn't read any books, he always felt that reading was a good thing. He didn't feel aggrieved when he thought that he would be able to earn a sum of money for his children to go to school after he died.

In the quiet trenches, both officers and soldiers were lying there writing their wills and carefully filling out the insurance policies. The immigrants in Nanhua were all literate—both men and women were receiving basic literacy education in the education camp. Workers and laborers have to go to literacy classes. The barracks of the security team have an hour of cultural lessons every day. The long-term cultural education allows soldiers to even read books and newspapers. As for filling out forms and wills, they don’t need others to do it for them. .

While the soldiers were making final preparations for the expedition with the lights on, teams of soldiers carried heavy equipment into the front offensive trenches, and got busy under the moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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