Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 249 Destruction

Chapter 249 Destruction (Second update, please subscribe)
The front trench is less than 500 meters away from the defense line of the Northern Army.They have always been the focus of observation by the sentries of the Northern Army. If the Southern Army wants to attack, it will definitely attack from there.

After Guang discovered the movement in the front trench, the sentry of the Northern Army immediately shouted loudly.

"Southern, Southerner may be attacking..."

The northern army who had been chatting raised their Enfield rifles one after another, leaning on the trenches to aim ahead, and by moonlight, they could vaguely see the front trenches, and there was indeed some movement.

"Be quiet!"

Even with Ye Mu's cover, when the soldiers were busy wielding their shovels, there was still a lot of movement.

Soon they dug a forty-five-degree earth pit at the bottom of the trench, and then under the command of the platoon leader, they fixed the square logs with bolts.After a while, several strange-looking three-story wooden pedestals were placed there.A launch tube stood on the wooden platform.

"Hey..." With a muffled yell, the bottom section of the shell, which weighed hundreds of catties, was lifted onto the launch tube, followed by the middle section of the shell, and finally the warhead.

In the dark night, an iron pillar with a diameter of one foot protruded from the front trench, glowing with a cold metallic luster under the moonlight.

This is Nanhua's unique cannon - Type 64 mortar, which is a super-caliber mortar. In order to conquer the fortress of this era, Zhu Xianhai specially borrowed from the Japanese Type 1.5 mortar of World War II to design and manufacture this powerful mortar. weapons.For the convenience of transportation, its shells are broken down into three sections. The bullets are round and blunt. The front of the shells is filled with explosives and fuzes. The total length is about 330 meters, the diameter is 300 mm, the shell weighs 200 kg, and the charge is as high as 250 kg!The blast diameter can reach [-] meters.On the battlefield, even the strongest fortifications can be easily blown to pieces!
But now, this is the first time it has been used on the battlefield. In order to ensure that it can break through the defense line of the Chilean army in World War I, Zhu Xianhai transferred all 24 64-type mortars to the front line.

Twenty-four mortars, like twenty-four stumps emerging from the ground, pointed at the Union lines in the moonlight.In the front trench, the artillerymen stared nervously ahead, while the officers looked nervously at their pocket watches. ,
At [-]:[-] in the morning, when the sky was slightly bright, as the two green signal flares dragged the fire dragon into the air, the gunner in the front trench pulled the fuse vigorously.

Accompanied by the dull sound of the cannon, at the moment when the smoke spewed out from the bottom tube of the cannonball, the cannonball weighing 300 kg flew out of it whizzingly. Its sound was very strange, a bit like a weird scream, And the speed is very slow, so slow that the Chileans in the trenches can even see it dragging a slight smoke trail slowly across the night sky, and then falling from the sky.

They weren't too worried about the bombardment. After all, they had trenches and parapet protection, but now the shell fell from the sky at a nearly vertical angle and hit the trench directly.

The moment the shell hit the ground, a violent explosion blasted tons of soil into the sky. Amid the ground shaking, a gray dragon swallowed everything around it with smoke and flames. The Chileans within a few hundred meters were not The internal organs were shattered by the shock wave, and the parapet was directly buried alive in the trench.

Twenty-four heavy grenades are like twenty-four gods of death. They let out a death roar in the air. When they were on the fortifications, everyone saw twenty-four huge mushroom clouds rising one after another, composed of exploding smoke and death flames. The rapidly expanding smoke cloud reached hundreds of meters into the sky. The remains of the broken body were almost thrown hundreds of meters away.

While the heavy mortars were bombarding, field artillery and mortars were also pouring shells towards the Chilean defense line, and even the armored trains a few kilometers away were bombarding the Chilean positions with 180mm cannons.For a time, thousands of shells fell into the Chilean positions, and the violent explosion blew up the trenches into ruins. Tons of mud and smoke flew across the trenches along with steel fragments, and the roaring steel fragments Harvesting the lives in the trenches, the shock wave shattered the internal organs of many soldiers. The air was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder and thick smoke. The Chilean soldiers in the trenches screamed and cried in despair.

Many of them were blown into the sky while crying. They were terrified by such violent shelling. Those who survived just curled up in the trenches with their heads in their hands. Shouting and crying, sometimes, some frightened people even stood up like crazy, and then the shrapnel whizzing past directly penetrated their bodies and smashed their heads.

The ground trembled violently under the bombardment, flying dust and fragments of limbs flew up in the air, and then fell again. The stumped limbs and broken arms that fell on the ground caused the soldiers to scream in horror. At this moment, even the most Facing such fierce artillery fire, the brave soldiers only had fear in their hearts. Boundless fear and despair devoured their souls and destroyed their will.

In the shelling, people are like insignificant things in the sea, drifting with the current, and then the clothes are torn apart by the shock wave, the internal organs are shattered, the body is hit by the shrapnel, and finally fall to the ground, and then in a violent explosion In the middle, was blown into the sky, flesh and dust combined together.

Suddenly the heavy shelling stopped!

For a moment, the world seemed to suddenly fall silent.


In the eerie tranquility, gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the wind blew away the gunpowder smoke, presenting a mess in front of people's eyes!
Everything was destroyed, the trenches were destroyed, and the wooden deer village in front of the trenches was directly shattered into pieces. In the gunpowder smoke, the terrified roars of soldiers and the heartbreaking cries of wounded soldiers were everywhere. Voice.Accompanied by a weird laugh...

Those laughs came from some crazy soldiers, they stood there screaming and crying as if they had forgotten that they were on the battlefield.They just sat or stood there in a daze like that, and some even walked like walking dead.

The will of human beings is fragile. In the fierce artillery fire, facing death and earth-shattering explosions, many people's wills collapsed directly. After all, they had never experienced turbulent waves before.

At this time, suddenly, the sound of cannons sounded again, and this time the shelling hit like a storm again!
(End of this chapter)

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