Chapter 250 Attack in the enemy's rear (third update, please subscribe)
The artillery fire was extending to the rear, and the heavy mortar shells roared towards the rear fortress. In the violent explosion, the cannon was blown to the sky, and the gunner and the cannon were buried in tons of dust.

At the same time as the first round of shelling began, in the trenches, the officers and soldiers of the security forces who received the order were ready to go!

"Set up the ladder! Everyone get ready!"

Following the orders of the officers, the soldiers leaned against the trenches with wooden ladders one after another. The trenches as deep as two meters had to borrow ladders to go up.

"Go on the bayonet!"

An order from the officer.

The soldiers put bayonets on their rifles one after another.When the bayonet was installed, the sound of metal clashing echoed in the trench, and then the soldiers leaned on their rifles. Their faces became a little anxious and excited, and there seemed to be some fear mixed with anticipation. They looked up at the top of the trench.

A moment later, with a whistle, the soldiers immediately jumped out of the two-meter-deep trench and attacked the enemy's position...

Armed with rifles, as soon as they charged into the trenches, they followed the squad platoon leader and quickly advanced forward in a skirmish line.


The piercing copper whistle echoed on the battlefield. The squad leaders blew their whistles and directed the soldiers to advance. Everyone was running, and their running speed was very fast.

"Hurry up, hurry up, kill the Chileans before they come back!"

Amidst the shouts of excitement, the soldiers with rifles advanced towards the Chilean trenches at a jogging speed. Shells whizzed from above their heads like raindrops and flew towards the Chileans. In front of them, The smoke from the explosion engulfed the Chilean trenches.

What was presented before their eyes was a spectacle, a spectacle of destruction. In the violent explosion, the trench twisted and collapsed, and the gunpowder smoke even swallowed the entire battlefield. Even hundreds of meters apart, they were all overwhelmed by the smell of gunpowder. Choked.

No resistance!

During the advance of several minutes, except for the occasional falling bullets, there was no resistance at all. In the face of such fierce artillery fire, the Chileans were powerless to stop their attack.

Finally, the shelling ended.

When the battlefield fell into an eerie tranquility, harsh whistles broke the tranquility. While the shelling extended to the rear, the infantry's attack accelerated, like a group of tigers or wolves. Fell into the Chilean line of defense.


The sound of gunfire echoed on the battlefield, and the soldiers who entered the trenches with continuous guns shot indiscriminately, and then fought with the Chileans with bayonets.

All in all, just like in training, in the fierce shelling, the will of the Chileans has long been destroyed. Many of them, even after being attacked, dropped their weapons and turned around and fled behind them.

The defense line of the northern army has been breached!
Almost at the same time that the line of defense was breached, hundreds of engineers were rushing to repair a section of the railway on the battlefield. Because the roadbed was not destroyed, they often only needed to lay sleepers and nail the rails to repair the railway easily.

This section of the destroyed railway is located on the battlefield. Almost at the same time as the army was advancing in depth, the engineers entered the battlefield and quickly repaired the railway. They fought against time amidst the sound of cannons and bullets. Minutes are extremely precious.

Finally, when the sky was about to break, the engineering unit sent a signal-railway repair!
After receiving this signal, a seemingly ordinary train departed from Chillan's railway station.

When the train was roaring and headed north, An Fusheng looked back at the crowded carriage. More than a hundred soldiers were squeezed into this carriage.They are all wearing Chilean military uniforms without exception. According to the plan, they will control the railway station and the railway bridge along the way, thus controlling the entire railway. Behind him, there are twelve trains that will depart at different times. Two attack groups, each with about [-] people.

Their goal is very simple, control the railway line along the way, and then go straight to the city of Santiago, and occupy the capital of the Chileans before Santiago can respond.

This plan is full of risks. When the train is moving forward, the sound of guns and explosions can still be heard on both sides of the railway. The battle is still going on. The first-line troops have only just broken through the Chilean defense line. Still not destroyed, they may counterattack at any time.

In An Fusheng, they took the train and headed north along the newly repaired railway. In the north, a small raiding team had already moved along the railway line. These raiding teams were led by Maple. There are only a dozen people in each team. They are like bandits, attacking the train stations along the way, destroying or controlling the telegraph station. Such actions are just to cover the main force.

For the convenience of action, each group is also equipped with two or three Indians who are familiar with the local environment as guides.Before each operation, those people would first go to the train station to check the situation.

"How's the situation at the station?"

Liu Wenyuan, who was riding on a horse, asked the Indian who had just returned.

In fact, he is also an Indian, but he was naturalized and changed to a Chinese surname. Now in Araucania, many Mapuche people who have served in the military have changed to a Chinese surname and a Chinese name. They can say something simple Liu Wenyuan can even write Chinese characters, which is why he was promoted to sergeant.Only those who can write Chinese characters and speak Chinese have the opportunity to become military officers. Of course, the so-called military officers are actually non-commissioned officers.

"There were sixteen Chilean soldiers at the train station. Only the captain had a revolver, the others had rifles."

Even the Chilean army never considered that someday someone would send a commando team to attack the railway station and destroy the telegraph lines.After all, this kind of tactic is not the style of play of this era at all, so there are only some military police in the train station to maintain law and order.

Soon, Liu Wenyuan and others dressed in civilian clothes arrived at the train station. Looking at the Chilean soldiers in front of the platform, the corners of his lips were slightly raised. When he approached, he immediately pulled out the revolver from under the woolen shawl, and raised his hand. one shot.

The moment the gunshots rang out, there was chaos in the train station. Before the Chilean soldiers could react, they were knocked to the ground by the group of "bandits".

"Nobody is allowed to move!"

Liu Wenyuan, holding two guns, shouted in Spanish.

"Occupy the telegraph room!"

However, it only took a few minutes for these raiders to occupy this small station. As for the passengers and railway employees in the station, they all became prisoners. captured...

(End of this chapter)

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