Chapter 268 Self-recommendation (third update, please subscribe)
Electric lamps are definitely a very new thing in Nanhua. With limited production capacity, of course, priority should be given to meeting the needs of the foreign trade market. After all, the profits of foreign sales of various equipment including electric lamps and generators are extremely considerable.

So the blessings of the Nanhua workers... have not yet arrived, but right now, since there is a need for national defense construction, it is natural to give priority to national defense.The Coast Guard's report was approved the day before Zhu Xianhai's case was delivered.

However, it only took a week for the shipyard to become brightly lit at night, so the workers of Nanhua Shipyard finally became the first group of people in the world to enjoy the blessings.

This is definitely an epic event.Of course, no historian will record this event in the history books. For the people in 1866, they are at most cheering that human beings finally defeated the darkness.

As for the blessings and overtime work, no one will mention it at all.

In fact, this is just a trivial matter. When the night of the shipyard became brightly lit, and when the workers in the shipyard were enjoying the blessings brought by science under the bright lights, the "New Hope" finally sailed into the South China Bay.

Zuo Zongtang and his party, who have been abroad for more than three years, finally returned to Nanhua!
For Nanhua in 1866, this was definitely a big event. Not only the members of the inspection team such as Zuo Zongtang came back, but also the students sent abroad for the first time. Although there were only a few people, in order to welcome their return, Zhu Xianhai A grand welcome banquet was held to welcome their return.

However, before the welcome banquet, Zhu Xianhai met Charlotte, a girl who had just passed her [-]th birthday on board. She was like Sophie Marceau from "First Love", full of youthful vigor , It’s so beautiful.

This made Zhu Xianhai heave a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, this girl is pretty enough, otherwise... that would really be sacrificing her hue, men also have hues!

Regarding her appearance, Charlotte was extremely conceited. The admiration in the man's eyes made her heart move slightly. She met his gaze, walked over, looked at him and said.

"Your Majesty, we finally meet!"

Your Majesty, indeed, Zhu Xian has another title - King of the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia.

"Your Highness, welcome to Nanhua as your guest!"

As soon as Zhu Xianhai finished speaking, Charlotte spoke in blunt Chinese.

"Your Majesty, I am not here as a guest, but as your queen."

Now it was Zhu Xianhai's turn to be dumbfounded. Even though Elizabeth told him long ago that Charlotte was the best marriage partner and encouraged him to pursue her, he never thought that this girl would be so... bold.

Or directly.


Zhu Xianhai raised his brows slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart. Charlotte's directness and utilitarianism were indeed a bit unacceptable.

"Yes, Your Majesty, as a kingdom, you need a suitable wife, and I believe that I am the most suitable marriage partner for you. My mother is Princess Cannino and Musignano, the heir to the throne of Spain, and this This piece of land was once a Spanish colony, the royal family, even the Bonaparte family has many supporters here, which is more conducive to your rule, such as the occupation of Chile... Of course, you will deny this, but everyone knows , Your Majesty, it is only a matter of time before Chile is annexed, but you need a suitable solution for the Chileans to accept your rule, and I think that my becoming your wife as the heir to the Spanish throne is the most suitable solution!"

This woman... is so straightforward!

Are all European women so direct?Directly appealing to interests has nothing to do with love, but only interests?
She sees herself as the solution, and of course it has to be said that his suggestion is very tempting.After all, with this "solution", those white people in South America will agree with the new regime in their hearts.

After all, they are very unaware of the cost of disagreement.Unless it is safe to kill these millions of white people without provoking a European reaction, these people are the target of the United Front.

If the butcher's knife is raised against them now, it is certain that the old powers in Europe will definitely use this as an excuse to launch an expedition in the name of "rescuing the Europeans".

Putting itself on the opposite side of the whole of Europe, Nanhua doesn't have that strength yet.The courage to challenge the world like this... well, I have it.That is to say, the Eight-Power Allied Forces entered the capital and signed a treaty with China's material resources.

And what is this woman in front of her?

It is to give those white people who are hostile to themselves a reason to surrender.It's just that I can get by.

It’s no different from the Manchu saying that they are “destined by destiny”. In Europe, it means conquering other countries and sleeping their daughters by the way. What is this called?It is called the merger of countries, how did the series of titles of European kings come from?Isn't that how it came about?
Well, do as the Romans do.

For the long-term stability of the empire.I'll sacrifice my looks.

At this moment, Zhu Xianhai's heart was heavy.Of course it is also complicated.

It's not easy being an emperor!
"Is that why you're here?"


Shaking her head, Charlotte's pretty face flushed.

"This is my initial thought, but I don't deny that you are a very attractive and handsome man, enough to make any girl fall in love with her. After knowing and seeing you, I have strengthened my thoughts."

A pair of blue eyes stared straight at Zhu Xianhai, Charlotte said directly and frankly.

"The idea of ​​becoming your wife! Not only because of interests, but also because of love, maybe not now, but I believe that you will definitely fall in love with me in the future, just did to Elizabeth and the others."

"you know?"

As soon as the words were on his lips, Zhu Xianhai realized that her Chinese teacher was Song Bing, and Song Bing was also Elizabeth's Chinese teacher. They must have had a lot of communication on the boat.

"Of course, they are all very beautiful and attractive women, any man would be willing to submit to them, and their willingness to be your lover is enough to prove how good you are, but I believe that one day you will fall in love with me of!"

Taking a deep breath, Charlotte looked at the man in front of him.

"Noble marriages in Europe usually have nothing to do with love. Marriage is just a transaction. Sometimes it is the union of two kingdoms, and sometimes it is the union of two families. It is rarely based on love, but I believe We may meet because of interests, but we will unite because of love."

I have to say that Charlotte is definitely an extremely bold girl, not only because of her words, but also because of her actions of running away from home in pursuit of "love (li) love (yi)".

"Maybe, but, you should know, I'm only the king of the Mapuche, um, the Indians."

Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"Your Majesty, Napoleon Bonaparte is just a foreigner from Corsica. He can become the greatest emperor of France, and you can also become the greatest emperor in this land!"

What drove Charlotte here?
Just because of a report?

No, but because in him, she saw the shadow of Napoleon, although they are two completely different types of people.But one thing is for sure, they are all conquerors!
Men conquer the world!And women conquer the world by conquering men!
Of course she doesn't want to conquer the world, but wants to be the wife of the world conqueror!

Every woman has her own dream, and for Charlotte, this is exactly her dream and what she wants.

What she wants is very simple, to be a queen.And the man in front of him can help him realize this wish.

In fact, only this man in this world can help her realize this wish.


Staring at the girl in front of him, Zhu Xianhai said.

"You are a very brave girl, and I think bravery is one of the most important qualities to be a queen!"

Although he didn't agree, Zhu Xianhai's answer couldn't be more clear. His answer brought a smile to Charlotte's pretty face, and her smile was still very beautiful.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I think you will never regret today's decision!"

Ten minutes later, after Charlotte left, Zuo Zongtang walked in, seeing Zuo Zongtang who was completely dressed in Western style, Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"Jigao, welcome home!"

In fact, in the past few years, Zuo Zongtang wrote many letters to him.In the letter, he mentioned a lot of his feelings of visiting various countries. From those letters, he can feel the change in this person's thinking. Now he is completely different from the past.There is even a feeling of being reborn, which is why Zhu Xianhai sent him to various countries for investigation.


After a pause, Zuo Zongtang said seriously.

"Sir, see Your Majesty..."

Zuo Zongtang's surrender was completely within Zhu Xianhai's expectation. In fact, he had already surrendered before that, but now he just changed his name.

Zhu Xianhai didn't have any objection to this address, and said with a smile,

"Ji Gao, you seem to have shouted a little too early, I'm not the emperor yet!"

Zuo Zongtang shook his head and said.

"Your Majesty, although His Majesty has not ascended to the throne yet, in my opinion, it is only a matter of time, and my wish is to help Your Majesty reopen our relationship with this place."

Uh...Actually, Zhu Xianhai had heard about that rumor a little bit, and he felt very helpless!It is true that he is an ancestor, but the reason why he is called Hai is because of the Strait crisis in the 90s, and his father who was thinking about the Navy chose this name.Xianhai... means giving priority to the development of the navy.

As for the old Zhu's family... well, they probably have the same surname, and the only thing they have in common is that his grandfather is going to eat.

Is this a tradition of the old Zhu family?
Although he was helpless, Zhu Xianhai thought about it and said.

"Jigao, this is Nanhua!"

If there is no denial, it is an admission. In fact, on Nanhua's side, it doesn't matter whether he has that name or not.What is the biggest benefit of having that name?
In fact, it is to make those immigrants from China willingly submit to His Majesty.After all, no matter what, this emperor is also the emperor of the Han family.Moreover, he is a descendant of the Ming royal family, so he accepts it in his heart.

Zuo Zongtang said.

"I know! This is Nanhua, Your Majesty is the king of Nanhua!"

(End of this chapter)

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