Chapter 269 Emperor, Empress, Monarch and Minister (first update, please subscribe)
Chapter 271 France is also an expert in arch fire
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What did 1866 mean to Nan Hua?
It means change, means new life.

Of course, for the outside world, no one knows what this year means.Not even the people in it know.

This year, Nanhua blew the clarion call for external expansion and began to become a chess player on the South American chessboard.

From the day it entered Chile, Nanhua has actually stepped onto this stage.Although his status is a bit special, it is not a big deal. After all, the world is based on strength, and companies and countries with strong strength do not have any district level.

Also at the end of the year, Zhu Xianhai married the heir to the Spanish throne, Princess Charlotte Clarke Bonaparte, daughter of Princesses Canino and Musignano.

This grand wedding not only attracted the attention of South American countries, but also caused a sensation in Europe. The French Emperor Louis Bonaparte, that is, the famous Emperor Napoleon III not only sent a special envoy, but also provided a generous gift for his niece. dowry.

In the eyes of the French emperor, this is the best opportunity for France to dye Guimei.

"This is not only the union of two families and two countries, but also the union of the old and new continents!"

The congratulatory message of the French emperor was not only joyful, but also full of ambition.Who is most wary of this?

Great Britain of course!
After all, as early as the beginning of the independence of the Spanish colony in the Rio de la Plata area, Britain and France at that time tried their best to replace Spain in controlling the entire Rio de la Plata area in order to obtain raw material suppliers and commodity sales markets, but in the end most of them Adopted a policy of defecting to the United Kingdom, and the only one who chose to defect to France, the Paraguayan Marshal Lopez Jr., who called himself the "Little Napoleon of South America", was on the verge of failure under the siege of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.

Who is behind all this?

Britain, of course.

The UK will never allow others to get caught up in Guimei!After all, he has been painstakingly managing this area for many years.

Now the intervention of the French is absolutely intolerable to Britain.

But it's not the same, unless necessary, Britain will never take the initiative to roll up its sleeves and end in person.Moreover, Britain, which is good at planning in advance, will definitely make long-term deployments. Now that Chile has fallen, Argentina and Brazil have fallen into the quagmire of the Paraguay War, it is impossible for the UK to make long-term deployments. They can only watch France "get involved" in South America.

Since there is such a good opportunity, the French will definitely not miss it. In fact, for the emperor Napoleon III, he is also eager to show the so-called aura of a great power by intervening in South America.

In other words, Emperor Napoleon 34 hopes to tell his citizens that the empire is so powerful by swaggering around the world.It's just using this method to confuse people's hearts. If there is a real war, he will probably be the first to give in.

"His Majesty!"

As the ambassador of the French Empire to South China, Lesseps Bonaparte stood respectfully in front of Zhu Xianhai with a humble and respectful attitude.As a member of the Bonaparte family, he was sent to Nanhua as an ambassador purely because of his status. However, as an ambassador, he did not neglect his duties.After all, for him, this is also an extremely rare opportunity.Opportunities given to Sun French politics are extremely precious to any member of the Bonaparte family.

"You should know that the wheat and beef produced in Nanhua are extremely important to France. Without the wheat and beef produced in Nanhua, France is likely to be starved. Therefore, there is nothing more important to His Majesty the Emperor. It's over!"

Wheat is a traditional export product of the Rio de la Plata region. Especially in the past few years, when the crops in various parts of Europe have been poor, wheat from the Americas has become an indispensable source of food for European countries.

Even during the Civil War, one of the most important reasons why the British did not directly intervene in the civil war and provide armed support to the southern regime was that Britain, which had a bad harvest at that time, urgently needed wheat from the United States.

In the end, cotton did not decide Britain's choice, but North American wheat did make Britain stand on Washington's side.After all, even the United Kingdom cannot watch millions of people fall into famine, which will lead to social unrest.

The same is true for France, but they are obviously not as lucky as Britain. Britain can buy North American wheat through Canada and the United States, but France's overseas territories cannot provide enough food for the mainland.

In those major wheat producing areas, France's influence is almost zero.Like in the Rio de la Plata region France doesn't have any influence at all.

It was hard to cultivate a Paraguay, and now it is falling into a multi-national group, and the European countries are about to perish.

It was at this time that Nan Hua came to his door.

Nanhua can not only export a large amount of wheat, but also a large amount of beef.

Fresh frozen beef is definitely a unique specialty product of Nanhua. After all, Nanhua is the only one in the world that has a freezer ship for transporting frozen meat.

Others are like Argentina and the United States. Of course, they all have extremely rich beef resources, but they don't have frozen ships to transport them.

So now Nanhua is relying on its own unique technology to monopolize the export of fresh frozen meat to Europe.It was also thanks to this that Europeans tasted cheap fresh beef from the New World for the first time.

At present, France is not only one of the most important markets for Nanhua beef and mutton, even for urban residents in France, they have reached the point where they cannot leave American beef and mutton—mainly because it is cheap.

After all, before this, beef from the New World could only be sold locally, or the corned beef that could salt people to death could be exported to Europe. The kind of corned beef that was as hard as wood, the citizens would not buy it unless they had to. .

But now Nam Hwa has changed all that with their frozen ships.Some observers even declared that "if the American beef and mutton are lost, riots will break out in Paris tomorrow.".

In this case, the normal export of beef every week is guaranteed.It became the top priority of Lesseps Bonaparte, the French ambassador to South China.
The reason why he mentions this matter now is actually related to the overall diplomatic layout of France-France is eager to infect Guimei!
France hopes to strengthen its relationship with Nanhua, and then intervene in American affairs. As an empire, France certainly cannot just watch the British control everything here.

"Of course, Lesseps, you can tell Paris that we will do what we can to ensure food exports to France. This year we plan to reclaim 200 million hectares of land. Although these lands are arable land, each of the company's farms has The beef cattle farm expects to more than double our beef production within two years."

Agriculture is the foundation of industrial development. While promoting industrial development, Zhu Xianhai did not forget to develop agriculture. At least half of the immigrants were assigned to various reclamation areas, where they reclaimed land and planted crops such as wheat, corn, cotton, soybeans, and agricultural products. Exports are another important pillar of Nan Hua's economy.

And for now, the export of agricultural and livestock products to Europe has even surpassed the export value of Nanhua's industrial products. After all, in history, Argentina became a developed country through exporting beef.

The current Nanhua is just copying the success of Argentina in the past, but the biggest difference from Argentina is that Nanhua uses the export of agricultural products in exchange for funds to develop industries.

"Your Majesty, you don't know how much the French love beef!"

said Lesseps Bonaparte in a rather exaggerated tone.

"When every shipment of beef arrives in France, it will be sold out soon. In the next few years, the demand for beef in France will increase several times. What is certain is that in the current situation, if your farms do not move forward If you cross the Colorado River, which is your North River, and expand to the north, that is, the Pampas grassland, Your Majesty, ten years later, that grassland will not only become a pasture for Argentina, but Paris will also have to buy beef from Argentina! "

Staring at Zhu Xianhai, Lesseb Bonaparte said solemnly.

"Aside from the countries we each represent, as your cousin, I hope you can notice one thing—now is the best time for you to expand to the north. After all, that grassland also belongs to the Mapuche people. Prairie, as their king, you have to make sure that land belongs to you forever, not Argentina!"

Looking at Zhu Xianhai with a smile, Lesseb Bonaparte emphasized again.

"This is also the meaning of His Majesty the Emperor."

In other words, France supports the expansion of Nanhua!The imperialist powers are so upright, they either end up in person to invade others, or they support the spokesperson to invade others, so as to achieve their own goals.

And many small countries are often willing to become the spokesperson of the imperialist powers.After all, while being used by those powers, they can also get extremely rich returns, just like the current Paraguay War, after the victory, Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay can all gnaw a bite out of Paraguay.

Now, the French are also starting to fight.

But for the support from France, Zhu Xianhai is also very helpless!

The one who takes the Three Emperors is really a master with high eyesight and low hands!

The British have been operating in South America for half a century, and they have planned for many years. As soon as the emperor came to power, he began to seek to intervene in South America. During the Paraguayan War, his support for Paraguay was—zero!

Such an emperor who is only responsible for fighting the fire but is unwilling to take responsibility, what else can he give Nanhua besides verbal support?

Since you want to "get your finger" in South America, you have to pay a little price!
After thinking about it, Zhu Xianhai said.

"Dear cousin, it seems to me that the entire Pampas grassland is the land of the Mapuche people. Of course we have to declare our sovereignty, but you know that without the entry of immigrants, how can we control that grassland? ? Therefore, we need to build the railway across the Beihe River to the hinterland of the grassland, only in this way can we truly control the grassland."

Smiling at Lesseps Bonaparte, Zhu Xianhai said with a smile,
"The construction of the railway requires a lot of funds. If we can get the support of the French financial community, I think we should be able to complete this work in a short time."

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(End of this chapter)

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