Chapter 270 Borrowing money based on ability (second update, please subscribe)
In this era, France is a well-known financial empire, and it can easily lose the owner of 50 billion gold francs, which is definitely not bad.

For a big money like this, if there is a chance, of course he will go for it.

What is the current development of the New World?
It relies on overseas capital. More than half of the capital used to build railways in the United States in the 20th century came from London. Without London’s financial capital, the United States would not have developed. Even until the 20s, British financial capital was still on Wall Street. occupy an extremely important position.

Since the United States can use British capital to develop, Nanhua can also use French capital to develop.

In fact, compared to France, Zhu Xianhai is more willing to choose the UK as the sponsor. After all, according to the results in the simulator, the conflict of interests between Nanhua and the UK is bound to erupt.

Once the war breaks out...why do you have to pay back the money you borrowed based on your ability?
But right now, because of the Chilean issue, the relationship between Nanhua and the United Kingdom is not very friendly, which directly affects Nanhua's difficulty in borrowing money in London. Until now, it has only borrowed more than 2200 million pounds.In exchange for silver, there are only more than 7000 million taels.

Of course, when he borrowed the money, he had no intention of paying it back.It's a pity that I can't borrow more.

in this case.We can only go to France, the beneficiary, first.Although the money borrowed from France may need to be repaid, it will definitely be beneficial to the development of Nanhua after sufficient funds are borrowed.

So, this money has to be borrowed!
After getting close to France, the benefactor, at the beginning of the new year in 1867, Zhu Xianhai came up with his long-planned plan.

"Ji Gao, let you come here today. It's time for Nanhua to have a plan to build a railway network. At present, Nanhua has only one Pacific Railway between Nanhua and Linhai. Now with the influx of immigrants, we need to resettle more immigrants. We are in the Pampas grassland, so I and we need to determine the railway construction plan to the north as soon as possible. We will strive to build a railway network covering the Pampas grassland and Shanxi within 5 years, so that the total mileage of the railway will exceed Ten thousand miles!"

Nanhua’s railway construction started very early. Before Zhu Xianhai’s expedition to Araucania, the construction of the iron mine had already kicked off. Although the construction of the Pacific Railway was full of twists and turns, it has tempered a number of railways for Nanhua. engineer.

In the past, the rails used in the railways built by Nanhua were all cooked rails imported from Britain and France, because Nanhua’s steel companies needed to export steel to foreign countries to earn more than ten times the huge profits. However, with the “invention of open hearth steelmaking technology in Europe "The price of steel is falling rapidly. In other words, low-cost steelmaking technology has been applied, which also means that the era of huge profits of Nanhua Iron and Steel Company is over, and low-cost wear-resistant steel rails will be applied to railways. .

Zhu Xianhai is going to apply wear-resistant steel rails on railways first, and take the opportunity of building railways to promote the development of Nanhua's steel industry. It is believed that with the stimulation of railways, Nanhua's steel output will have a leap-forward development in the next ten years , High-quality steel rails will fully replace wrought iron tracks.

Now is the time to start building the railroad.Especially when Nanhua can issue bonds in France, in other words, it can use foreigners' money to develop itself.

"In addition to railways, the construction of supporting roads also needs to be accelerated. Hard roads should be used where conditions permit, and a transportation network with railways as the backbone and paved hard roads as branches, covering Shanxi and Shandong All the regions will eventually form a complete land transportation network."

Of course Zhu Daguan has heard of the principle of building roads before getting rich, but the planned immigration promotion also requires the cooperation of the transportation network.

At present, the inland transportation of Nanhua mainly relies on railways, and there is only one Pacific Railway. Only one Pacific Railway will not be able to meet the transportation of immigrants in the future.

Therefore, Zhu Xianhai plans to spend a few years to build a railway and road transportation network, using several railway and road networks to connect all parts of Nanhua.This will not only facilitate the resettlement of immigrants—immigrants can be resettled to various places along the railway, but also promote the circulation of goods, which should also be extremely beneficial to the internal economic development of Nanhua.

As for the road system, although it seems that the transportation volume is not large at the moment, as the Otto Internal Combustion Engine Company begins to produce gasoline internal combustion engines, it is only a matter of time before the "invention" of the automobile. It can also be used for troop mobilization.


Wars are always inevitable, and in Zhu Xianhai's plan, Nanhua will intervene in the Paraguayan war in his turn, not to interfere, but to take the opportunity to achieve territorial expansion.

In this case, it is imperative to build the northern railway and road network.Fortunately, the Pampas grassland is flat enough, and it is still very easy to build a railway on the grassland.

Although it is easy, thousands of kilometers of railways and thousands of kilometers of roads require a lot of money. Where will the money come from?

Can only rely on bonds!
Three years!

There are only three years in total. When I think about the end of the Paraguay War in three years, if I don't take the opportunity to expand to the north, if I miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to expand again!

Thinking of this, Mr. Zhu couldn't help sighing: I really don't know if I can see the day when Nanhua develops into a member of the imperialist powers and establishes a beautiful homeland of imperialism!

The development of the country still needs to make a big leap!
Time waits for me, can't wait to slowly farm!
Thinking about the common illiteracy of Chinese immigrants, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help frowning.

Ruling the world is indeed more difficult than conquering the world!

Conquering the world is difficult, and governing the world is even more difficult.But to conquer the world and govern the world at the same time is naturally even more difficult.

What Zhu Daguan is doing now is this kind of difficult thing.

It is absolutely impossible to expand the surrounding world after governing the world well, because the imperialist powers—Britain, many countries including the United States will never give him this time.

"My lord, we haven't digested Chile yet. If we rashly expand again, it will not only arouse the vigilance of other countries and arouse the hostility of other countries, but also affect our digestion of Chile. Will marching northward be too fast? a little?"

Zuo Zongtang reminded.

"It's a bit too fast, but there's no way around it! Isn't the most important thing for us right now is to improve our internal strength, develop industry and commerce, develop military strength, and digest the current results of the battle?"

Zhu Xianhai shook his head, how could he not know that he was going faster, but according to the experience and lessons in the simulator, he must speed up!
"I also want to digest the fruits slowly, but if we don't try our best to expand the territory, then in a few years, we will have to face external pressure. The British will never allow us to rise in South America , to disrupt their departmental situation, and develop slowly, although it is beneficial to our development, it is also conducive to the long-term layout of the UK. Under the planning of the UK, in the next few years, we are bound to face the invasion of foreign enemies. What is the best option for us in this situation?"

(End of this chapter)

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