Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 366 Tears of Argentina

Chapter 366 Tears of Argentina (Second update, please subscribe)
On this day, the South China Army that invaded Buenos Aires carried out a final sweep of the city, and before they launched the final general attack, Argentine President Sar Ento left the presidential palace and met with Argentine dignitaries. They boarded the warship together and left the city in a hurry.

That night, the last main force of the Buenos Aires Provincial Army also left together. They boarded the requisitioned merchant ships. It was difficult to hide their whereabouts when tens of thousands of troops retreated. It led to the complete collapse of the Buenos Aires defense line, and the troops and civil defense teams from other provinces all abandoned the defense line one after another.

For a time, the city was full of deserters and fleeing civilians. When everyone was fleeing, there were also many looters in the city. Among them were deserters and many thieves, hooligans and tramps in the city.

These thieves and hooligans who dare not act recklessly under the restraint of the police on weekdays.Groups of three and four ran to the streets where the rich lived, even though there were many rich people who were preparing to flee here on the street, they saw these guys.But it didn't stop them.

At this time, everyone was living for themselves, and the people who were running away looked at the thieves without any regard, and the thieves broke into the empty houses on the roadside without any scruples.

When those thieves broke into roadside houses to rob, they would occasionally encounter the owner of the room in the house.After a burst of rapid gunfire, there will be the wanton shouts of robbers in the room.Soon the cries and screams of the women will be heard again.

The thieves and vagrants who turned into robbers ransacked the houses in the rich area recklessly. At this time, the law has disappeared.

As for the police, the police didn't know where they went for a long time, and no one would maintain order here.

"Who can help me, who can help me?"

Christina doesn't even know how she escaped.

She was running on the street in her pajamas, and she had been hiding in the bedroom. The rumbling explosion made her feel extremely nervous and scared.

The only way to find a sense of security is to hide in the bedroom.But she did not expect that there would be robbers breaking into her home.Looting and killing her servants.

Christina, who was awakened by the gunshots, heard the lewd laughter of the men in the room and the cries of the maids before she could figure out what happened.To avoid those robbers.Jumped directly from the window down the stairs.Then he ran barefoot in the street.

The once peaceful streets are now chaotic, like a slum.There were people running with horse-drawn carriages everywhere.Although she kept calling for help, no one paid attention to her.

There are carriages parked in front of some houses, and people are moving things there, such as tables, chairs, and even pianos.They were all loaded into a carriage.

It seemed that someone heard Christina's cries for help.

Then someone walked towards her, and she ran over excitedly and shouted.

"Sir, please, come and help me, my home... ah."

When she saw the person walking over, Christina screamed in horror. The man walking towards him was dirty, not only dressed in shabby clothes, but also had a pistol pinned to his waist.

Seeing Christina running over, the man grinned, showing a smile with a few missing teeth.

"Hey, is there anything I can do for you, Beauty?"

Seeing Christina's terrified appearance, the man's greedy eyes sized her up.

"Beauty, it's almost time to stay with me, I promise to make you want to die..."

"You, you, don't come here."

Christina yelled in horror, but the man who walked over ignored her yelling at all.Just when she turned around and wanted to run away, the man ran over and grabbed Christina's hand.


When Christina was calling for help, while struggling, trying to get rid of the man, she turned her head and kicked the man's vitals.

"Ah! You bloody bitch!"

The man who had been kicked screamed in pain, but his hand did not let go of Christina, and he still held her wrist tightly like iron clamps.

"You bloody bitch!"

When Christina was struggling, the ferocious man slapped her twice.

In an instant, Christina felt that her eyes were staring at gold stars, and she fell to the ground screaming.

"Help, who can help me?"

Christina, who fell to the ground, was crying.And the ferocious man stared at the woman lying on the ground like a prey, and said with a lewd smile.

"You stinky bitch, I'll let you know how good I am in a while..."

Sensing the danger, Christina couldn't stand up, but she still struggled and tried to escape backwards, crying while escaping.

"God, help me!"

Christina's cries were exchanged for men's unscrupulous laughter. At this time, several men even ran over, laughing unscrupulously at the woman who had nowhere to escape.

"Damn bitch!"

The hideous man completely ignored Christina's cry for help.He took off his pants as he walked.

Just as he was bending over, suddenly the gunshot rang out.

The man who was taking off his pants saw an accomplice fell to the ground, and when he raised his head in a daze, the gunfire rang out again.The person fell to the ground.Seeing this, the others fled around in panic.

Christina, who was crying for help, heard the gunshots and looked in the direction of the gunshots. She saw a group of soldiers running towards this side.

"Help me, please help me!"

Christina ran towards those soldiers desperately.

He ran and called for help.

"I beg you, there are robbers in my house, there are..."

As soon as she was running, she ran to the front of those soldiers, and she fell down exhausted.When she fell again, someone supported her.

"Please, help me, save Sophia and the others..."

It wasn't until this time that Christina realized that the appearance of such a person was completely different from theirs.

They are intruders...


When the invaders stormed Buenos Aires, the whole city was in chaos.Soldiers are fleeing, and so are residents.

The soldiers flocked to the La Plata River like a tide. When they reached the river, the wide La Plata River was in front of them, and the pursuers were about to kill them behind.

In order to escape from Buenos Aires, when the soldiers came to the port, they swarmed onto any available boat, and many even jumped into the water, swam to the boat and boarded the boat along the rope. , There are also some who jumped on the boat and tried to paddle to the opposite bank 50 kilometers away, towards Uruguay on the east coast.

There were as many as [-] Argentine soldiers who fled to the river, and they boarded any available ship.

The chaos was like nothing Major General Henrys or Edward Thornton had ever seen, looking at the people scrambling to escape Buenos Aires, Major General Henrys said.

"Perhaps, this is the scene of subjugation..."

"Who knows?"

Edward Thornton shrugged his shoulders helplessly. He turned his gaze to several Argentine warships that joined the British fleet, and looked at the well-dressed Argentine dignitaries on the deck, he said.

"Even if Argentina perishes, it won't affect them much. They will continue their lives in mansions in London or Paris. Their lives are still luxurious..."

But what about those poor people?
Looking at the struggling Argentine soldiers on the bank who were squeezed into the river, even if they managed to escape to Uruguay, what is waiting for them?

A life of poverty without any change.

Perhaps, this is the sorrow of ordinary people!
For all this, Sarnto and others seemed to turn a blind eye. All he cared about was the troops in Buenos Aires, and of course the gold from the National Bank.

"Is all the gold on board?"

In the cabin of the commander of the warship, Sarnto asked the governor of the central bank.

"Yes, all the gold and silver coins in the treasury have been loaded on board, Mr. President, and all we have left them now is an empty city."

In the past few days, they have been quietly transferring the gold and silver coins in the treasury. Not only did they transfer the gold and silver coins in the treasury, they also loaded the silver coins in the bank on board.

"Well, that's good. The money determines whether we can continue to fight. Uruguay has already agreed to our entry. Ask the British and say that we hope to form a fleet with them to Uruguay."

Why act with the British?
Because everyone knows very well that the Argentine navy is not an opponent of the Nanhua Navy at all, and it is still by the side of the British fleet. Only those who pretend to be powerful can guarantee their safety!

It has to be said that as a politician, Sarnto may not have succeeded in defending Buenos Aires, but his intuition is still extremely sensitive. In order to ensure safety, he ordered the fleet to join the British, and then joined them Depart Buenos Aires and sail to Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, on the east bank of the Rio de la Plata.

However, when Sarnto and the British fleet sailed to Montevideo, they did not know that because of a misjudgment-they did not expect the collapse of Buenos Aires to be so fast, Nanhua's fleet Haven't reached the mouth of the river yet.

When the main force of the First Fleet, two 1600-ton "Fubo-class" and two 2800-ton "Shanxi-class" armored ships, led 26 small gunboats of about [-] tons, when they arrived at the mouth of the river, what they encountered was overwhelming. There are hundreds of large and small civilian ships—those ships are, without exception, full of soldiers and civilians trying to escape from this place.

"Order them to stop the ship immediately!"

Standing on the command tower of the flagship "Shanxi", Lin Yuehu put down the binoculars and ordered.

"We remain vigilant in the rear, and the gunboat performs the task!"

With an order, those small hundred-ton gunboats drove towards them like sharp arrows. Although these small gunboats were said to be equipped with a thousand-horsepower steam engine, their speed exceeded 23 knots. The reason why the Coast Guard is equipped with such What a small gunboat, because it is a torpedo boat as long as it is slightly modified.

In fact, they are torpedo boats themselves, but they are not equipped with torpedo tubes.

"All ships stop immediately!"

Although the officers and soldiers on the gunboat issued a warning to the fleeing ships through semaphore, the Argentine officers and soldiers in control of the ship threatened the captain and crew with weapons.

"Enter the river against the current, don't listen to them, if they take the boat, they'll kill us all..."

The reason why the officers made such a judgment was because there were boats of all sizes and sizes everywhere in a mess on the river, while there were so few boats in Nanhua, even if there was a fight, they would still have a chance to take advantage of the chaos and escape.

While the deserters were shouting, some deserters saw that there seemed to be only Gatling machine guns on the small gunboats, and no cannons.I don't know who gave them the courage to fight. They even took up their rifles and shot at the sailors on the gunboat.

The moment the gunshots sounded, the battle began.


After being attacked, the sailors were enraged by these daring enemies, and they immediately set up four 20mm Gatling machine guns on the side of the ship. Although it was a machine gun, it was a few years ago. , Nanhua's arsenal specially developed explosive warheads for it.

As the sailors shook the handles, gunshots sounded like firecrackers on the broad La Plata River, and the small shells hit the fleeing ships like a storm. The sawdust from the old wooden hull collapsed, and the shells still exploded in the plank. In the successive explosions, holes the size of books were blown out on the side of the ship. When the raging river water poured into the cabin, the deck, The Argentine soldiers were also shot by machine guns, blood splashed on the deck for a while, stumps and broken arms kept falling from the deck and onto the river, turning the river red.

Twenty-six gunboats are like twenty-six sharp arrows. Their small hulls are passing through the river. The machine guns on both sides of the ship are like the scythes of death, and they shoot unscrupulously. Small, but for wooden-hulled ships, explosive projectiles are extremely deadly. They can easily shatter the hull and punch bowl-sized holes in the seemingly solid hull.

The battle on the Rio de la Plata was so one-sided that it wasn't even a battle but a massacre.

Sometimes, relying on the solid hull of the ship, they even crashed into some small boats trying to escape, and all the Argentine soldiers on board fell into the water one after another, and these Argentine soldiers floating on the river were all buried in the belly of the fish in the end.

"Sir, a ship has raised a white flag!"

"Did you see it?"

Undoubtedly, no one saw a white flag.Since there was no surrender, the fighting should continue.

When it was all over, the wide La Plata River was littered with burning ships...

(End of this chapter)

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