Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 367 Attack from the Seabed

Chapter 367 Strike from the bottom of the sea (third update, please subscribe)
When the battle on the Rio de la Plata was going on, in the middle of the Rio de la Plata, the yellow water shone brightly in the sun, a white wave split the river, and a looming tower The bow of the boat can be seen faintly in the stirred up river water, and the waves mixed with countless foams are flying in the air beside the boat.

Holding binoculars, standing on the bridge that can accommodate only one person, Liu Tiannian looked at the situation in the distance.

Although the submarine is now sailing on the La Plata River, the wide river can't see the end at a glance.

The estuary of the Rio de la Plata is the widest estuary in the world, a full two hundred kilometers wide.Even this generation is more than [-] kilometers long. Such a vast river will always make people mistakenly think that this is the sea.But in fact it's just a river.

It was precisely because he was sailing on the river that Liu Tiannian reminded the helmsman to keep the course through the microphone from time to time.

After all, the water depth here is only about 30 meters. Although there is no problem in navigating in such shallow water, it does have certain risks for submarines.

"Hopefully, the task can be successfully completed."

Liu Tiannian said to himself.

In the past six months, Liu Tiannian has been leading the No. 001 submarine for sea training. Although he was eager to play a role in the war after the war broke out, he knew that what the troops needed most was training.

They received a mission three days ago, and then he led the crew and left the base to drive to the mouth of the Rio de la Plata.

Where is the target?

While he was standing on the conning tower searching the river, suddenly, several smoke columns from the distant skyline caught his attention. After picking up the binoculars to observe for a while, he immediately went down from the bridge to the bottom cabin.

Once in the hold, he gave his orders.

"Close the hatch!"

The sailors who received the order were immediately busy, closing the hatch and turning off the microphone.After working for about [-] seconds, the sailors replied loudly.

"The hatch is closed!"

"The microphone is off."

After hearing the reports from the sailors, Liu Tiannian, who had already walked to the command platform, gave the order.


The small submarine dived very fast, but disappeared from the river in just the blink of an eye.

After diving into the depths of the periscope, Liu Tiannian put on his general cap backwards, and raised the periscope with both hands.Then with his eyes on the periscope, he carefully directed the submarine, approaching the target.

Almost half an hour later, a fleet appeared in his sight.

"That's right, the leading British warship is the "Hector" behind the "Minotaur"..."

He is no stranger to the "Hector". When he was studying in the UK, he once visited the "Hector" under construction in the shipyard. At that time, he never imagined that one day he would use this There is no way to meet this warship again.

"It's a pity that you are no longer within the scope of the mission this time, otherwise..."

When aiming at the "Hector" through the periscope, Liu Tiannian silently issued an attack command from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, he seemed to see the moment a torpedo flew out of the submarine, and the jubilant spray flew towards the warship.

Amidst a loud bang, the "Hector" ironclad ship was sunk!

What a glorious result for the world's first submarine!

Of course, it would be even more wonderful if the target could be changed to the "Minotaur" ironclad ship.

You must know that it is an ironclad ship of more than [-] tons.

But even if the tonnage is so huge, so what?

Only two torpedoes are needed, at most three.Surely it will send him to the cold bottom of the sea!
Unfortunately, he has more important tasks!This idea is just thinking about it in my heart.

"Where the hell are you?"

Operating the periscope, Liu Tiannian continued to search for the target of his trip - the "May [-]th" ironclad ship, which was purchased from the United Kingdom by the Argentine Navy in response to Nanhua's ironclad ship. This ironclad ship with a displacement of nearly [-] tons , which is also the flagship of the Argentine Navy.

Although his tonnage is not comparable to that of the "Hector" ironclad ship, it is still a very good target.At least he can prove the combat effectiveness of the submarine.

Staring at the target from the periscope, Liu Tiannian's gaze was cold, and occasionally he would lick his lips with his tongue.

"Torpedo room!"

"Set the depth to 3 meters!"

Moments after Liu Tiannian gave the order, the sailors replied from Yulei Temple.In this era, they can only pass orders in the boat through this most primitive way.

"Set the depth to 3 meters! Complete!"

With the issuing and repetition of the password, finally the torpedo room shouted "Ready!", and the voice was very clear in the small submarine.

500 meters away!
Although the distance was very close, Liu Tiannian still did not launch, he knew that he only had one chance to attack.

With the help of periscope distance measurement, Liu Tiannian shouted loudly when the distance was only about 200 meters.

"Torpedo launch!"

As the world's first submarine equipped with torpedo tubes, following Liu Tiannian's order, the torpedo chief pulled down the launch rod in the torpedo room on the bow of No. 001.

"Bang..." The compressed air directly pushes the torpedo in the launch tube. Under the push of the air, the torpedo rushes out of the launch tube, and then gallops towards the target. Clear boiling bubbles were left on it, but it was still boiling.

what is that?
No one even noticed it was there!After all, for the navy of this era, the threats they can see come from the sea and the bombardment of the fleet.

Attack from under the sea?
Is it the legendary giant octopus?

So no one noticed anything unusual on the sea at all. Even if they found the wake of the torpedo, they might think they had encountered a large dolphin spraying water.

After the No. [-] launch tube was launched, the No. [-] launch tube was also launched, and the two boiling white waves rushed straight into the distance.

Perhaps, this is really the spray made by dolphins when they swim in the sea.

When the two torpedoes flew towards the "May [-]th" ironclad ship one after the other, no one on the ironclad ship was crowded with people to notice the torpedo wake on the water.

Those Argentine soldiers who managed to escape were just crowded on the deck, smoking and talking there.No one noticed the strangeness on the sea.

Even when the torpedoes sailed near the warship, no one noticed them.

But only for a while, in the periscope, Liu Tiansheng saw a huge water column exploded on the starboard side of the "May [-]th" ironclad ship. The violent explosion blasted a water column as high as [-] meters.

"No. [-] torpedo hit!"

When Liu Tiansheng's excited shout sounded in the submarine, the crew had already heard the explosion from a distance. Although the submarine was hovering in the sea, the explosion still clearly reached everyone's ears.

"Long live!"

Amidst the shouts of excitement, there was another loud bang, and the No. [-] torpedo hit the ironclad ship "May [-]" again.When the shock wave of the explosion hit, the submarine even swayed because the distance was too close, and it fell directly into the cabin when it was not at a stable level.

"Dive at full speed!"

When Liu Tiansheng ordered to dive into the deep sea, the surface of the sea was already in chaos, and the iron-clad ship "May [-]th", which was hit by two torpedoes one after another, was seriously flooded.

While the ship was tilting, the panicked and bewildered sailors jumped into the sea without even waiting to put down the lifeboat.

None of them knew what happened, but now facing the rapidly sinking warship, jumping into the water was the best choice.

"Quick, slow down, there are mines!"

The British sailors on the "Minotaur" ironclad ship were also frightened by the violent explosion, and they all looked nervously at the wide river.

In the end what happened?
It must have been a mine.

It must have hit a mine while sailing.

There are mines in the river!
The sailors looked at the river in horror, the river water covered everything.No one could see through the water to the little submarine at the bottom of the river.

At this time, it was quietly suspended in the river, and the submarine that had completed its mission left quietly like a ghost on the bottom of the sea.

It left a trail of death and terror in its wake.

"Pay attention to the sea surface, there may be mines."

When the deputy captain gave the order, Henrys had already come to the deck nervously.

"what happened?"

Originally, he was chatting with Edward in the captain's room, but he was interrupted by the explosion.

For a moment, he even felt that he was attacked by the South China Navy?
But soon he dismissed the idea.He believed that no fleet in the world dared to challenge the Royal Navy.

"General, a mine! "May [-]th" may have encountered a mine, and there were two mines!"

Two mines!

Major General Henry's eyes widened, simply couldn't believe what he heard.

"how can that be?"

"There were two explosions, less than a second apart. Perhaps the anchor mines released by the Paraguayans floated here. General, we must be more careful."

Sea mines are not a new thing. During the Civil War, sea mines produced in Nanhua were widely used by the South to break the blockade of the North. Sink dozens of northern ships.Naval mines were also used in the Paraguay War.

It was almost taken for granted that everyone felt that what the "May [-]" encountered was a mine laid by Paraguay during the war.As for the torpedo... they have never heard of that thing.

"This is really Lopez's revenge!"

Standing in the command tower, looking at the slowly sinking "May [-]th", Major General Henrys said.

Even when Lopez released these mines again, he never thought that one day he would teach the Argentines such a painful lesson.

Or, this is God's arrangement.

"Ask President Sarnto if he has safely evacuated, and ask them if they need our help!"

Help is definitely needed. On the ironclad ship "May [-]th", there are not only hundreds of sailors, but also thousands of army soldiers who have retreated to the warship.

But now they are all struggling on the water, and of course many of them never had the chance to struggle for help. They have sunk into the Rio de la Plata along with the warship.

When the "Minotaur" lowered the lifeboat and the Argentine Navy asked for help for those who fell into the water, Sarento, who had already evacuated to the lifeboat, was pale, and his eyes were fixed on the sinking "May [-]th" "Day" ironclad ship, there is only one thought left in my mind-it's over!
It's all over!
"First, sir, I, our... treasury is gone!"

The governor of the central bank, who had just been rescued from the river like a drowned rat, was dumbfounded. He looked at the flagship of the Argentine Navy in horror.He is about to be submerged in the river.

Oh, God!
What exactly happened?

The treasury is on the iron-clad ship "May [-]th"!

In order to be able to continue to resist, when withdrawing from Buenos Aires, according to the order of the president, all the gold, gold and silver coins, bonds and other properties of the treasury and the central bank were secretly transported out of the vault, put in boxes and sent to the On board the iron-clad ship "May [-]th".

Originally, the batch of gold and silver in the iron-clad ship "May [-]th" was Argentina's hope to continue fighting, but what about now?

With the sinking of the warship, all is lost!

It's all gone!
Sarnto's face was so ugly that he looked like his own father had died. He just stared at the "May [-]th" like this, his mind was empty and he couldn't say a word.

No more gold.

There is nothing left, even if he leads the army to retreat to Uruguay, what can he do?When he had no money to pay the army and no money to buy food, the anger of those officers and soldiers would be vented on him.

What will happen by then?
Sarnto didn't even dare to think about it, he just sat on the lifeboat with such a desperate expression, only one thought remained in his mind.

"Is this really God's will?"


Who can imagine that the fleet will encounter mines while sailing?

And those two mines still don't know when they were released by that guy Lopez.

What is even more unimaginable is that the mine actually hit the ironclad ship "May [-]th" impartially!
Apart from God's arrangement, Sarnto could not imagine any other possibility.

"My God, have you really abandoned your people, have you abandoned Argentina?"

Sarnto looked desperately at the slowly sinking "May [-]th" ironclad ship. The ironclad ship that sank in the Rio de la Plata is no longer a warship, but theirs. hope!
But hope just sank to the bottom of the river...

(End of this chapter)

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