Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 368 Friendship Sponsorship

Chapter 368 Friendship sponsorship (first update, please subscribe)
On December 12, the Nanhua Squadron, which had entered the city, began to mop up the remnants of the enemy in Buenos Aires. On the 10th of July Avenue and the streets of the city, there were military uniforms left by Argentine soldiers everywhere. Many Argentine soldiers He changed into the clothes of ordinary citizens and fled back home.Finding them becomes very difficult after they hide among the townspeople.

However, the resistance in the city did not stop with the official's escape, and there were still some defeated soldiers in the city who insisted on resisting.They fought in the corners of the city, using their lives and will to prove the tenacity of the Argentines.

But this kind of resistance is really futile, and it doesn't even make any sense. It just adds unnecessary sacrifices, but their courage is also admirable.

In order to show their admiration and respect for them, the soldiers of Nanhua would always see them off with cannons or fierce firepower.Perhaps this is the sympathy between soldiers.

The sporadic resistance in the city lasted for almost three days before it gradually subsided, and finally calm was restored.

The Blair Manor on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, this manor built at the end of the 18th century originally belonged to a Spanish nobleman. During the War of Independence, they were forced to leave here as royalists, so this luxurious manor was An upstart who is said to be related to a certain dignitary in the May Revolution took over. After Rosas was overthrown, the manor changed hands again and changed owners, and finally fell into the hands of a British expatriate.

Now, there is a new owner here.

Outside the gate of the manor, two teams of heavily armed soldiers in green uniforms stood guard on both sides of the gate. Their straight green uniforms and weapons also revealed the identity of the current owner of the manor—Nan Hua.

Well, receiving some of the fruits of victory as an occupying force is a matter of course.

However, no one thought that when the remnants of Buenos Aires had not been wiped out, the owner of the American company, the owner of Nanhua, the king of Araucania and Patagonia, the "string "The owner of the title, Zhu Xianhai, has already arrived outside Buenos Aires.

Standing in the corridor, Zhu Xianhai was enjoying the oil paintings on the wall. The former owner of the manor seemed to have good artistic taste. These oil paintings may not be art treasures, but many of them are antiques with a history of hundreds of years.

"Marshal, although the Bellucci Manor is nearby, it's a long way from the railway. That's why I chose this place."

Sun Hu said respectfully from the side.

"This manor is very good, I am very satisfied."

Bellucci Manor... It's been a long time, but Zhu Xianhai still prefers this place to revisiting his old place!
This place is occupied... oh no, taken over.

Living in other people's place is as comfortable as living in one's own place.Even if it was received, the surname is now Zhu.

This is what war rewards the victors.

"By the way, what do you think about entering the city?"

Turn around and continue walking down the corridor.

"Well, Commander-in-Chief, everyone thinks that we should work harder, at least let go of the previous restrictions, and give the frontline officers enough autonomy so that they can let go of their hands."

Wang Dewen's answer immediately aroused Liang Shan's approval, and he smiled.

"Hehe, I think so too, Marshal, we have already seized their conscription rolls from the Ministry of War, as long as we arrest people according to the rolls, we can almost arrest all the men in the city as prisoners of war. "

There was a hint of excitement in Liang Shan's voice, and Zhu Xianhai knew what the commander of the second division was excited about.

How many men did Sarnto conscript into the army to defend Buenos Aires?

5.6 million people!

For this city with a population of only 27, it is almost equivalent to recruiting all adult men. Where are these people now, many people died on the battlefield, and some people fled, but there are still quite a few Some people fled back home.

What does it mean to arrest those people as prisoners of war?

It means that the city will become a ghost city - a ghost city with almost only women left!Of course it won't be an empty city. In the future, tens of thousands of soldiers will be stationed in this city. Lonely men and widows, dry wood and raging fire will always ignite the fire of passion, and this is obviously in the interests of Nanhua.

Zhu Xianhai couldn't help showing a sly smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Although those people are soldiers, according to the wartime rules, we should of course arrest them, but we are benevolent... we only need to arrest some adults, that is, those in their prime."

The old and the young don't need to be arrested at all, and they won't have much impact on the "integration plan".

"Even in the prime of life, there is no need to catch a batch, close a batch, and release a batch. After all, we also need collaborators, and keeping some collaborators is also very important to our image."

Even as an occupying force, you need to maintain your image.Even the Japanese devils know how to hand out a few candies.Pretending to carry the old lady on their backs to cross the road, in order to confuse the public and conceal their identity as butchers.

Besides, the Nanhua army is still a division of civilization, so how can they not perform... no, just to show their image?

We must know that this war broke out at the same time. Until now, Nanhua has always shown itself as a righteous army, but what is Argentina?They are savage, brutal, a butcher army.

Nan Hua is of course different from them.After all, this public opinion war has never stopped.

"You can implement this matter in detail. By the way, how is the implementation of the navy's plan?"

Zhu Xianhai turned around and asked.

"Marshal, the implementation of the plan is very smooth. Now the "May [-]th" ironclad ship is sunk at the bottom of the La Plata River, less than [-] meters from the water surface. Our divers can go down to salvage the ship at any time. Supplies."

When the sunken ironclad ship was mentioned, everyone was beaming with joy.After all, it was not just a sunken warship, there was a huge amount of wealth on that warship.


Nodding his head, Zhu Xianhai smiled.

"Then send divers, so as not to have long nights and dreams. The things on board are not only from Argentina, but also from other private banks deposited in the central bank, gold and silver coins worth 4812 million pesos, tsk tsk, to be honest, we should be grateful Argentine laws, if it weren’t for the fact that they require depositing reserves in the central bank for the issuance of banknotes, we probably wouldn’t be able to make this windfall!”

This is nearly [-] million pesos!
If converted into British pounds, it would be almost 20 million. Less than [-]% of this huge sum belongs to the Argentine government. Who does the rest of the silver coins belong to?

It is dozens of commercial banks in Argentina!

The gold and silver that should have been stored in the national treasury were all "rolled" abroad by the Argentine officials, but they didn't know that Nanhua had already obtained this information when Sarento implemented the plan.

Faced with such a huge sum of money, who would not be tempted?Even Nanhua's military expenditure in this war was not so much.

If this huge sum of money can be obtained, not only can it make up for the huge military expenditure, but it can also use the money in more urgent places.

Therefore, after learning about the Argentine's plan, everyone racked their brains to discuss how to stop this huge sum of money.

Finally, Zhu Xianhai approved the plan for the 001 submarine attack.The reason why this plan was chosen was that among all the plans, only this one was the safest.

The plan was even smoother than expected. The iron-clad ship "May [-]" loaded with tens of millions of dollars of gold and silver sank into the mouth of the Rio de la Plata after being hit by a torpedo.

Whether it was the British or the Argentines, they thought they had encountered a mine.It never occurred to me that he was attacked.

That's the good thing about subs!

The most important thing is that no one in this era knows the secret weapon of torpedoes!This is the fundamental reason for the success of the plan.

What now?
Warships loaded with tens of millions of pesos of gold and silver coins quietly existed at the bottom of the Rio de la Plata, where the water depth was only a few tens of meters.

Just send divers to salvage the treasure on the ship!

This is why Zhu Xianhai chose to use a submarine to sink the treasure ship, because Nanhua had more sophisticated diving equipment that other countries in this era did not have.

In fact, it is a simple backpack diving equipment.Although these devices seem simple, they are enough for the divers to salvage the gold and silver from the sunken ship.

"After the money is salvaged, let's allocate it according to the plan! 40% is used for naval construction funds for the development of the navy, 40% is used for investment in the defense industry, 15% is used for education, and the other 5% is used for special needs."

Staring at the oil painting in front of him, Zhu Xianhai felt extraordinarily comfortable, that's for sure, no matter who made this windfall, he would definitely be so happy.

Besides, this windfall means a lot to Nan Hua!

400 million pounds is used to build the navy, which is enough to make the Nanhua Navy rank among the world's largest naval powers overnight!
Now even the cost of a [-]-ton ironclad ship is only a few hundred thousand pounds. With this money, the Nanhua Navy can wave banknotes to start buying and buying.

Although it is impossible to talk about starting the rhythm of making dumplings, what is certain is that the construction of the Nanhua Navy will be accelerated a lot.At least 4 capital ships and auxiliary ships such as tens of thousands of tons of cruisers can be purchased.

As for the defense industry expenditure of 400 million pounds and the education expenditure of 150 million pounds, both are sufficient to ensure the future development of Nanhua.

Compared with the construction of the navy, industry and education are the future!
And where did all this funding come from?
Thank you Argentina for your kind sponsorship!

(End of this chapter)

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