Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 38 Pre-War Simulation

Chapter 38 Pre-war Simulation (First update, please push, please close)
The coast looks unremarkable, even a little eerie.The edge of a large jungle is black with green, fringed with white waves, like a white line drawn with a ruler, stretching straight along a blue ocean, and the mist slowly rises to cover the glitter of the sea. .

The land under the scorching sun seemed to be shining, and there was water vapor, dripping wet.From time to time, some gray spots appeared in the white waves.When the "Anlis" sailed into the mouth of the river, a few customs officers came from the customs station - none of them boarded the ship. For these people, they can directly sail into the river mouth by throwing down dozens of pesos. Zhu Xianhai I took a special look at the customs station at the mouth of the river. There is a small fort near the customs station. There are a few soldiers beside the fort, probably because they need to protect the customs staff.

The tropical sun made people drowsy, but Zhu Xianhai was full of energy for this meeting.

"Brother Zhu, we should be there soon. I remember this river. When we came here by boat, it took only one day to reach the gold mine."

Gold mine!

The gold mine they are talking about is located between the cities of Coratina and Lini, and it is a gold mine run by a British family.Although the scale was small, Zhu Xianhai still found the gold mine.

After all, gold mines in this era are always extremely special, and it is a gold mine with thousands of miners.

While the boat was going upstream along the broad river, Zhu Xianhai, who was lying on the bed, closed his eyes and called out.


Now that this time has come, Zhu Xianhai is naturally impatient to simulate the next situation.


Everything went smoothly beyond Zhu Xianhai's imagination. For the guards of the gold mine, they never worried about attacks from outside.


Aboriginal people?

The nearest aborigines are hundreds of miles away. If there were aboriginals, they would howl with excitement and capture the aborigines as slaves. Men panned for gold in the mines, and women served as a tool to vent their desires and give birth to slaves.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhu Xianhai and his team took care of the gold mine guards. Those guards with muzzle-loading guns and only a few revolvers were no match for Zhu Xianhai and the others.In the fierce battle, the powerful firepower of the Henry's rifle was irresistible, and the guards were either killed or fled in a hurry.

If there was a fly in the ointment, the overwhelmed guards and gold mine workers escaped the gold mine by steamboat.

The compatriots who were sold to the mines were rescued.

1786 people!
The number of people exceeded Zhu Xianhai's imagination, and these compatriots who had suffered four years of abuse and enslavement were liberated.

In the face of liberation, these compatriots were excited, and they were also excited. They cried, vented, and vented their inner excitement.

But what happened next far exceeded Zhu Xianhai's expectation.

Because of the lack of boats, they had no choice but to leave the mine on foot. After a day and night of trekking, when they were about to reach the mouth of the river, they encountered a warship moored on the shore.

The owner of the mine who fled the mine reported the news of the slave riot to the official, and the official sent an army. The arrival of the army changed everything.

As soon as the small, even somewhat dilapidated warship spotted them, it fired vigorously into the jungle, and the soldiers on board fired into the rainforest.

Facing the blocking of the army and the guns of the army, they could only flee into the rainforest in a hurry.

That is, from then on, everything became more and more difficult. They didn't have enough food, and they didn't even need the army to attack. The team was destroyed by mosquitoes in the rainforest. After fleeing into the rainforest, The god of death seemed to release swarms of mosquitoes and sprinkle them on them. They chased Zhu Xianhai and his party day and night, rippling around, forming ominous, buzzing clouds.Mosquitoes sucked their blood through hats and clothes, injecting disease into their bodies.

They walked aimlessly through the rainforest, heading south, just like when Li Fugui and his group fled back then, along the road back then, they walked all the way, the swamp in the rainforest spread to their waists, and everyone Tired and hungry, they have no fire, no bed, and no house in the hopeless rainforest.

Along the way, people kept falling, but no one stopped. For the slaves, they longed for freedom.


At last, luck was not bad, they crossed the swamp area, and after trudging hard all the way, they came to a river. The river flows.

But what is waiting for them ahead?

It was hunger and the interception of the Brazilian army, and the slave hunting team of the slave owners. In order to survive, they changed from fugitives to warriors, marching all the way to unknown places.

"Where shall we go?"

"A place of freedom!"

"Where is freedom?"

"There's oppression everywhere."

"Then we'll take freedom with guns."

[July 1865, 7, you died of sepsis from a gunshot wound during the breakout...]

he died!
This time, he died a hero.

He even became a legend, a legend a hundred years later, a legend of the entire American world.In newspapers, Zhu Xianhai became the "Spartacus of Brazil" and the "slave liberator".

Heroes of course!

His life experience is definitely a legend.

He was also a scientist - the inventor of aspirin.

Is a weapons expert - holds multiple revolver patents.

Still a hero!
A tragic hero.

If he hadn't embarked on another road to fight for the freedom of the slaves in order to save his compatriots, perhaps the career he would have achieved is unimaginable. Perhaps he would have become one of the greatest scientists in modern human history. Believe it or not, I don't know how many people feel sorry for it.

Even until the [-]st century, there are still many debates about him on the Internet. His legendary experience and tragic ending have attracted the attention of many historical research scholars. His experience has even been written into a novel and made into a movie. .He even became a symbol, a symbol. In South America, for a hundred years, countless people followed his example and devoted themselves to the cause of freedom. It seemed that he really became a spark.

Even Che Guevara of Argentina said during his visit to China that he was inspired by Zhu Xianhai and devoted himself to the cause of freedom.

Of course, their fates were similar in the end, they were all betrayed by the people they wanted to liberate...

Of course, on the other side of the ocean, as a well-known Chinese in Chinese circles who has achieved great achievements overseas, his legend has supported many self-media.Well, there are still many areas vying for the right to his hometown and building "former residences" one after another.

But no matter what, all of this was not what Zhu Xianhai wanted.

"I, I...I'll go, this...cut, it's wasted work!"

(End of this chapter)

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