Chapter 39 Soldiers' Dangerous Moves
What a waste of work!
Facing such a result, Zhu Xianhai was trembling because of being too excited.

This is definitely not the result he wanted.

Once again, "the first emperor's great cause was not halfway, but the middle way collapsed"...

No one will be happy with such a result.

The only consolation is that...he lived a few more years this time, but the life of a guerrilla in the rainforest was definitely not what he wanted.


Zhu Xianhai frowned, unable to speak for a long time.

[Simulated Experience: A Life of a Slave Liberator]
[In this simulation, although the sims are short-lived, you sacrificed yourself to save others. In the sims, you realized the true life of "everyone for one, one for everyone". You can gain experience value of 2000, which can be Choose one of the following three items as a reward for this life simulation. ]
[[-]: Tropical Rainforest Survival Skills]
[Two: Entry-level military command skills]
[Three: Life Mall Junior Membership. ]
Faced with the reward given this time, Zhu Xianhai chose "entry-level military command skills" almost without thinking.


The cruel facts tell Zhu Xianhai that military command skills are extremely important in this era, and this is the capital of survival.

Among other things, after nearly two thousand compatriots and thousands of slaves are liberated, how to command them will be a big problem.

And there is absolutely no trick to this thing.After all, for ordinary people, it is absolutely impossible for him to be able to open and hang up as soon as he comes up, and he can command tens of thousands of people to fight.

"There are more important things!"

Opening his eyes suddenly, Zhu Xianhai didn't even care about thinking about what "military command skills" were, but strode out of the cabin, and once on the deck, he spoke to the sailors in Spanish.

"Which of you can drive a boat?"

Before the sailors recovered their senses, Zhu Xianhai directly took out a 20-peso gold coin and held it high in his hand.

"I need two people who can operate a steamboat and use a steam engine. The daily salary is 20 pesos!"

Under the sun, the gold coin glistened, full of endless temptation.

Money ability!
Always a superpower that can conquer everything!
Facts once again prove this point, in the face of the temptation of money.First mate Adam immediately raised his hand, you bastard if you have money.


After the ship passed the city of Lini, in the evening, at the mouth of a tributary, the "Anlis" stopped.

"Mr. Steven, I can only send you here. According to our agreement, I will wait here for three days. After three days, if you don't come..."

Before Luke finished speaking, Zhu Xianhai nodded.

"Don't worry, we'll definitely be back."

This time, they will definitely come back safely!Absolutely no surprises.

The dense tropical rainforest blocked everything on the shore, and a flat-bottomed steam boat was going upstream. Standing on the side of the ship, Zhu Xianhai frowned as he looked at the dark rainforest.

"Brother Zhu, look at this forest, it looks like nothing, but after entering, the mosquitoes and muddy water inside are really terrible things."

Li Fugui's words made Zhu Xianhai's mind be surrounded by mosquitoes, which was fatal. In the life simulation, how many of them died in the rainforest instead of being shot by the enemy.

"So, this time, we must not make any mistakes, and call the brothers to the cabin to plan."

Soon, a group of nineteen people gathered in the cabin, and by the oil lamp, Zhu Xianhai pointed to the sketches of the wharf and the gold mine that he had drawn from memory.

"When we go in this time, we must control two places. The first one is to control the dock, especially the steam ship at the dock. They must not be allowed to escape by boat. Once they escape the mining area by boat, the news If it is leaked, the military and police will definitely come to suppress us."

"In addition, the company's office building must also be taken here. To prevent those people from escaping from the pier, even if they escape, they can only escape in the rainforest."

After giving these instructions, Zhu Xianhai wiped the sweat from his forehead and heaved a long sigh of relief, feeling a little unsafe.

Now he has changed a lot of plans based on what happened in his Sims life. For example, he spent 2000 pesos in Lini City to buy this old boat. Arrive at the mine.

And this time, he will seize the pier first, instead of going straight to the mine like last time.

Facts have proved that people are easy to save, the key is after saving people.How to avoid the leakage of news and how to escape smoothly is the most important thing.

If there is a slight mistake, even if someone is saved, the result will be cold.

Let's not say that the great cause fell short.

It's not fun to be cold yourself!

Saving others, lying on the board?

It is true that we are great and noble people, but we can't "collapse in the middle of the great cause"!


Therefore, the first rule of the traveler: safety first
However, through the last simulation, Zhu Xianhai already had a full understanding of the situation in the mine.

From the point of view of the white men in the gold mine, the only issue they need to consider is the escape of Chinese workers in the mine and a small number of slaves, so their security deployment is internal.

I never considered that I would encounter external attacks.

Who will attack them?
Those indigenous people who are still stuck in a primitive state?
Do you want to give it a try?

Zhu Xianhai couldn't help being moved.

Although "seeking stability" is the minimum security guarantee, and the fundamental principle of survival is "steadiness", but who said that being stable means that you can't sneak attack?
You know, there are less than [-] white-skinned and mixed-race guards in the mine, and dozens of gold mine staff are added.

If the sneak attack is successful, it will fundamentally solve the problem.

Not only do you not have to worry about leaking the news, the most important thing is...Sneak attack makes people happy!

Attacking the unprepared, mental arithmetic without intention, of course it will make people happy!
After thinking about it, Zhu Xianhai stared at the pier and said.

"Fugui, you said this pier, if we are surprised, are we sure we can take it down quietly?"

"Brother Zhu, what do you mean?"

Li Fugui said.

"Brother Zhu's meaning is just like when we beat the demon whistle back then, leaning up quietly, and then directly wiped the person's neck."

Sun Hu laughed.

"Brother Zhu, this matter is simple. A few brothers got off the boat halfway, and then leaned up quietly. They must all be asleep in the middle of the night. Just wipe their necks with a knife!"

After thinking about it, Sun Hu stared at the map on the table and said.

"Not to mention other places, at least the pier, and the place where the white-skinned overseer lives. They must not have any precautions. Let's just do it. I don't believe it. They can still be more strictly guarded than the Qingyao's camp?"

The result is obvious, staring at those three positions, Zhu Xianhai thought for a moment, then clapped his palms vigorously and said.

"That way, let's divide our troops into three groups. I will personally lead people to seize the office building. Sun Hu, you take people to the dock. Wang Dewen, you take people to the mine. This time, we will give those white skins to a pot." Take it, one no!"

After hearing this, Li Fugui couldn't help saying nervously.

"Brother Zhu, is this too risky?"

"Soldiers take risks, sometimes, it's time to take some risks!"

Zhu Xianhai sneered, and then said.

"However, this risk depends on how you take it!"

(End of this chapter)

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