Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 392 The road to rise, eat the big players first

Chapter 392 The road to rise, eat the big players first ([-]rd update, please subscribe)
"Bu" flicked open the wooden cigar holder on the table, and after taking out a cigar, Zhu Xianhai skillfully cut off one end with the cigar tongs, and then lit the cigar.

Taking a sip of the cigar slowly, Zhu Xianhai narrowed his eyes, as if he was savoring the fragrance of Cuban cigars. Its taste is really fascinating.

"Land, on the surface, it seems that the big estate system, the army, and the Catholic Church are the three pillars of Caudillo's ruling order, but what are the foundations of the three?"

Breathing out the cigarette, savoring the aroma of the cigar, Zhu Xianhai said slowly while sitting on the soft sofa chair.

"It's the land, it's the big estate system. We destroyed the old order through war and established a new order. Then as a new regime, we need to grasp the land situation of the whole country, that is, to carry out land registration and measurement. Therefore, I think , it is necessary for us to enact a "Land Registry Act."

"The Land Registry Act?"

Qian Deshan's tone was deeply puzzled.

"Yes, that is, all land in the occupied area must be re-registered. We can set a time limit, such as completing the registration within one month, and the registered land in the future will be state-owned land."

With a cigar in his mouth, Zhu Xianhai said in a very relaxed tone, what is state-owned land?
It belongs to the government!
The government can distribute the state-owned land to anyone else. Of course, Chandeshan is very clear about this. When he was in Chile, he also collected the confiscated land as state-owned land and then distributed it.

"But what if they complete the registration?"

Qian Deshan looked at the commander in puzzlement, as if he didn't understand the use of this plan.After completing the plan, wouldn't there be no last resort?

"They can't finish it!"

Putting the cigars in the ashtray, Zhu Xianhai picked up the phone on the table and said to the door.

"Sun Wenshan, please come here."

Although he has just moved into this manor, a telephone has already been installed—in this era, the telephone is definitely a high-tech gadget, but this telephone is only connected to the secretary's office and the nearby garrison.

But this also means the beginning of a new era, and Nanhua has truly entered the era of electricity and electricity.Maybe it won't take many years to realize the good life of lights and telephones upstairs and downstairs. Of course, this good life must be at the cost of colonialism and oppression of other people, but what does the life and death of those foreigners have to do with Nanhua?

It is nothing more than the inevitable price of the rise of the empire!

"In 1848, after the United States defeated Mexico, it occupied a large area of ​​land in Mexico. At that time, there were many Mexican manor owners there. The US government promulgated the "Land Registration Act", requiring residents in the occupied area to re-register..."

While Sun Wenshan was standing in the study introducing the US Land Registration Act, Zhu Xianhai was listening quietly with a smile on his face.


Sun Wenshan, who once traveled abroad with Zuo Zongtang, learned how the United States dealt with those Mexican landowners during his visit to the United States. He only used a "Land Registration Act" to deal with those landowners.

It seems to be from $1 to $15, but for those manor owners who own thousands of acres, it is absolutely unbearable to pay tens of thousands of dollars at a time, which is enough to make them go bankrupt. After all, their property is often land, livestock, etc. , Farm tools, you must know that there were only a dozen millionaires in the United States in 1860!

"After the three-month registration period, 80% of the farmers with less land completed the registration, but 90% of the manor owners with more than 500 acres of land failed to complete the registration. According to the corresponding law, their land became state-owned. Land, many Chicano owners and churches lost their estates, and of course, more land was given to immigrants in the United States.”

"Not bad."

There was a sarcasm in Zhu Xianhai's voice.

"It's really the descendants of the British. If they didn't enact laws, they would rob civilians' property. But what about enacting laws? Their behavior is also legal. They legally took away the land of those people, those Mexicans What can I do? It’s just a few complaints!”

Even if they complain endlessly, what is the use?Everything Americans do is in harmony with the law.

"Many Mexicans chose to leave. They had no other choice. They had to pay to re-register, or just watch the land being confiscated and redistributed. But as the marshal said, because of the law, everything is in order. It is in line with the law, and I think we should implement a similar policy in Argentina in the future, by enacting corresponding laws and redistributing land, only in this way can we destroy their economic fundamentals.”

On the issue of redistribution of land, Nanhua has reached a consensus long ago. There is no way to let those "Caudillo" be the "separatist forces" that threaten the regime. Full of vigilance.

Among the manor owners, there can be a Bolivar to overthrow Spain, and maybe there will be a Han Livar to overthrow Nanhua in the future. That kind of armed manor owner is a disaster that must be eliminated in the eyes of any Chinese who understands history. source of.


Zhu Xianhai paused and said.

"We have promulgated the law and it must be implemented. If we promulgate the law and re-register the land, we must guarantee one thing-that is, to ensure that it is impossible for those manor owners to complete the registration, even if they borrow usury, it is impossible. Complete registration!"

Regarding his inner thoughts, Zhu Xianhai spoke out without any concealment.

"Our purpose is to completely and fundamentally destroy the basis for the existence of those "Caudillo"."

That is just a high-sounding purpose, what is the real purpose?It is the plundering of the conquered by the conqueror, and it is nothing more than robbing others of their property.

"Their foundation is the land. Through re-registration, those big manor owners, including small land owners, are faced with nothing more than two choices-either risking bankruptcy to re-register the land, and then going bankrupt and unable to continue operating the farm, or doing whatever they want. Since the land is nationalized, they have no choice other than that, like Johnson Manor, who owns 12000 acres of land, needs to pay 180000 yuan for registration fees, and another 10% survey fee, 20! This A lot of money is enough to bankrupt them."

Letting those people pay the price of bankruptcy to complete the registration is only the beginning.

Sun Wenshan said with a heavier tone.

"And even if they have completed the registration, we can also use taxation and other means to make them bankrupt. In the end, they also get nothing."

"Destroy the county magistrate, destroy the family and assassinate the history", anyone who has studied in Huaxia, who doesn't know this sentence, it is so easy for officials to deal with some people, especially at this level, there is no law to make laws , With the law, there is naturally a law to follow.

"And we can also stipulate that all registration fees must be paid in gold and silver coins or Nanhua bonds. Argentine and local banknotes will not be recognized. Those people do not have so many gold and silver coins in their homes, even if they have them in the bank. The deposits can’t be withdrawn now, and the property they own is nothing more than a pile of waste paper, how can they complete the registration?”

These are not conspiracies at all, but just the ruler's means.

Nodding slightly, Zhu Xianhai looked at Sun Wenshan, thought for a while, and then said.

"How about it, do you have an idea to go somewhere to exercise!"

Since land reform is to be carried out, someone must preside over it.Sun Wenshan seems to be a good candidate.

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(End of this chapter)

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