Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 393 Shooting yourself in the foot

Chapter 393 Picking up a rock and shooting yourself in the foot (first update, please subscribe)
Decentralization to the local government must mean promotion and appointment at the local government.But everyone in the officialdom knows that Beijing officials are noble, and the local officials are the parents of one party, and that is the real official.

Facing the sudden promotion, Sun Wenshan couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

"Marshal, my officer..."

Before Sun Wenshan could speak, Zhu Xianhai said.

"Don't rush to make a decision, go back and think about it for a few days."

Afterwards, Zhu Xianhai gave a few simple instructions, and after Sun Wenshan left the office, seeing Qian Deshan's pensive look, he said with a smile.

"Why, do you think it's a bit too much for me to put him in this position?"

"My lord has his reasons for employing people, but this position has a lot to do with it. Will using him cause any trouble?"

Qian Deshan said in a cautious tone.

"It doesn't matter, as long as he can follow the plan he proposed before, nothing will happen. Maybe he will give us some surprises!"

In terms of employing people, Zhu Xianhai is extremely conceited. It is not that he is conceited, but that he has simulated it before. Even without his leapfrog promotion, only a few months later, Sun Wenshan will still show his talents in the land reform. He was put in the place that was destined to belong to him.

There is no need to say more about the life of cheating.

After all, Zhu Xianhai waved his hand and said.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, um, count the days, we have been in the city for more than two months!"

Pushing open the window and looking in the direction of Buenos Aires, Zhu Xianhai smiled.

"Now, what is the situation in Buenos Aires?"

Qian Deshan took out a document and said.

"The written report of the headquarters is very detailed. At present, the resistance in Buenos Aires has basically ceased, and we have initially taken over the security in the city. However, we still need to rely on the local police to maintain the city. Law and order, after all, most of our people can't speak Spanish, there are big problems in communication between the two sides, misunderstandings are prone to occur, and the local police are also very unreliable. Therefore, I think it is necessary to recruit a group of people who can understand Spanish People come here, only in this way can we solve some problems in government affairs communication!"

This is the biggest problem between the occupying forces and the locals - the language barrier.

"Well, there is a need for this. I think we can also set up training courses. Both our people and local people can go to the training courses for free. Our people want to learn Spanish, and the local people learn to speak Chinese?"

Looking up at Qian Deshan, Zhu Xianhai said.

"Although we all know that there will be only one official language in Nanhua in the future—Chinese, we must also note that there are three million Spanish speakers in Argentina and Chile. We will face such problems, especially, many of our soldiers need to find wives, and they can't communicate with gestures..."

What is the purpose of this war?
To put it in a word, it is to rob money, rob land, rob women... It's just a different routine, in itself it is to rob reproductive rights!
"What the commander-in-chief said is true. This training class must be held, and it will definitely not work just relying on the dialogue manual."

After Qian Deshan wrote down the matter, he handed over the secret letter he had just received from Zuo Zongtang and said.

"Marshal, Minister Zuo sent an urgent secret letter."


Zhu Xianhai frowned slightly and said.

"It should have something to do with the British!"

Unfolding the letter, Zhu Xianhai only glanced at it a few times, then smiled.

"Look, the British guy really has a good plan!"

After taking the letter and reading it, Qian Deshan said in surprise.

"This...the British actually betrayed Uruguay, it is really unexpected!"

"It's also expected!"

Zhu Xianhai sneered.

"Selling out small and weak countries for the sake of their own interests is an old problem of the British. For them, this is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone. On the surface, it seems that they are sacrificing Uruguay, but in reality?"

After a pause, Zhu Xianhai frowned slightly, and said while thinking.

"They are just sacrificing Uruguay to push us to the opposite side of South American countries. Uruguay has always been supported and controlled by Brazil. Our entry into Uruguay will inevitably arouse conflicts with Brazil. For the United Kingdom, they just use acquiescence We occupy Uruguay in exchange for a conflict between us and Brazil, and we will clash with Brazil for supremacy, which is exactly what the British would like to see," he said.

This is what the UK is all about!The British will never change so fast, especially for Nanhua.

From the day Nanhua disrupted their layout in the Rio de la Plata, there has been a potential conflict between Nanhua and Britain, and this conflict may even be a war.

"What has the UK been pursuing for many years? Of course it is a regional balance of power policy. Once we have a war with Brazil, they will definitely provide support to Brazil. By supporting Brazil to maintain the regional balance of power, we will contain our development. The La Plata Basin is only There can be one overlord—the United Kingdom!"

How calculating is this shit-stirring stick in the UK. From the very beginning, they have carefully planned and created conflicts. What is the ultimate goal?It is to maintain their regional hegemony.

Just like in Europe!
Britain has been in Europe for hundreds of years to maintain a divided Europe and then ensure British hegemony!

"Sacrificing a Uruguay, they not only achieved their strategic goals, but also got an airship. Such a great thing that kills two birds with one stone, the British really know how to calculate!"

After explaining what the British were thinking, the sneer on Zhu Xianhai's face became wider and wider.

"Marshal, so to speak, this Uruguay is wearing intestinal poison. It's not okay to take it, or not to take it."

Qian Deshan said with a frown.


Zhu Xianhai shook his head and said.

"It's a gut-piercing poison, but how can you not eat the fat that is brought to your mouth? Besides, the conflict between us and Brazil is inevitable. Whether we do anything to Uruguay or not, the conflict between us and Brazil Conflicts are bound to happen, after all, the Rio de la Plata, and even the whole of South America, only allow one big country!"

After a pause, Zhu Xianhai said in a deep voice.

"The rise of a great country must step on the bones of another great country! This is a historical inevitability!"

What the rise of a great power is, is a bloody love story.

Zhu Xianhai stood up, walked to the window and looked out, a sarcastic smile slowly appeared on his face.

"As for the British, they are just shooting themselves in the foot now!"

(End of this chapter)

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