Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 405 Blessings of the Paraguayans

Chapter 405 The Blessing of the Paraguayans ([-]th update today, please subscribe)
What is shooting yourself in the foot!
When the original of the "Nanhua-Brazil Treaty of Friendship and Commerce" was presented to him, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help but said while looking at this treaty.

"This is the real way to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot!"

After finishing speaking, he asked Zuo Zongtang to sit down and continued.

"Why did the British "kindly" support us in solving Uruguay?"

"Isn't it just malicious! We are making a move against Uruguay, how can the Brazilians not intervene? The "Red Party" in Uruguay is now supported by the Brazilians. If we make a move, the Brazilians will definitely intervene." .”

Uruguay, a small country at the mouth of a river, has two parties, the "Red Party" and the "White Party". Since independence, they have not confronted each other, and they have been thinking about tearing down each other every day.In 1863, the White Party was in power in Uruguay, but the Red Party jumped out to rebel.Moreover, the Red Party has long been supported by the Brazilian Empire. Unfortunately, the leader of the White Party at the time, Bernardo Bello, had a good relationship with Lopez Jr., so they sent troops to help.And that's what started the Paraguay War.

"The British have no good intentions, but we have to solve the Uruguayan regime in exile. Through this negotiation, we can leave the problem to Brazil and kill people with a knife!"

Standing up, Zhu Xianhai said while pacing.

"The British wanted to provoke a conflict between us and Brazil by selling Uruguay. We put Uruguay on the dinner plate, let the Brazilians eat that fat, and resolved the potential conflict with Brazil. By giving up Uruguay, The relationship between us and Brazil has been eased, and we have also got what we want, and the only sacrifices are the two small countries of Uruguay and Paraguay."

Walking to the map and staring at the two small countries, Zhu Xianhai sighed.

"This is the essence of international political games—the weak are sacrificed and betrayed. And what about the big countries? What are they planning to use to carve up small countries to strengthen themselves through secret treaties? It's just time! It's like..."

Originally, Zhu Xianhai wanted to talk about Da Mao and San Dezi. Didn't the two of them negotiate and sign a secret treaty to carve up Poland together? When Da Mao annexed the three Baltic countries, what was San Dezi doing?Of course it was dancing and drinking vodka with the big guy in the newly annexed Polish territory.

and then?
In two years it will be "Barbarossa".

In fact, this is the essence of the international diplomatic game. Whether it is a so-called "treaty" or a "secret agreement", from the day it is signed, it is actually torn up for the future.

But if you want to tear it up, it will always take time!

"...In short, through this treaty, we have won at least ten years."

Zhu Xianhai specially emphasized the word "ten years". Time, what Nanhua has always needed is time. As long as there are ten years, Nanhua can truly rise to become a powerful country. After all, whether it is the transportation of immigrants or the cultivation of talents , or industrial construction, it takes time.

ten years!

Enough to complete two five-year plans!

"And what about the British and Brazilians? They're just moving a rock, and the difference is that they hit their feet sooner or later!"

Zhu Xianhai wanted to know how complicated the British guy's expression would be once the British knew the news.

"The handsome and wise!"

Apart from the compliment, Zuo Zongtang asked.

"Then the remaining problem is Paraguay. How does the coach plan to solve the Paraguay problem?"


Zhu Xianhai continued to speak, with a self-satisfied tone in his tone.

"The conflict on the Parana River, on the surface, is a conflict between us and the Brazilians, but in essence it is still a problem with Paraguay. An ultimatum was issued, asking them to explain this incident..."

Putting one hand on the map and pointing to the capital of Paraguay, Yapesson, Zhu Xianhai felt extremely comfortable, and now for the first time he felt a certain kind of pleasure that he had never had before.

The pleasure of being a strong country and a weak country!
It's hard to become stronger, don't bully and bully others, you are worthy of your own efforts!
What is the purpose of working hard to become stronger?

Isn't it just to bully others!Otherwise it would be boring.


The capital of Paraguay, Apeçon.

This once-prosperous Central American city has lost the prosperity of yesterday. On January 1869, 1, after the coalition forces occupied the city, robbery and murder flooded the entire city, even churches and foreign consulates could not Fortunately, the Paraguayans who stayed in the city were ravaged by military disasters after suffering from bereavement. Men were massacred and women were raped. Even the nuns in the church could not escape the ravages of the Brazilians.

After the occupying forces burned, killed and looted the city, Emperor Pedro II of Brazil sent his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jose Palajos, to Paraguay to take full charge of the matter. The Paraguayan opposition was ordered to elect three leaders and set up the so-called "three-person government", but anyone with a discerning eye knows that the so-called interim government is just a facade for the occupying forces.

Another important task of the interim government is to discuss the truce and land cession with the coalition forces. This is a later story. Right now, this facade has to face another extremely real threat.

"...Because of your constant updates, the Argentine troops stationed in Paraguay have escaped. Their escape will inevitably pose a threat to Nanhua. Therefore, Nanhua does not recognize Paraguay's sovereignty over its own territory, and will send troops to wipe out the troops stationed in Paraguay. Argentine troops in Paraguay."

Before Jose Díaz de Bedosa could finish speaking, Cirillo Antonio Rivarola spoke.

"God forbid, if the news gets out, all of Paraguay will be cheering, thank God, let them go dog eat dog!"

As the ruler of the "three-person government", even if he was selected by the coalition forces, Cirillo Antonio Rivarola did not have any favor for the coalition forces.When he learned that the Brazilian fleet was wiped out by the South Chinese, he even opened a bottle of red wine to celebrate.

But that's all he can do, and he even had to go to the Brazilian army headquarters to express his condolences, being a Han... no, it's not easy being a traitor!
Now facing another country's army requesting to be stationed, Cirillo does not reject it much. After all, Paraguay has already stationed troops from three countries, and there will not be any more. Besides, they still came to fight the Argentines!
If there are too many lice, you are not afraid of itching, that's the reason!
"This must be just one of the conditions they offered! They must have other conditions, right?"

Another member of the three-person government, Carlos Loisaga asked directly.

"You're right, Carlos, they do have other conditions."

Jose picked up the "Ultimatum" in his hand and said,
"In order to avoid this incident from happening again, they asked us to reshuffle the government, they appointed an official and asked us to appoint him as a cabinet member!"


Faced with such a request, Cirillo and the others almost instinctively thought of a possibility—another group of gringos wanted to meddle in Paraguay's internal affairs.

Of course, they instinctively want to resist, but how can they resist?
The Paraguay of today is not the Paraguay of the past.

Now they are also the masters of the mermaid.

"Hey, aren't we all designated by foreigners?"

After a while, Cirillo said with some sighs.

"We didn't sell out our country because of that."

The answer is of course no, it's just that it's not yet the time for them to betray, in fact, each of them is very clear in their hearts.

The reason why the Brazilians chose the three of them was to discuss compensation from various places.If they cannot meet the conditions of the Brazilians, Brazil will definitely replace them.

"For Uruguay, maybe that's not a bad thing."

Cirillo thought for a while and said.

"At least, with their containment, the Brazilians will definitely not dare to act recklessly like they did in the past."

This is the helplessness of being a weak country. Even if they know that those powerful countries are uneasy and kind, they can only forcefully smile.Attempt to use one party against the other.But in the end there is a price to pay.

Like a weak beauty, trying to deal with two strong men.She always has to pay a price.

"That's true. I heard that the soldiers of the "Phoenix Legion" are very civilized, and they are completely different from those barbaric Brazilians."

Cirillo said.

"God forbid, if that's the case, it's the luck of the Paraguayans."

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(End of this chapter)

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