Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 406 Phoenix Legion

Chapter 406 Phoenix Legion ([-]rd update, please subscribe)
What are Great Powers?

It's a tiger and a wolf!
What is an underdog?
It is the meat on the board, the food of tigers and wolves!
On the evening of February 2, when Posadas was about to be shrouded in night, suddenly, the streets were full of horseshoes-the Argentine soldiers stationed here broke out of the barracks.

Groups of soldiers on the street, running on horseback, sometimes broke into some houses and robbed them.There were gunshots everywhere in the city, and people were crying.

The gringos were raping women, stabbing children in the stomach with bayonets, and burning houses with old people inside.

Once again, the nightmare when it was occupied by the coalition forces two years ago came to everyone's minds. People screamed in horror and fled outside the city, or hid in the basement.

When it was all over, the gunfire stopped suddenly, and there was only a little burning house.Astonishingly, the whole city was shrouded in silence. When the people hiding in the fields outside the city met, they looked at each other in dismay, uncertain, for fear that something unexpected would happen.

They had no idea what was going on, but the Argentine seemed to have fled.Even so, however, many residents hid in the fields, never daring to return home.

Although two years have passed, the nightmare of the past still keeps reappearing in Isabel's mind.

At that time, she was trembling with fear from the thundering shells all day long, covering her ears with her hands, ready to be blown to her death at any time. In those days, she could only throw herself beside Catherine, and the two hugged each other tightly. , buried his head under the pillow.

They screamed in terror, squatting down in the dark corner of the cobwebbed cellar, screaming at the top of their voices, and then when they thought it was over, the Argentines broke in, and then what happened?
Everything was like a nightmare, and until now she still remembered Catherine's desperate cries and the men's laughter.

She was only a little girl at the time, and Catherine escaped death by stuffing her into a wine barrel.

What now?
The nightmare came again. She held the pistol left by her father in her hand, and hid in the wheat field, not daring to move. When she saw Catherine lying on the ground, her whole body trembled with fear, and her hands were tightly clasped. Cover your head.

"Sister, I will protect you!"

Isabelle said to her.

"Isabel, I..."

Catherine looked at her sister nervously, she was indeed very scared.

"Don't be afraid, sister..."

At this moment, the sound of horseshoes and footsteps came from a distance, and the people who had been hiding in the fields all night did not dare to move at all.People are still hiding in the fields, too terrified to even breathe.

The two sisters who were hiding in the wheat field lay nervously in the ridge of the field. Suddenly, amidst the sound of horseshoes, a shadow covered them like a dark cloud, and the cavalry who rode through the wheat field also spotted them. , the soldier looked at the two sisters in the grass with his back to the light, stopped his horse and took a look, then said.

"Well, don't be afraid, we are not Argentines."

That person even showed them the armband on his shoulders. It was an embroidered red bird with its wings spread!

"Don't be afraid, girl, no one will hurt you!"

Just when Isabel was so nervous that she was suffocating, someone shouted loudly in the wheat field.

"They are the South China Army!"

"South China Army!"

The news spread in the field like a whirlwind, and those people who were hiding in the field stood up one after another, and they walked from the field to the roadside.

It's the South China Army!
"That's right, that's right, it's the phoenix, and their flag is the phoenix!"

The phoenix is ​​the "Phoenix". Although they are unfamiliar with the South China Army, through the newspapers, people still know how this army with the "Phoenix" banner defeated the Argentines simply and beautifully. They even defeated the Argentines in Lapua The Lata River sank hundreds of Argentine ships and killed tens of thousands of Argentine soldiers.

In the legend about the "Phoenix Legion", they even used the "Phoenix" to set the whole of Buenos Aires on fire!
Whenever it comes to things about the "Phoenix Legion", people always look excited.Although many rumors about the "Phoenix Legion" sounded unbelievable, people were willing to believe those rumors, even if they were false.


The hatred of losing family members will make people feel good about anyone who kills Argentines. It would be even better if they can kill some Brazilians and Uruguayans!
Now, the legendary "Phoenix Legion" is here.

They crossed the border and came to Paraguay!

Groups of dusty soldiers passed by on the distant road. Thousands of soldiers, wearing green uniforms and fancy hats, competed with the bearded, dirty soldiers with their guns slung across their shoulders. The gringo on the shoulder is different.These soldiers are in neat uniforms, with guns on their shoulders, and they walk quickly with marching steps.

"Are you... really "Phoenix"?"

Isabel looked curiously at the soldiers passing by her. These soldiers all looked a bit like Indians, and they all had smiles on their faces.Unlike those dirty, bearded, stinking Argentines, they are all clean!

There was a good-natured smile on their faces, completely different from the disgusting, lustful eyes of those Argentines.

When the people on the side of the road were amazed, the officers and soldiers of the sixth regiment who were marching were also dumbfounded——woman!
The people who came out of the fields were almost all women, either women or girls, and almost no men were seen!

"Are you really the "Phoenix Legion"?"

Isabel asked loudly at the soldiers again.To her disappointment, none of the soldiers seemed to understand what she was saying.

They seem to speak only a few words of simple Spanish.

At this time, an officer on horseback came from a distance, and Isabel stood directly in the middle of the road and stopped him.

The officer who was stopped suddenly reined in the horse's head. Due to the excessive force, the army horse screamed and raised its front legs and retreated several steps.Although the officer seemed taken aback, he still raised his hand and touched his cap.

"Miss, it's very dangerous for you to do this!"

"Sir, are you really the "Phoenix Legion"? The "Phoenix Legion" from Nanhua? Please tell me, sir!"

"Phoenix Legion?"

When Li Tianlei, who was riding a horse, was puzzled, he saw the flags carried by the soldiers. He thought of the European name for "Phoenix", and laughed.

"I think so, we should be the "Phoenix Legion" in your mouth!"

(End of this chapter)

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