Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 428 In the name of the country

Chapter 428 In the name of the country (second update, please subscribe)


These seemingly simple words are actually extremely important. If it is not because of thinking too much, maybe it is not a big deal.

After I die, even if it will be flooded!

Such is the true nature of the emperor.

But the truth is that simple!

That night, Zhu Xianhai suffered from insomnia. Throughout the second half of the night, he just stood by the balcony, staring at the wilderness outside the window.

This was Buenos Aires, and once again, he felt as if he had traveled back ten years.

The day he first came to this era was in September 1860. At that time, he never thought that one day he would achieve the great cause he is today.

What were you thinking at that time?
At most, it is to live a normal life, and at most, it is to covet the beauty of Sister Monica.

and then?
Step by step to the present, now in April 1870!
Nine years and seven months!

From the initial survival crisis to the current empire.

"All of this was created by me, and in this case, your will is everything!"

That's right!

Zhu Xianhai forcefully pressed the cigarette butt on the stone balcony handrail, then stepped out of the room, and when he went out, he gave instructions to the attendant outside the door.

"Prepare the car and go to the Martyrs' Shrine."

The sky had not yet been released, and under the escort of two Jiefang vehicles, three "Maxima" cars drove out of the manor. These cars were gifts from the automobile company to Zhu Xianhai, which also brought his camp into the automobile age.

Although the road was a bit bumpy, the car arrived at the Martyrs' Shrine in the early hours of the morning.

Martyr's Shrine.

After he invaded Buenos Aires and learned that 5867 officers and soldiers had been killed in battle, Zhu Xianhai ordered the construction of a martyr's shrine outside the city to worship and bury the fallen soldiers.

At the beginning, the construction of the Martyrs’ Shrine was just an ordinary cemetery, and there was only a Chinese-style ancestral hall in the cemetery. In fact, Nanhua built the Martyrs’ Shrine a long time ago—it was built at that time during the expedition to Araucania. The temple is used to bury the fallen soldiers.When entering Chile, many martyrs' shrines were also built in Chile.

Since ancient times, China has had the habit of setting up shrines for loyal ministers and martyrs in the capital and localities, such as various kinds of martyrs' shrines, Zhaozhong shrines, Zhonglie temples, Baozhong shrines, and so on.Nam Hwa has also inherited this tradition.

Although the scale of the Putrajaya Martyr's Shrine is much larger than that of Linhai, it is equivalent to the size of the main hall of a large temple. Its main hall and the large archway at the entrance have only just begun to build its foundation.According to the plan, the entire Martyrs' Shrine will be completed within this year.But even so, in the lush grass, one can still see white lines, which are tombstones, and the fallen soldiers have been buried here.

Like those in the Nanhua cemetery, these tombstones all face the direction of Huaxia, which is a manifestation of not forgetting their homeland.Including the Martyr's Shrine, they all face China.Chinese people always miss their hometown. They may not be able to return to their homeland, but after death, their tombstones are facing China. Even after death, they still look at their homeland and Tangshan.

In the early morning, Zhu Xianhai walked through the cemetery silently, occasionally turning his eyes to the tombstone.

The name and hometown of the deceased are engraved on the white tombstone.

"Hangzhou old martyr Sun Erhai from 1845 to 1870..."

"Martyr Zhao Fengshou in Huai'an 1840-1870"

Although there are only a few simple words, it represents the sacrifice of each young man in his prime on the battlefield. Why did they sacrifice?
For Nan Hua.

Just for military pay?
No, it's for China's promised land on this continent.

It is to allow millions of Chinese people to survive on this land, to survive on this land, and to turn this into the promised land of China, and I don’t know how many people will die.

Indeed, the time has come for nation-building, why form a nation when facing foreign invasion in the simulator?It's really about uniting everyone.In order to call on all people to resist the invaders in the name of the country.


It seems to be just two words, but in fact, it is the one that can unite people's hearts the most.With the country, they are the heroes who sacrificed for the country and the nation.He is the hero remembered by the world!
It is the heroes who are honored in the name of the country.

"It's for this country!"

Zhu Xianhai muttered to himself.

"After I die, even if I am afraid of floods, how can I be worthy of you?"

With his right hand resting on the tombstone, Zhu Xianhai frowned. At this moment, he seemed to have an answer in his heart.His right hand gently stroked the smooth tombstone. At the end, he nodded heavily, and then said to himself.

"Okay, rest in peace, everyone, don't worry, this empire will last forever!"

After talking to himself like this, he stood in the cemetery for a while, thought for a while, looked around the cemetery and the main hall of the Martyr's Shrine, which was of ordinary size in the distance, and then said to himself.

"Perhaps, a martyr's shrine for national sacrifices should be built here."

What is a National Grand Sacrifice? It is the highest-level place for worshiping national martyrs. A martyr's shrine of this size is definitely not enough. The scale of the martyr's shrine must be large enough, otherwise how can it be worthy of such a level?

Thinking so in his heart, Zhu Xianhai frowned again.

He found another problem - the capital!
Where should the capital of Nanhua be?
It is easy to ascend the throne, but the question is where should the capital be located?

From an emotional point of view, Nanhua City is of course the best choice. That city was created by Zhu Xianhai, and it is also his foundation.But from a geographical point of view, it does not properly fill the capital, not because of the sea, but because of its location to the south.

What about Buenos Aires?

This city is known as "Little Paris of South America", but just as soon as this idea came to mind, Zhu Xianhai immediately vetoed it.And not just because it's a hostile city!

The most fundamental reason is geographical location.

Just considering the huge land of Nanhua now, the capital should be set up in the central hinterland of the north - this is for the development of the interior.Both Nanhua and Buenos Aires are too close to the ocean, and Nanhua still has a vast inland area to develop.

"It's a bit difficult!"

Even after returning to the manor, Zhu Xianhai was still troubled by this question, because he was about to ascend the throne, but there was no suitable capital.

"Where is it suitable?"

Standing in front of the map, Zhu Xianhai stared at the map and searched there. Finally, his eyes landed on a city. After hesitating for a while, he said to himself.

"After all, this is not the land of Nanhua?"

Staring at Asunción on the map, Zhu Xianhai frowned. Asunción is the capital of Paraguay. As early as 1580, it was the capital of the Viceroyalty of La Plata in South America.

The capital of the Governor's District of La Plata... From a geographical point of view, it's really good!Not only is it located in the hinterland of the inland, which is conducive to the development of the inland, but also the sea-going ships can be traced directly from Buenos Aires to Asunción.

However, in the final analysis, this city was founded by the Spaniards. Is it appropriate to be the capital of Nanhua?

However, the locals have a good impression of the South China people!

Apart from Nanhua, there are not many cities like Asunción that are full of affection for Nanhua people.

But the biggest problem is that the capital of Paraguay is a foreign country...

 Strive for tomorrow's explosive update, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a subscription!A book friend group has been established: 335260551, everyone is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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