Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 429 Paraguay Without Paraguayans

Chapter 429 Paraguay without Paraguayans ([-]rd update, please subscribe)
Asuncion, as the capital of a country, this city is not only the oldest city in South America, but also known as the "mother of cities" in South America.

But this historic city has been destroyed by the flames of war. Although the war is over, the wounds of the war can be seen everywhere in the city.The war has brought too much trauma to the city.In fact, this is true for every Asunción people. Although they have been devastated by the war, life must continue.In order to be able to survive, people always try everything possible.

There are always people selling all kinds of things in the street market, I don’t know where I got the eiderdown quilt, and there are some large and small oil paintings, although I can’t tell whether they are paintings by famous artists, compared to the desertedness a few months ago , Now Asunción is lively.This is all due to the Gendarmerie of Nanhua. Their appearance made the Brazilians calm down a lot, and the order of the city was restored.

Although the Asunción people lost a lot of wealth in the war, the arrival of the Nanhua army injected new vitality into the city.The second-hand goods that people sell always attract the attention of soldiers. Some soldiers want to send an eiderdown quilt to their families, some want to buy a woolen coat, and they want someone to get an oil painting to hang at home, and some even want to get a beautiful girl. The oil painting of ... the kind of beautiful woman who is naked.

Of course, more soldiers will buy some dresses and other gifts for their lovers, the men of Paraguay are heroic, almost all grown men are killed, even boys under ten years old are also fighting died.

The heroic Paraguayan men left behind admirable Zan Ge songs and nearly [-] orphans and widows. The arrival of Nanhua soldiers filled their bodies and minds, made up for the pain in their hearts, and made Their loneliness is relieved.

It's only been a few months of work, and there are thousands of new couples registered in the marriage registration office of the Nanhua military. In fact, for Nanhua, whether it is occupying Argentina or stationing troops in Paraguay, the biggest Therein lies the benefit.

In just a few months, more than [-] soldiers found wives in the two places.The city of Asunción is changing at a speed visible to the naked eye - in many empty families, there are more male masters,

Once upon a time, when the Spaniards first came here, Spanish soldiers and Indian women multiplied here and established this city. Today, soldiers from Nanhua marry and have children here and multiply here.

But unlike the Spaniards, the Spaniards came here as conquerors, killing men and taking women away.And what about the soldiers of South China?But as a protector.

Protector of Paraguayan women.

Looking at the passers-by on the street through the window of the carriage, Carlos Loizaga said to himself.

"More and more women are finding their lovers."

Among the pedestrians on the side of the road, there are many pairs of men and women, or young or mature women wearing beautiful dresses, but what about the men?The same green uniform - Nanhua soldiers.

"Pacey, it seems that she also has a Nanhua lover."

Loisaga thought of his sister, her husband died on the battlefield, and now an officer from Nanhua became her lover, they could only communicate with a dictionary, and Percy was also working hard to learn Chinese.

After the carriage stopped, Loisaga stepped into the Consulate. Amidst the respectful greetings of others, he came all the way to the office of the Chief Consul on the third floor. However, outside the office, the beautiful Miss Rilkemei didn't seem to notice. When he arrived, she was practicing Chinese with a palm-sized dictionary in her arms.

"Today...five it..."

"Miss Rilkeme, is Rivarola here?"

"Zai, Zai..."

Rilkeme's Chinese response made Loisaga frowned slightly.After he opened the door and went in, Cirillo Antonio Rivarola, who was looking at the file, looked up and said.

"Carlos, you came at the right time. This is the report given to me by the police chief. The report said that compared with two months ago, the current crime rate has dropped by 90%. It is mainly Brazilians. Brazilians are really scared by the South China Gendarmerie arrive!"

Rivarola walked to the window, opened the curtains, pointed at the Nanhua Gendarmerie patrolling the square in front of the Presidential Palace, and sighed.

"Oh, this is really a good thing! People don't have to worry about Brazilians breaking into their homes, stealing property, and trampling women."

Almost on the day when the South China Army arrived, the South China military police appeared on the streets of Apesson. They maintained order like the police and showed no mercy to any criminals, even the Brazilian soldiers.

Once upon a time, no one could stop the crimes committed by the Brazilian soldiers.But now, these South Chinese confirm their muzzles.Tell the Brazilians - you must obey the law!

"Yeah, Silos, how many couples do you see in the square?"

Loisaga pointed to the pedestrians in the square and said.

"Almost every couple is a Paraguayan woman and a South China soldier. Many people, even my sister, her lover is also a South China man. Even your secret, Miss Rilkeme, when I came in just now, She also learned Chinese there..."

"Oh, you mean learning Chinese!"

Before he could finish speaking, Rivarola pointed to the "Concise Huaxi Dialogue Handbook" on the table and said with a smile.

"I'm also learning Chinese. Chinese is really difficult to learn. My friend, I suggest you also learn some Chinese. After all, we will have to deal with them in the future."

"Concise West China Dialogue Handbook" is distributed free of charge by South China people, and anyone can get it at the bookstore.There are even some schools in the city that have teachers from Nanhua to teach everyone Chinese. Not only do they not need tuition fees, but students can even receive a piece of bread.This is a form of relief.

Of course, this is definitely not just relief, but a kind of conquest, a cultural and ideological conquest.There are similar schools in Buenos Aires and many cities in Argentina, where people can get a piece of bread while learning Chinese.

Even if they have only learned simple Chinese, they can still communicate with South Chinese.Communication is the first step.In the end, they will slowly integrate into it.

Of course, this kind of integration is a real integration, just like the Spaniards integrated those Indians into their side.

When the Spaniards first came to this land hundreds of years ago, there were many Indians living here, but what about now?Only the Paraguayans remained.

"Deal with? Cirillo!"

Loisaga said in a questioning tone.

"Do you know how many Paraguayan women have married to the South China Army in just two months? Thirteen thousand! My God, how many people are there in Paraguay now? If this continues, maybe by the end of the year, every Paraguayan family There will always be a male master of Nanhua."

Facing Loisaga's reminder, Rivarola sighed helplessly, and then said.

"Even so, so what? Our men and even boys were taken to hell by that maniac, now all that remains of Paraguay are a bunch of widows who lost their husbands and sons and girls who lost their brothers if they don't find a man , soon there will be no more Paraguayans in the world, my friend, women choose them, at least it is better than choosing Brazilians, Argentines! Brazilians..."

Looking at his aggrieved friend, Rivarola added,
"At least their arrival has made the Brazilians restrained a lot. Now our negotiations with the Brazilians are still going on, and we all know that without their intervention, maybe Paraguay would cease to exist!"


Loisaga's expression was full of worry, and in the end his tone even became a little sad.

"After the Brazilians leave, maybe there will be no more Paraguayans here..."

(End of this chapter)

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