Chapter 458 The iron-blooded prime minister who wants to cry (first update, please subscribe)
It's like a whirlwind!
The bombs that fell from the sky swept away everything on the ground like a whirlwind. The Prussian cannons were blown into the sky in a violent explosion, the artillery carriages were blown to pieces, and the forged steel barrels were twisted in the explosion.

The Prussians, who had been flaunting their might a few hours earlier, were turned into a swarm of headless chickens in the bombing, their cannons were destroyed and their artillerymen were killed.

At the same time, even the camp more than ten kilometers away from the front line suffered a near-destructive blow. Bombs fell from the sky like raindrops.

The special anti-personnel bomb weighs only one kilogram. Unlike ordinary bombs, which are thrown one by one, it is packed in a cylindrical box, which looks like a big bomb, but it needs to be ignited before being thrown. Fifty seconds later, the gunpowder exploded the fixing cables of the box, and the moment the box was opened, hundreds of small bombs scattered like raindrops.

This is a primitive cluster bomb!

Unlike ordinary small bombs that spread too much, it spread evenly. When the airship flew to the Prussian camp, the Prussians in the camp were still enjoying the summer sunshine as usual, waiting to go to the front at any time.

The explosion happened at this moment, without any warning, those small bombs that fell from the sky exploded in twos and threes among those people.The shrapnel flying around tore apart the bodies of soldiers near the explosion point, or blasted an unlucky bomb directly into the sky, followed by more explosions.

For at least three to five seconds, people were stunned by the sudden explosion, everyone paused, and then started shouting and rushing around, and many people fell directly to the ground, trying to avoid the explosion. Flying debris.

But the small bombs that fell from the sky exploded one after another around them, one after another, one after another, the sound of the explosions even sounded like continuous firecrackers.

But in the blink of an eye, the camp was razed to the ground by a violent explosion. The flying shrapnel roared in the air, killing many people. This place has completely become a hell.Those who survived didn't care about other things. They just ran desperately towards the nearby woods, leaving behind screaming wounded and bloody corpses everywhere.

"Boom boom boom..."

The bombs exploded in pieces like firecrackers, and the soldiers were blown down or blown away in groups.

For Lieutenant Colmar von der Golz who was in the forest, he was undoubtedly lucky. In order to save bombs, the airship did not drop bombs on the forest, but occasionally some bombs flew nearby and exploded. The glass was shattered, and several soldiers in front of the window were injured, but they still did not leave the window,

They waved their arms to their comrades in the distance, encouraged them hoarsely, and called them to escape into the forest.

"Is this the airship?"

Lieutenant Colmar looked up at the sky, there were more than [-] giant airships in the sky, like prehistoric behemoths, flying in the air, dropping thousands of bombs down.

The violent explosion was like a machine gun, reverberating in the air. Whenever the smoke cloud of the explosion engulfed an area, they had an illusion—it was the breath of the hell demon, and it swallowed everything in an instant.

Finally, after the bombing was over.

The soldiers in the forest stopped shouting and looked silently at the shattered camp outside the forest—the camp once full of tents, now burning everywhere, tents reduced to rags, around the smoking bomb craters , Corpse fragments are everywhere, among the fragments of limbs, there are still many wounded struggling in a pool of blood.

Kerma stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him. He was stunned. He didn't even know what words to use to describe it all. What did he see?

This is hell!
"Damn it, those damned Nanhua people must have sold their souls to the devil! Otherwise, how could they have such despicable and vicious weapons!"

The Prussian soldiers taking refuge in the woods cursed the damned South Chinese with all the most vicious words they could think of.

Curse their inhumanity!
Curse their baseness!

What is certain is that during such bombing, those soldiers who were once high-spirited and infected by patriotism even became desperate. For the first time, they discovered that relying on courage could not defeat those enemies at all.

Because the enemy is far above the nine heavens!


Accompanied by the violent explosion, Bismarck saw the cracks in the wine cellar above his head trembling, some dust fell down, and his face became very ugly.

The victory that was within reach, was lost just like that!

Just a few hours before, Bismarck had thought he would be victorious, that the haughty French emperor would hand over his saber, and that Prussia would usher in an unprecedented victory.

But now?
The airships of the South China people are like a storm coming from the south, they are sweeping everything.

Smoking silently, Bismarck didn't speak, he just sat there, his face... uglier than a corpse soaked in formalin.

It's not just ugly.Bismarck did not appear particularly excited when faced with the victory that was within reach. After all, he had been preparing for this day for decades.Even if victory comes, it is a matter of course.

But now?
Deutschland, the Goddess of Victory, lifted the hem of her skirt, and then... nothing more.

Victory vanished in the blink of an eye.Seeing all this lost, Bismarck even had an urge to cry.

Is this God joking with Germany?
It's just some airships.How can they change everything.

But now they are facing the airship, but they can only hide in the wine cellar.

These people also have wine cellars to hide in.But where did the ordinary soldiers hide from the bombing from the airship?

All he could do was watch the bombs fall on him.Then die in an explosion.

"Boom..." With a violent explosion, the whole wine cellar trembled violently, a large piece of plaster fell from the top of the head, the room was filled with dust, and everyone was choked by the dust and coughed. Some people even yelled out in horror.

"This place is going to collapse! It's going to collapse..."

"Don't worry, it's a close miss!"

Moltke said casually that his judgment was accurate, but it was just a near miss. His words made people feel a little more at ease.But then he was silent again, and it was like that for about an hour.Even when the telegram that the German army around Sedan was attacked by air was sent to him, he only responded lightly.


Now they have all encountered attacks from airships, not to mention the frontline troops.There is no distinction between the front and the rear in such an air attack.All are targets of airstrikes.

With the end of the bombing, they walked out of the wine cellar.

After arriving on the ground, it was a mess as far as the eye could see.

"Fortunately, our military supplies warehouse has not been destroyed."

Moltke rejoiced there, and he smiled at the prime minister.

"We can still..."

Suddenly, Moltke stopped talking. He saw the soldiers. The soldiers were sitting or standing against the wall. They raised their fists and looked at the sky in grief and indignation, while others searched for the living among the corpses everywhere...

Now, here has become a hell, so what is the front line like?

The situation there must be more serious than here!

At this moment, a messenger hurried over.

"Your Excellency, this is an urgent telegram from the front line. The French are beginning to break out to the south!"


After receiving the telegram, Moltke looked at the silent prime minister and said.

"Prime Minister, the French are breaking out, we..."

"Has the airship left?"

Bismarck asked.

"Their airship is still in the sky..."

When saying these words, Moltke's tone was particularly bitter.It's not just that the victory that is within reach is lost just like that.

It was more because of some kind of helplessness. When the war broke out, he kept saying that it was no big deal not to have an airship, but now?
The bloody truth was telling him that it was impossible to win the war without the airship.

Would they still be able to stop the French breakout without airships?

(End of this chapter)

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