Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 459 The Dragon Over Sedang

Chapter 459 The Dragon Over Sedang (Second Update, please subscribe)
On September 9, on this day, the dragon is showing off and the phoenix is ​​flying.

Seventy-nine huge airships, like the legendary "Leviathan" in the Bible, are flying in the air, and they seem to have become the patron saint of the French.

After Marshal McMahon gave the order to break out of the siege, when the 7th Army led by Felix Douai attacked the town of La Montsalle, Li Du, who had been observing the battle on the ground from the airship, immediately issued an order , While he ordered to cover the French army's breakout, the airships regrouped through signal flares. It took almost three hours for the huge airship force to complete the assembly.

In the process, the cover given by the airship to the ground was also unprecedented, and 30mm grenades poured down on the defensive Prussian front like raindrops.Although the small artillery shells easily defeated the Prussian defenses, their defense in the town of La Montsaler was still very tenacious.Relying on the buildings in the town, they stubbornly resisted the French attack.

"Don't these Frenchmen know that a frontal attack is not enough, so they attack from the side in a roundabout way?"

Li Du didn't even bother to complain about the stupidity of those French.

"Is there something they should do?"

The French, who were frustrated in the attack on the ground, looked at the airship in the sky and thought with great expectation

While the French watched, Li Du ordered to drop a giant bomb.

A giant bomb with a length of several meters, like Thor's Hammer, fell from the sky and landed directly on the edge of the town of La Monsalle. In the violent explosion, the ruined buildings in the town were directly destroyed by three points One, a violent explosion that terrified everyone,

For at least a minute, everyone stood there in a daze, completely unresponsive.Neither the French nor those Prussians who survived the explosion.

All of them were stunned by the power of the giant bomb.

In the choking gunpowder smoke, when the French soldiers rushed up like a tide, there were fragments of corpses everywhere in front of their eyes. Many Prussian soldiers seemed to be uninjured, but their internal organs were shattered. They all forgot to resist and let the French army rush up and end their lives with bayonets.

Victory is but an instant.

"God can testify that today, God is on our side!"

General Felix Douai, who was riding on a horse, waved his military cap and shouted excitedly to the sky,

This is true of all the French, those French soldiers who have been bombed by the Prussian cannons in the past two days, looking up at the sky, shouting excitedly at the airship in the sky.

Even Emperor Napoleon III shouted excitedly into the sky.

Once upon a time, like all soldiers, he was struggling on the verge of death. Not only would he lose his throne, but he would also die at any time.

What now?
He escaped, not only survived, but also kept his throne.

All this is because of the airship.

An airship from afar saves them all.

"The French seem excited!"

Observing the movements on the ground through the telescope, Li Du said with a smile,

"Aren't they excited, we saved them!"

Wang Xinyue said in disbelief.

"It seems that the Prussians are not as tenacious as we thought. We seem to be able to..."

Just as his words fell, the left wing sent a signal.

"Prussians approaching on the left, cavalry!"

"Order the third brigade to stop them!"

Following Wang Xinyue's order, the third brigade flew out of the formation according to the order. Ten minutes later, they aimed their cannons at the attacking Prussian cavalry, and aimed at the billowing smoke and dust on the ground, pouring out dense fire. The rain of bullets and the continuous sound of explosions enveloped the cavalry in an instant, but in the blink of an eye, they were overturned, and thousands of cavalry died before they even saw the appearance of the French. on the battlefield.

After the rapid shelling ended, the mighty pair of cavalry either fled in all directions, or turned into a pile of minced meat on the ground.

After receiving the news that the third cavalry division had failed to intercept, Moltke was silent for a moment, then he glanced at the distant sky and said in a helpless tone.

"It seems that the goddess of victory just lifted her skirt to us..."

Bismarck did not speak, his face looked very ugly, he just smoked silently, the answer could not have been clearer, they were just a little bit unwilling.And those dead soldiers are the price of unwillingness.

And not far away, officers from Britain, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands and other countries-they are all military attaches stationed in Prussia. Once upon a time, they thought they would witness the greatest victory of the nineteenth century.

What now?
What they witnessed was a revolution. Although no one knew how long it took Nanhua's airship to fly from the New World to Sedan, they clearly realized that warfare had fundamentally changed.

"Gentlemen, I think, we are witnessing a revolution!"

"Revolution... In front of the airship, everything is worthless. Rifles, cannons, including the courage of the people, it can easily destroy everything."

"In future wars, the party without the airship is doomed to fail!"

"Then now, the Prussians don't have airships, how can they win this war under such circumstances?"

When military officers from various countries discussed the changes that airships brought to the war in thoughtful tones, under the cover of airships, hundreds of thousands of French troops broke through the encirclement of the Prussians like a tide, and the airships in the air were Their patron saints, they not only use bombs in the air to open the way for the troops on the ground, but also drop map tubes from time to time to tell the troops on the ground in which direction to break through.

For airships in the air, the defense of the Prussian army on the ground is unobstructed. Observers can always find weak links or joints of the Prussian defense, and then contact the ground by dropping parachute signal barrels to provide them with intelligence .

"My God, is this still war?"

Kitchener, who came to France as a volunteer to participate in the war, the future British field marshal known as the "butcher" in South Africa decades later, saw McMahon adjusting the direction of the troops to break through the siege based on the intelligence from the air. There was only one thought left in his mind - that war had been completely changed.

"Sir, of course this is war!"

A French officer beside him said with a smile,

"It's just a war with God on our side. Look, those airships are lovely, and I dare say angels are nothing more than that!"

For these escaped Frenchmen, the airship is indeed the cutest angel in the world. It was their arrival that saved them, and it was their arrival that defeated the arrogant Prussians.

"Yes, they are angels, angels sent by God!"

A few hours later, when night fell, the Second French Army Corps, which "broke out of the encirclement" under the cover of the airship, was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. However, McMahon did not stop, but ordered the army to continue to the Retreat in the direction of Paris, where there is a strong fortress, they can rely on the fortress to resist the attack of the Prussians.

Fearing that the Prussians would pursue or even launch an attack at night, McMahon even ignored the emperor's order and ordered the troops to march overnight.Above their heads, the airship was still hovering, and even the night sky was torn apart by the airship—several beams of light descending from the sky tore through the night.

It was the light of a searchlight, and the bright light shone on the earth. It was like the eyes of a giant dragon, staring at the earth vigilantly.It seemed to remind everyone that even at night, he could see clearly.

The French are running this night, but what about the Prussians?And licking his own wounds in the dark...

(End of this chapter)

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