Chapter 503 Havana (Third update, please subscribe)
The waters of the Caribbean Sea are as blue as jewels.Layers of waves rolled on the calm sea surface, and the sunlight reflected on the sea surface was full of rays of light.

In this blue sea, a fleet of two ironclad warships and two merchant ships sailed on traditional commercial routes. Occasionally, the fleet would pass by some small islands, all of which were covered with greenery without exception. Surrounded by dense forests, the white sandy beach blends with the waves.

Standing on the spacious bridge of the "Friendship" ironclad ship, with the warm sea breeze from the Caribbean blowing gently on his face, Zhao Yaozu felt an indescribable comfort.

"7500 tons!"

This is the tonnage of the iron-clad ship "Friendship". He and his sister ship "Union" are French ocean-class iron-clad ships. Officially, these two warships were presented to Nanhua as a "symbol of friendship between South France".But in fact, everyone knew that it was just a transaction, because Nanhua donated twenty airships to France.

However, in order to remember the friendship and alliance of South France, the "Ocean" was named "Friendship", and the "Marrengo" was named "Alliance".

"This is the most powerful warship in America!"

For being the first captain Zhao Yaozu, he only feels an unprecedented honor. God knows, how this easter egg fell on him. Like all the captains of the navy, he is also from the special transport company. Command the "fast transport ship" to break into the southern port and send a large amount of supplies to the south.

Now, he came to the Caribbean Sea again, and he is very familiar with this sea area. Standing on the bridge, he picked up the binoculars and looked around, then looked back at the "Alliance" and the ship behind him. The two immigration ships returning with the fleet carried 5000 expeditionary troops on board.

"Why visit Cuba?"

Zhao Yaozu glanced towards the rear of the ship with some doubts. His Majesty should be in the corridor.

Zhu Xianhai was indeed in the stern veranda, lying on a deck chair, enjoying the bright sunshine of the Caribbean.

"This is the Caribbean..."

While sighing, Zhu Xianhai raised the corners of his lips lightly.

"What a great place!"

Zhu Xianhai, who left France, did not return to Nanhua directly, but ordered the fleet to sail to Cuba.

The reason why he sailed to Cuba was entirely due to an accident. While visiting a French school in Paris, Zhu Xianhai met a Cuban student by accident. It was his complaint that led to his trip to Cuba.

Looking at Li Weiye standing on the side of the veranda, his appearance is not like that of a Chinese, but more like a Spaniard. If it is not because he speaks Hokkien, it is difficult for Zhu Xianhai to distinguish him from others.

"Weiye, you will be home soon, what do you think?"

Li Weiye, who was looking at the sea, heard His Majesty's inquiry, turned around quickly, and said respectfully.

"Your Majesty, I am thinking of my father. Twenty-three years ago, he came to Cuba on the "Ocando". He met my mother in the plantation. He is a very hardworking man. If not for him, maybe my mother and I were just slaves on the plantation. Although he was an indentured coolie, it took him eight years to get out of the plantation, and then it took a year to put me and my mother Bought from a plantation."

Although Li Weiwei didn't say much, his family's experience was revealed in a few simple sentences—his father was a Chinese laborer, an indentured coolie, and his status was equal to that of a slave; The kind that has been around for generations, but is still a slave on a plantation.

It's not easy for a coolie and a slave to send the child all the way to France!

"I was thinking how happy my father would be if he saw our fleet!"

A smile appeared on Li Weiye's face.

"Yeah, I'm sure they'll all be happy, um, including the Spaniards!"

Zhu Xianhai sneered.

"This time, we're going to Havana just for them!"

Who are they?

[-] indentured workers!
There are 1810 indentured Chinese laborers in Cuba. It is said that they are contracted laborers, but the treatment of Chinese laborers in the plantations is comparable to black slaves. In fact, there are quite a few such contracted Chinese laborers in South America.There are even many descendants of Chinese living in Rio de Janeiro—as early as [-], the Portuguese hired dozens of Hubei tea farmers from China to grow tea in Rio de Janeiro. They opened up tea gardens there, and finally took root in Brazil.

In the past, Zhu Xianhai didn't have much ability to ask about the situation of these Chinese laborers, but now it's different. The current Nanhua, no, the current Daming, has a strong army and two armored ships. It's time to engage in gunboat diplomacy and protect the rights of the Chinese laborers. up.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhu Xianhai also has ambitions for Cuba!


October 1870, 10, at ten o'clock in the morning.Spain's Cuban colony, the port of Havana, the sound of rumbling guns emanating from the port fortress from time to time.

A twenty-one-gun salute!

This is the cannon salute by the Hanawa authorities to welcome the arrival of the Nanhua Emperor.After Lieutenant General Joaquin Juvellar Soler learned of the news of Emperor Nanhua's visit, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"God can testify, they must have come for the Chinese workers!"

Soler said directly to Brigadier General Arsenio Martinez Campos-Anton beside him.

"Damn it, those people are obviously not Nanhua, no, it seems that they are not called Nanhua now, is it?"

"Yes, Governor General, they are called Daming now!"

Brigadier General Anton replied.

"This is their current country name, the Ming Empire, yes, it should be this name."

Staring at the fleet sailing into the harbor, Justice Nicholas frowned, and he turned his head sideways and said to the governor.

"Governor, we must make a good plan. If they discuss the Chinese labor issue with us, how should we negotiate with them? After all, you know that the treatment of those Chinese laborers in the plantation is basically similar to that of black slaves. If they pursue it, it is definitely not a good thing in this special period."

What is a special period?
Cuba is now at war. Two years ago, in 1868, a revolution broke out in Spain and Queen Isabella II was overthrown. The Cubans took the opportunity to launch an uprising for independence.

Now the war is going on, and at this time, the sudden visit of the Ming emperor can't help but make people worry!
Of course, the most important thing is that they have a guilty conscience, even they themselves know that the way they treat those Chinese is against humanity.

(End of this chapter)

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