Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 504 Gunboat Diplomacy

Chapter 504 Gunboat Diplomacy (First update, please subscribe)
October 1870, 10, Havana.

In the sound of rumbling gun salutes, the two warships "Friendship" and "Confederation" and two immigration ships sailed into the port of Havana

The sun and moon flag on the flagpole of the warship's mast is fluttering in the wind. This is the flag of Ming Dynasty.

It was designed by Zhu Xianhai in France. The sun and the moon are bright, and the sun and the moon hang in the blue sky. It’s as simple as that.

When the fleet entered the port, the dock workers watched the fleet. Since there were whites, blacks, and some Chinese—there are hundreds of thousands of Chinese in Cuba, accounting for 10% of its population, although a considerable number of Chinese workers Working as coolies on the plantations, but tens of thousands of freed Chinese laborers still live in Havana.Many of them work on the docks.

"This is the flag of Ming Dynasty!"

Although some of them still had braids, when they looked at the line, their eyes changed a bit.

But for these overseas Chinese workers, they don't care about Ming Dynasty or Qing Dynasty!After all, they have been oppressed by foreigners in Cuba these years, and they live a life that is not as good as a cow or a horse.

They had also hoped that the Qing Dynasty would stand up for them.

What about dreaming?

How could the Qing Dynasty offend foreigners for them?

What about Daming?

Will Daming stand up for them?
The answer is yes. When the Chinese laborers looked at the two huge warships with complicated eyes, Lieutenant General Soler and his party walked into the command cabin of the "Friendship". As the governors, they first boarded the ship to pay tribute to the emperor .

However, it was Zhu Xianhai's cold words that greeted Governor Soler and the others.

"You must release the Chinese workers unconditionally!"

In an instant, the temperature in the cabin dropped a few degrees. Before Lieutenant General Soler could answer, Zhu Xianhai took out a few photos. The Chinese workers in the photos were all wearing shackles without exception.

"Our people signed a contract and came here to work, but they were enslaved and beaten, let alone like slaves, restricting their freedom with shackles, forcing them to work, beating, torture, and imprisoning, this is how you treat labor way?"

Facing the expected questioning, Lieutenant General Sorel replied quickly, even though he felt a little caught off guard.

"Your Majesty, I believe this is an extremely rare incident. In Cuba, even slaves don't need to wear shackles!" If they were not imprisoned, they would have fled long ago. In fact, the unbearable abuse of Chinese laborers had participated in the escape from the very beginning—along with the remaining Indians, with the hidden Moriscos, and with the black slaves , and now in order to survive, there are still many people joining the rebel army led by Baez, forming regiments and battalions of Chinese laborers, fighting for their freedom..."

"Your Majesty, Baez is a rebel!"

Lieutenant General Soler said loudly.

From the official position of the Spaniards, there is no doubt that Baez, who led the rebel army, was a rebel.

"They can be rebels or rebels!"

Zhu Xianhai replied straightforwardly.

"As for what kind of person you are, you can make up your mind, and so can we!"

Lieutenant General Soler was heartbroken in the face of such unrestrained power. When had he been bullied like this? The pride of the Spaniards made him immediately retort.

"Your Majesty, is this a threat?"


Zhu Xianhai shook his head and said.

"This is reality!"

Looking at Lieutenant General Soler, Zhu Xianhai said.

"Now, I can discuss these things with you here. If you reject my kindness, then my fleet, my army will speak for me. Please don't think that my kindness is unlimited and my patience is limited of!"

What is a threat?

This is a threat, and a threat is to tell the other party directly - if you don't agree, I will punish you!
This kind of threat is the most direct and powerful!
"His Majesty……"

Faced with such a threat, Lieutenant General Soler was really at a loss. Although he had several plans in his mind to deal with Huagong's problem, the opponent did not play cards according to common sense at all!

He even directly stated his attitude - either accept it or be beaten.


Even a few years ago, before the queen was kicked off the throne, Spain must have only been beaten when facing such two warships, so what about now?
Thinking of the dilapidated wooden warships in Havana Bay, Lieutenant General Soler, who knew that there was no room for bargaining, felt so heavy, he said after thinking for a while.

"Your Majesty, we need time to report this matter to Madrid, and then Madrid will make a decision. After all, this involves hundreds of thousands of people who have signed contracts with the plantation."

Lieutenant General Soler thought that such a concession would satisfy the other party, but his idea of ​​delaying time immediately disappeared.

"You have twenty-four hours!"

This is the ultimatum!
Zhu Xianhai didn't give him a chance to procrastinate at all, and he didn't have time to spend with them slowly. After all, Cuba was just passing by, and there was another thing to do.

"I hope you can make a decision within [-] hours—whether to release the Chinese workers and abolish the slave trade contract that violates humanity!"

What about twenty-four hours later?
Of course it was the cannon that fired at his mother!
In fact, in terms of his inner thoughts, Zhu Xianhai hoped that the Spaniards would be more proud and tough, and directly reject this request.Then the fleet just took the opportunity to bombard Havana. Since they want to support the Chinese workers, they must make some noise!

In fact, supporting the Chinese workers can not only establish the orthodox image of Ming Dynasty in the eyes of all countries in the world!

More importantly, Da Ming needs to let the world see that Da Ming and Man Qing are completely different.

Daming doesn't like the way they deal with the Manchus!

The "Treaty Qing", which measures China's material resources and the favor of allies, has long since lost China's face. If Ming wants to gain a foothold on the international stage, it must pick up the lost face of "Treaty Qing" and protect the overseas Chinese. It is the first step. There is no way. Westerners can't tell who is from the Ming Dynasty and who is from the Qing Dynasty. In their eyes, they are all Chinese.

If you want to get back the lost face, you must use some tough methods. It is nonsense to subdue others with virtue, or to subdue others without fighting.

For Westerners, the set they follow is nothing more than—might is right.They will get along well with you only when you are beaten and hurt.

"His Majesty,"

Clenched fists in both hands, Governor Sorel, who was extremely humiliated in his heart, even though he instinctively wanted to refuse, he still chose to be rational.

"Your Majesty, please go back and seek the judge's opinion. After all, this involves many legal issues that need to be resolved."

When Soler's words fell, Zhu Xianhai immediately agreed.

"Indeed, this matter does involve many legal issues. I believe that in the process of handling this incident, it is necessary for us to set up a special court composed of personnel from both sides to investigate the plantation owner's illegal imprisonment and abuse of Chinese workers. And be punished according to the law!"

Without waiting for Lieutenant General Soler to object, Zhu Xianhai said to Li Weiye who was on the side.

"Li Weiye, I have appointed you as a Ming judge of the joint court to investigate and handle this matter."

Although the appointment was a bit unexpected, Li Weiye said excitedly.

"The minister will certainly live up to His Majesty's great trust."

This...we haven't agreed yet!When Lieutenant General Soler was about to speak, Zhu Xianhai said to him.

"You don't have to worry about his professional level. He is a top student in the law department of Sciences Po in Paris. By the way, he was born on a plantation in Cuba, and his father is a contracted Chinese laborer!"

In an instant, Sorel's face was completely pale, and everyone knew what kind of appointment this was... It was clearly for revenge!
I don't know if it was an illusion, but at that moment, he saw a sneer flashing in the beautiful eyes of that mixed-race child...

As usual, Li Nianxiang was busy in his store. After he managed to get out of the plantation alive more than ten years ago, he sold daily groceries by relying on picking and picking. He bought the grocery store and put it in the plantation The good-looking woman and his own children were redeemed and brought out, not only took them out of the plantation, but also sent their son to school, and even went to France.

"Stay busy for a few more years, when Weiye comes back, marry him a wife, then you can..."

Just as he was looking forward to the future, suddenly someone ran over and shouted at him.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, hurry up, hurry to the pier, we are in China, no, Daming's ship is coming..."

Like many people, Li Nianxiang came to the pier after knowing that Daming's warship had come to Havana. Worth mentioning.All are Chinese.

"It's really a Chinese ship, look, look, what's written on the bow?"


When staring at the square characters on the bow, like many people, Li Nianxiang's eyes were a little hot, and he almost shed tears.

In the past, they never dared to imagine that one day they would see Chinese ships here.

At this moment, someone pointed to the people on the boat and said.

"Brother Li, see if that is Weiye."

"Isn't it Weiye? How did he get on this ship? Isn't he studying in that French?"

When Li Nianxiang was surprised that his son was actually on this boat.He saw an even more surprising scene, those arrogant foreign officers were talking to him politely, and some even bowed to him.

This, what's going on.

Staring helplessly at his son who was complimented by foreigners on the boat, Li Nianxiang was in a daze...

(End of this chapter)

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