Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 524 Expulsion Order

Chapter 524 The order to chase away guests (first update, please subscribe)
It's like a whirlwind!
The news of the Ming Fleet's arrival in Nanyang spread throughout Nanyang, from the Dutch East India to the Spanish Philippines, where people were all looking forward to the fleet's visit.

In this anticipation, the fleet left Singapore and sailed into the Strait of Malacca. It seemed that it would indeed sail into the Indian Ocean as planned, then enter the Atlantic Ocean and return to Nanhua, completing the first round-the-world voyage of the Ming Navy.

However, the fleet sailed into Port Klang in the Sultanate of Kedah.

Port Klang is the most important port here, and it is one of the most important ports in Malaysia even in the 21st century.The most important big tin exporter in this area.Standing on the bridge, Zhao Fuyong said to Meng Qingen.

"Since the [-]s, the rising price of tin in the European market has created good business opportunities for the tin mining industry in the Malay region. Driven by interests, the Chinese Association Party in the Straits Settlements brought a large number of members into the inland tin mining area and opened up With the efforts of nearly [-] overseas Chinese, the production of large tin in the Malay Peninsula is increasing rapidly, and because of this, the Chinese Labor Party and the Chinese The struggle for control of the society and the mining area has never stopped, and there are constant conflicts between the parties. The conflict between the two private parties in the Narut area, Haishan and Yixing, even triggered the Narut War. In the second year, the mediation of the British Now the Naru faction is involved in the dispute over the succession of the local sultan, and the war is on the verge of breaking out."

"Then why are we here?"

"Because this civil war here has been going on for eleven years!"

Pointing to the pier, Zhao Yongfu sighed.

"In 1860, two local chieftains fought for the tax and profits of the mining area, which triggered a war. Jiaying Prefecture, which belongs to the Yixing Party in the mining area, is the Hakka in Meixian County and Huizhou Hakka belonging to the Haishan Party in the Jilongpi mining area. People usually have conflicts over trivial matters and report mutual grievances. At this time, they are also involved in the Malay civil war. They each support one side. This war has continued until now. The tin mining area that was once prosperous has become dilapidated. , I don’t know how many Chinese died in the war! If we don’t intervene, I don’t know how long this civil war will last.”

Zhao Fuyong did not know that the civil war did not come to an end until Ye Laiya led the congregation to recapture Kuala Lumpur two years later. Later, in order to prevent Kuala Lumpur from being taken away by his opponents, under Ye Laiya's instruction, Chinese businessmen in Kuala Lumpur and other places passed through Singaporean Chinese justices of the peace. Chen Jinsheng's invitation to the United Kingdom to maintain law and order is actually surrendering the city built with the blood and sweat of tens of thousands of Chinese to foreigners.

In order to protect their own interests, they do not hesitate to hand over their family business to outsiders. This is the biggest characteristic of Chinese companies or participants in the Southeast Asian industry.

"So we have to go to Klang and Selangor, not only to let the two parties sit together and solve the problem through negotiations!"

Meng Qingen nodded at the special envoy's words.

"Since this conflict was caused by a conflict between two native lords, they must not be happy that the Chinese will party to a truce!"

"Then it's up to them!"

Zhao Yongfu looked at Meng Qingen with a smile, and then said.

"I believe that Chief Meng will be able to convince them!"

When the warship was slowly entering the port, the sailors on board noticed that the situation here seemed to be different. The pier was empty, only some shirtless local coolies, showing their thin and dark bodies, stretched out. He stretched his neck and looked at the two warships. As soon as the two warships entered the berth and anchored, the inspection ship of the port inspector came over, breathing black smoke. The port officer said as soon as he boarded the ship.

"Selangor is a small state. In order to maintain neutrality, warships from various countries are not allowed to enter the port. If the fleet needs to replenish water and coal, please leave immediately after replenishing water and coal."

While speaking, the coaler was also heading here.Faced with such a polite "seeing off", Meng Qingen's reply made the port officer dumbfounded.

"The main engine is faulty. After the repair is completed, you should leave."

Host failure... go there to reason!

There is no place to reason, what is a "scholar" meets a soldier, it is not clear, but in just one hour, the Malays in Port Klang have fully realized the meaning of this sentence.

First, the main engine failed, then went ashore to purchase, and after that, the Malays could not refuse.That is, when the sailors went ashore to make purchases, something happened unexpectedly—all the shops were closed!

"what happened?"

Looking at the empty streets, looking at the signboards written in Chinese characters and the closed store doors, the sloppy person in charge of material procurement realized that something was wrong.

As a port city, this is simply unimaginable. There are local coolies on the pier, but there are no shops open, and the street is as quiet as a dead city. This is too weird!
"There must be something wrong!"

At this moment, a small stone was thrown from nowhere, and the stone was wrapped with a layer of paper.But just looking at the online content for a while, his face suddenly changed.

"Go, go back to the ship!"


"The little people risked their lives and wept blood. I appealed to the lords of the heaven for help! The chieftains of the Tubang regard the Chinese as a bully, and the leaders of the party will collude with them for their own benefit. They are willing to be driven by the chieftains. In the mine, countless Chinese and Chinese workers were killed and injured. It has been ten years since the scuffle. Although we were born in the Qing Dynasty, we never forget the homeland of the Ming Dynasty. When we heard that the fleet of the Celestial Dynasty came to visit, we intended to welcome them at the dock, but we were met by the chieftains and the Hui Party. Threats, asking us to thank the market behind closed doors, not to sell supplies to the fleet, and anyone who violates the law will be killed! Although we intend to serve, but we live in a remote place, how can we have the party to collude with the natives, and we can only be ashamed of the officers and soldiers of the Celestial Dynasty. I ask the officers and soldiers of the Celestial Dynasty to remember the friendship of our fellow countrymen, and forgive us for the suffering of ordinary people!"

A note was spread out on the table.The handwriting on the note was dense and scribbled, it seemed that it should have been written in a hurry.The grief, indignation and helplessness in the panic are all contained in these short words.

"What a shoot-to-kill, what a prestige!"

Smiling, he looked at Meng Qingen and the others who were sitting in the cabin looking at each other:

"What do you think? As soon as we arrived here, someone gave us eye drops. First, we were ordered to evict customers, and then the shops were closed...Hmph!"

" all driven by the party?"


Pursing his lips, Zhao Yongfu said.

"Huidang, for Huidang, from the moment we sent consuls in Singapore, we were not welcomed by them. Seeing that there is no such thing as "shoot to kill", the power of life and death is in their hands, you Say, would they be willing to send an official over here now?"

While sneering, Zhao Yongfu said in a deep voice.

"However, it's beyond my expectation that they colluded with the chieftain..."

In fact, it is also expected!
After all, the civil war between Haixing and Yishan has lasted until now, isn't it because each side supports one side and tries to monopolize the mining area?The results of it?The war between father-in-law and son-in-law turned into a war between two groups of Chinese workers in their hands.

Two factions of Chinese laborers have fought there for more than ten years.It is to monopolize the mine and then pay taxes to foreigners.

"What now?"

Meng Qingen's brows were furrowed into a ball. He never thought that Huagong would not welcome them.

It's not the Chinese workers, but the party that controls those Chinese workers.Not to mention being here, even those political parties in Singapore may not necessarily welcome the consuls they send.

After all, no one wants to have one more person in charge of themselves.

Zhao Fuyong sneered.

"What should we do? Since they won't let us come, of course we have to pay a visit!"

Come visit!

Since coming here is definitely a door-to-door visit, to meet those people in person, after all, the reason for coming here is to mediate the contradictions and conflicts between them.

Now that people don't even let me meet in person, there is only one way, and that is to take the initiative to come to the door.

"I want to see who gave them such courage!"

(End of this chapter)

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