Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 525 All mistakes are all the fault of the chieftain

Chapter 525 Thousands of mistakes are all the fault of the chieftain (second update, please subscribe)
"1, 2, 3, 4..."

When the password sounded at the pier, Abdullah, the port officer who had studied in a British school in Singapore, hurried over and said.

"Special Envoy Zhao, Special Envoy Zhao, your sailors must return to the ship immediately, and cannot go ashore at will!"

"Whatever you want? I think Mr. Abdullah has misunderstood. As a special envoy, I should visit Sudan!"

There is nothing wrong with this sentence. As a visitor, a visitor should pay a visit to the host, that is also what should be done.Reciprocity is not.

"Visiting the Sultan?"

It's that simple, it's definitely not possible.Abdullah would not believe that their starting point was that simple.


"But Sudan, he is not in the city..."

Abdullah refused bluntly, and the Sultan had no intention of seeing them at all.

"It's okay, I can wait for him!"

Sailor captain reported.

"Report to the special envoy, the queue is complete."

Staring at Abdullah standing in front of him, and at the dozen or so natives with rifles behind him, Zhao Yongfu sneered.

"Why, do you dare to stop me!"

"You, you..."

Abdullah's lips trembled slightly, he really didn't dare to stop him, and fired... He didn't have the guts, as there were two ironclad ships behind him.

"set off!"

Ignoring Abdullah at all, Zhao Yongfu directly led fifty armed sailors to the city to "visit" the Sudan.

At noon in Klang City, the sun was shining brightly, and the scorching sun made everyone lazy. At this time, most of the local aborigines did not know where to hide to enjoy the cool, and only the Chinese shops were still open.

Suddenly on the street, under the scorching sun at noon, the drowsy people raised their heads suspiciously, and they seemed to feel the tremor coming from the ground.

Orderly footsteps rumbling from a distance, and then getting closer.Even the most listless Malay inspector yawned and stood up to look in the direction of the sound.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, and soon a group of neatly dressed sailors in uniform broke into their eyes. Although they were all sweating profusely from the equatorial sun, their steps were very neat, and they stepped On the cobblestone road in Klang City, there is a sound of tom tom.

Their eyes were firm, their bodies were straight, and the sailors carrying rifles walked into the city of Klang with neat steps.

The Malay inspector opened his eyes wide in astonishment, and looked at these sailors in astonishment!

Him, why are they here?

Zhao Yongfu was walking in the queue, what made him feel most uncomfortable at this moment?
It is the overseas Chinese around, they are all there, but why no one goes to the dock to welcome the arrival of the fleet?
They should have gotten the news a long time ago!

No problem, you'll be warmly welcomed soon.

With the backing of two ironclad ships, he was able to pull the sailor team so arrogantly.Walking on the streets of Klang City in unison!

Justice and justice must be within the range of the cannon.

Of course, power is also within the range of cannons!

On the way to the Sultan's Palace, a South China-style ancestral hall came into view.

"Haishan Hall"

Looking at these three big characters, Zhao Yongfu raised his lips slightly.

"Okay! Here we are!"

Then he said it out loud.

"Since the Sudan is not here, let me meet the overseas Chinese leader here first!"

When Abdullah, who followed him all the way, heard a "thump" in his heart, when he yelled that something was wrong, he listened to the other side.

"Report, the doors are not open!"

The door is not open?

Is it that simple to thank guests behind closed doors?

Zhao Fuyong sneered.

"Since the door didn't open, just smash it open!"


In Haishan Hall, kneeling together.Ye Yalai, the majestic master of Haishan, knelt there, not even daring to vent his breath, the sweat on his forehead dripped down on the blue floor tiles, even his silk clothes were stained with sweat, and most of the others were also like this In this way, even the timid trembled all over, and the cold sweat all over his body seemed to be fished out of the water.

With his back to the crowd, he stared at the tablets enshrined in the Haishan Party Hall, such as the ancestors, five sages, and five sects.

"Master Ye, if I remember correctly, the Haishan Party came from Tiandihui!"

Zhao Fuyong's tone was very flat, but anyone could feel his dissatisfaction.

"Return to the adults, it is true."

Although nervous, Ye Yalai still reported truthfully.

"What is the purpose of the Tiandihui?"

"Reverse Qing and Fu Ming!"

This purpose was done hundreds of years ago, who would take it as true now, but Ye Yalai dare not say that, because this master is from the Ming court, and his soldiers blocked them all here!If you say something wrong, it is useless to lose your life.

"What an anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty! Since it is anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty, you not only forbid merchants and people from visiting the Ming warships, but even prohibit merchants from selling supplies to the fleet. Are you anti-Qing and Fuming? That door is clear! Let’s hear it!”

As soon as the words on his side fell, Ye Yalai, who was kneeling on the ground, kowtowed and shouted for grievances.

"The grass people are wronged, the grass people are wronged!"

"Injustice, since there is injustice, let's talk about it!"

Ye Ya said.

"Returning to my lord, how can the grassroots not be happy when the warships of the Celestial Dynasty come to visit, but I hate that the Sultan of the chieftain claimed that my lord's trip seemed to mediate the civil war between Haishan and Yixing, but in fact he wanted to oppress us and force us to Wait for peace talks with Yixing, and then make a small profit!"

Zhao Yongfu scolded angrily.

"It's ridiculous. How can I care about petty gains as a special envoy of the Ming Dynasty?"

"What the adults said is true, and the villain replied to them in the same way. How could the envoy of the Celestial Dynasty be greedy for some money? I never thought that the chieftain would show his viciousness at this time, saying that if I waited to meet the fleet, sell supplies and the fleet of the Celestial Dynasty, When the fleet leaves, we will not only kill all the people who sell supplies, but we and other grassroots earn a living overseas, and how can we resist the chieftains, so, that's the only way, that's the only way..."

After all, Ye Yalai is crying bitterly, all he knows now is to kick all the responsibility to Tunku Guding Sultan, even if they have formed an alliance against his father-in-law Sultan Mahdi and the Yixing Party in the past eight years , so what?

Now that people are under gunpoint, they have to bow their heads.The key is to get over the current hurdle. As for Guding Sultan, what can the Ming army do with him?

The other kneeling leaders of the Haishan Party all shifted the responsibility to the chieftain. Of course they knew what Ye Yalai meant, and now only the Sudan can take this responsibility.

Daming is an official, and Sudan is also an official, so the two of them will fight each other!
is this real?
Looking at the heartbroken people, and listening to the regretful words they had to submit to the chieftain, Zhao Fuyong sneered from the bottom of his heart.

It's not important, what's important is...the reason he needs is here!

As for wrong?It must be the outsider's fault.

"Oh, I misunderstood you all. Surviving in a foreign land must have many difficulties. How can I not know the sufferings among them? They are all arrogant natives who bully my compatriots!"

No matter what they did in the past, when Zhao Fuyong said these words, all the past was overturned.There will be no one to pursue their past actions. Thousands of mistakes are the fault of the natives, and they have nothing to do with them. Everything they do is out of helplessness.

Is this a cover-up?
Of course it is cover up.

But this is the basic law of the world's operation-if you don't cover your own people, should you cover foreigners?
Of course it is to cover up their own people!This is what a country should do, instead of blindly covering up those foreigners, even if they are blacks, they are foreigners.

Taking a step forward, Zhao Fuyong comforted Ye Yalai while helping him up.

"Don't worry everyone, Daming will decide everything in the future! The natives can no longer bully us!"

Just as he finished speaking, there was a commotion outside the hall, and then someone hurried in to report.

"My lord, it's not good, the native soldiers and horses surrounded us!"

(End of this chapter)

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