Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 526 Who Gave Sultan's Courage

Chapter 526 Who Gave the Sultan's Courage (Part [-], please subscribe)
In front of the gate of Haishan Hall, hundreds of native soldiers with Schneider rifles surrounded the sailors outside the hall.Tunku Gooding Sultan, who was riding a horse, with a Krysh sword on his waist and a yellow turban on his head, said proudly.

"Do you really think that with warships, you can rampage in Klang?"

Previously, he was still enjoying the obsessive body of the Turkish girl he had just bought in the palace, but the news that the Ming Fleet could not leave because of a "fault" made him suddenly lose his mood.

The so-called malfunction was nothing more than a conspiracy. After seeing through the "conspiracy" of the Ming people at a glance, Tunku Guding wondered how to send the Ming people out of Klang.

Before he could figure out a way, he learned that the special envoy of the Ming Dynasty had led sailors into the Dihaishan Party.

Thinking that the Haishan Party might negotiate peace with the Yixing Party under the threat of the special envoy of Da Ming, Tunku Guding, who could no longer sit still, led the troops to declare his sovereignty.

All the Chinese Associations bought land from Sudan when they opened mines. The mines around Kuala Lumpur on the upper reaches of the Klang River used to be just a piece of virgin forest. The Haishan Party bought land and tin mining rights from him. It was from his father-in-law. As the output of the mine increased, he had a conflict with his father-in-law who was jealous of the mine tax, and the Chinese were naturally involved. In the past ten years, although Kuala Lumpur was almost destroyed Due to the war, tin production plummeted, but so what?
Once the mine is retaken, at most one year's income can make up for all losses.But now, there is no loss for him at all-he only needs to provide gunpowder and muskets to the Haishan Party. As for the people, the Haishan Party will bring troops from China. Words are almost no business!

But once he wins, the income is more than ten times what it is now.For this reason, of course he has given his all to support the Haishan Party, and it is precisely because of this that he cannot tolerate the negotiations between the two parties. After all, he has lost tax revenue for several years, and only the Haishan Party can monopolize the mine to make up for his loss.

"Listen up, everyone. The sultan thinks you are all foreigners. As long as you leave here now, the sultan will not care about what happened today, otherwise..."

Before Mahathir finished speaking, Zhao Yongfu, who walked out of Haishan Hall, sneered.

"Otherwise what!"

Standing in front of Haishan Hall, looking at the sultan in gorgeous silk clothes, Zhao Yongfu said.

"This must be Tunku Guding Sultan, I don't know how you plan to deal with this matter!"


Tunku Gooding was dumbfounded by the sudden question. He had dealt with the Chinese for many years, and those Chinese were obedient and fearful in front of him, but what is going on with this guy?

And these soldiers?Didn't they see hundreds of guns pointed at them?Look at this posture, how is it similar to the British.

Yes, we have the support of the UK!

Thinking of the support of the British, Tunku Gooding immediately gained confidence.

"Mr. Zhao, you must leave this place immediately. This is Klang, not your Daming."

Ming dynasty?

What is Daming?
Tunku Gooding really didn't know, let alone he didn't know, even his British consultant Haagen-Dazs didn't know.

"Mr. Haagen-Dazs, tell him, according to international law, what should he do?"

Haagen-Dazs, who was following him, walked forward arrogantly and spoke loudly in English.

"Sir, please abide by the principles of public international law and withdraw from this place immediately, otherwise, the esteemed sultan will retain the power to pursue all responsibilities!"

Faced with the almost arrogant words of the British guy, Zhao Yongfu smiled instead of anger.

"Okay, what a power to pursue all responsibilities, then let's wait and see!"

While sneering, Zhao Yongfu said.

"Since you mentioned public international law, then I would like to ask, Tunku Gooding, you have threatened and lured us to instigate internal fighting among the Ming Dynasty citizens for more than ten years, causing tens of thousands of casualties. How should I, Ming Dynasty, pursue this responsibility!"

Is this asking the teacher for a crime?
No, this is domineering, this is unscrupulous, this is deceiving too much!
But if you don't bully people too much, what's the point of a strong country?
Weak country?Weak countries are always bullied!
A strong country, why should it be a strong country, isn't it to do whatever it wants, to bully a weak country?
For a strong country, being unreasonable, domineering, and unscrupulous is what a strong country should do to a weak country. What is good-neighborliness, friendship, equality, and cooperation are false propositions.

Weakness means good-neighborliness and friendship, while strength means doing whatever they want.This is the eternal truth.

Faced with the sudden questioning of the teacher, Tunku Gooding was dumbfounded. He looked at Ye Yalai and the others in Haishan Hall, his eyes full of doubts.

"What, what does this mean?"

Tunku Gooding said.

"Ye Yalai, come here and tell them, you are from that country, when did you become people from Ming country!"

Ye Yalai cried out bitterly in his heart when Sudan yelled at her like that, you gods are fighting, why do you call me!As he walked out with a grimace, Mahathir said.

"Special Envoy Zhao, you can see that they all have braids on their heads. This is the symbol of the Chinese people. When did they become Ming people!"

Kid, the silver that usually honors you is not in vain!

Mahathir's rescue made Ye Yalai secretly rejoice in his heart, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Zhao Yongfu laughed loudly.

"It's a joke, when did the Manchu Qing Dynasty become China's orthodox? Now that my Ming Dynasty has restored the country, the Chinese people are naturally my Ming Dynasty people. Don't need to say too much. If you don't give us an explanation today, we will always Will be held accountable!"

There was disdain in Zhao Yongfu's laughter, and even looking at Tunku Gooding was like looking at a clown. For Tengku Gooding, who is the sultan, when has he ever been so angry, at most It is the British who dare to do this!

That is, only the British!

Tunku Gooding immediately thought of the message from Governor Ward - "The British Empire is on the side of the Sultan".

In fact, after Zhao Fuyong left that day, Ward had a sense of crisis. Although London has no interest in the malaysian states, those areas are also within the sphere of influence of the United Kingdom, so the intervention of other countries must not be tolerated. , Of course, he is not willing to send troops to the local area for a group of Chinese, it is completely unnecessary for the Chinese.

However, Daming's protest also made him aware of the danger. What if the Ming Empire intervened in the Malay Peninsula under the pretext?That's why Ward sent someone to send a message to Tunku Gooding to express his support, and what about this support?It is to enable him to withstand the pressure when facing the pressure of the Ming Empire.

But in any case, what he didn't expect was that his verbal support would become "British support for him" when it came to Tunku Gooding.

With the support of the UK, Tunku Guding only thinks that he is the most beautiful boy in the village. When has he been so underestimated? Even if he was, he was from the UK, Chinese?

They are all Asians like him, so why dare to underestimate him!
Those Chinese people are usually very humble in front of him, and they dare to speak loudly, but this Ming Dynasty is so good, he dares to underestimate himself so much!

You have warships, but so what?

You don't know that the British Empire has more warships, and the British Empire supports us!
At this moment, Tunku Gooding, who felt full of confidence, immediately retorted loudly.

"I allowed you to enter my port so tolerantly, but how did you respond to my kindness? Your soldiers broke into my country directly, and you broke into my country like this braggingly, and you actually made me responsible! "

It seemed that at this moment, Tunku Gooding finally discovered his inner anger. How could these Chinese people underestimate him so much?

"Hold responsibility, hold responsibility, you broke into my country, barbarously broke in with guns, do you really think that you can run amok and domineering here?"

Tunku Guding laughed back in anger, when was he ever underestimated by others, he said loudly to the brave man.

"I restrict you to leave here immediately, otherwise, my army will force you to leave here!"

With an order, the muzzle of the black hole was aimed at these sailors, and the sailors also pointed their guns at each other.

... Who gave him the courage!

Faced with such a threat, Zhao Fuyong was stunned for a full second, it was really hard to imagine.

Who gave him such courage?

(End of this chapter)

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