Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 534 Let Britain continue to move stones

Chapter 534 Let Britain continue to move stones (third update, please subscribe)
I'm really willing to pay for it!
Even if he is the one taking advantage, Zhu Xianhai has to admire the ruthlessness of the British every time he thinks that the British are making such a big investment just to let the United States and Brazil contain him and put Ming in the predicament of a war on two fronts!

The British are not only cruel to their enemies, they are also very cruel to themselves.In order to support Daming to death, they did not hesitate to poach such a large piece of flesh from themselves.

Don't they know how to feel bad?
"I can't bear to let my children play with wolves!"

Sighing at the ruthlessness of the British, Zhu Xianhai said.

"The British made such a big investment, and we can't live up to their kindness!"


Zhu Guozhong was a little dazed, even now he has given himself a very good Chinese name, and he is the top among uncles in the country.But most of the time, he still couldn't understand the Chinese way of speaking.

"I mean, if the British are not allowed to get what they want, they will definitely feel that they are at a disadvantage. In this case, let's let them get what they want!"


"Your Majesty means that confrontation with the United States is definitely unavoidable. Since it is unavoidable, then simply play with it. Anyway, the strength of the United States is not worth mentioning!"

Zuo Zongtang said with a smile.

As the prime minister of the empire, Zuo Zongtang undoubtedly created a history-after Hu Weiyong, the second prime minister of Ming Dynasty.As the prime minister of the empire, he is undoubtedly extremely competent. Ever since he returned from Europe, he has been Zhu Xianhai's right-hand man.

"The United States can't pose a real threat to us now. Millions of American troops have been disbanded with the end of the civil war. Their naval warships are either scrapped or sold. Right now, American naval officers are ashamed to meet the officers of small South American countries. , because the navies of those small countries are stronger and more modern than those of the United States. Even until now, the United States has not had a bill to build a navy. Generally speaking, neither the United States in the North nor the Confederate States in the South have maintained a standing army plan, its military power does not pose much threat to us."

A divided America!

This is exactly the reward for being involved in this war. No, there is also the early industrialization of Nanhua. Thanks to the fact that the South bought hundreds of millions of dollars of weapons and materials with cotton and gold coins, otherwise, how could Nanhua’s industrialization have progressed? so smooth?

It's just God bless!

Although proud, Zhu Xianhai did not forget his form, but shook his head and said.

"Don't underestimate the war potential of the United States. Since they were able to pull out an army of millions of people during the Civil War, if a war broke out between us, they would definitely be able to mobilize an army of the same size. If it weren't for the United States to show How could the British pay us such a large amount of war potential. We must always be vigilant against the United States."

"Your Majesty's words are true, I'm a little arrogant."

Waving his hand, Zhu Xianhai reminded.

"Underestimating the opponent is a mistake that many people make. We must realize one thing - the United States has a population of 2500 million, while we only have 600 million. Therefore, the core of the confrontation with the United States is the population!"

Smoking a cigar, Zhu Xianhai thought for a while, and then said.

"There are hundreds of millions of hectares of arable land in the southern provinces of Ming Dynasty and the Beihai Governor's District. All we need are people! So in the next ten years, we must increase the number of immigrants as much as possible,"

Only immigration can fundamentally solve the problem.

"By the way, Prime Minister Zuo, how many immigrants moved into Daming last year?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, last year, 71.35 immigrants boarded ships from Haizhou, 22.4 people boarded ships from Ningbo, and another 31.2 people boarded ships from various ports along the Yangtze River, of which 103 million people finally landed in Nanhua. Another 20 people were placed in colonies such as the Success Islands and Africa along the way."

The Chenggong Islands are islands located on the south side of the equator in the northeast of New Guinea. In another world, they are called the "Bismarck Islands". Since then, the Success Islands have become Nanhua's most important stronghold in the Pacific Ocean.

"One million..."

Zhu Xianhai nodded. Thanks to the characteristic "high-density immigration boats" of Ming Dynasty, Daming is absolutely unique in terms of the efficiency of immigration transportation.In just one year, the population has increased by 20%. This efficiency is absolutely astonishing.

However, this is not the limit!

"One million is still too little. You know, there are 3 million compatriots in China? How about we have to work hard and strive for 3000 million immigrants to come here within ten years! We must strengthen our cooperation with Li and Zeng. Don’t be afraid to spend money! No matter how much money you spend on the population, it’s worth it. Moreover, we don’t suffer economically. We use machinery and weapons to trade with them. We spend a tael of money. At least three or four taels of silver can be earned back."

What is the Westernization Movement?
To put it bluntly, it is a money smashing movement!
How much did I spend in the Westernization Movement in the Qing Dynasty, from buying foreign guns and cannons to setting up factories?No less than two or three hundred million taels of silver, what can be exchanged for it?
What is exchanged is not important, what is important is that this money cannot be earned by outsiders. Why did Zhu Xianhai replace people with "silver" in the first place, just to take the opportunity to sell Nanhua's products. Nanhua rails are used for railways, Nanhua locomotives are used for trains, Nanhua locomotives are used for soldiers, and Nanhua cloth is used for foreign cloth.

In such a good dumping market, if you don't grasp it well, can you be worthy of God?

Take last year as an example, Nanhua seems to have given them materials worth more than 200 million taels. The materials purchased by Tianguo and Zeng Li from Nanhua were no less than [-] million taels. In addition to the sales of private goods, it has already exceeded tens of millions of taels. .

Such a small transaction, in exchange for an extremely huge market.As long as this market is seized, it will be very difficult for the Ming Empire not to rise.

"Your Majesty, our exports to all parts of China are almost saturated, and there has been no war between Heaven and them for more than a year. If there is no war, things will not be easy to sell!"

Zuo Zongtang said helplessly.

"That's not easy, just help them start a war!"

Uncle Guo Dingliu Zhu Guozhong, who had been silent all this time, said triumphantly, smoking a cigar.

"The suspension of the war must be due to the stalemate on the front line. As long as there are weapons that can break the stalemate, they will definitely fight again."

Since there is no war, then create war, this is the professionalism of an arms dealer!

"It's not as simple as you think!"

Zhu Xianhai shook his head and said,
"For Li and Zeng, the existence of the kingdom of heaven is beneficial and harmless. For the two kings, Li and Chen, who control the power of the kingdom of heaven, the existence of Tong Li and Zeng is also a good thing. They are all carrying the enemy to their own strength!"

Carrying the enemy's self-respect... This is the helplessness of powerful ministers!

The birds are all hidden, and they all keep one hand for each other!

"However, even so, they will definitely worry about the other party breaking the balance. Talent is the key. They have people, our machinery, and factories. As long as they are willing to hand over their people to us, we can sell them everything, from airships to warships. , it’s all right, anyway, they are all industrial products, if we don’t sell them, other people will sell them, the key is people!”

With a long sigh, Zhu Xianhai said.

"With people, we can gain a foothold on the American continent, and we can break the dark chess set deliberately by the British! Let them know what it means to shoot yourself in the foot!"

Zhu Xianhai didn't know if the British had finished moving the stones in the British Isles, but he was sure enough that they would hit him.If it comes a few more times, the British Stonehenge may really have no stones.

Thinking of this, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help being full of sympathy for Britain.The shit-stirring stick in England has painstakingly calculated everything there, even digging flesh out of himself in order to support Daming to death, but in reality?

They are nothing but wishful thinking!The current daimyo and Britain are like two game players. When the British are planning everything painstakingly there, it is a pity that they don't know it.Daming is from the perspective of God.

Not only have they seen through their conspiracy long ago, but they have also seen through their hearts, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.All that is needed now is to follow their ideas and play two rounds with them.

Since they are willing to move rocks, if they are not allowed to hit their own feet, how can they be worthy of the piece of fat they dug out of their bodies!

Americans have been drooling over the fat piece of British Columbia for decades, but what happened in the end?He didn't get anything, but it was an unexpected gain for Daming.

"There are also Americans. There are many Americans in the North Sea. Our attitude towards them is the same attitude - how the Americans treat us, how we treat them! It is to repay the other with the same way!"

When he uttered these words, Zhu Xianhai only had a thick sarcasm left on his face.

"In a word, how do Americans treat our people in California? We treat their people in the North Sea! Fair, this is fair!"

(End of this chapter)

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