Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 535 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 535 Killing chickens to warn monkeys (to be updated today, please subscribe)
Buck Wai Town.

It is said to be a town, but its population is even larger than that of Pingsui, the capital of Beihai Governor's District, and it is several times larger!This is a "big city" with a population of tens of thousands. In Beihai Governor's District, with such a population, it is definitely the number one "metropolis" that deserves it!
However, this "metropolis" that once attracted more than [-] gold diggers no longer has the shadow of a metropolis at all. There is not only mud, but even horse manure on the road. The buildings on both sides are typical North American-style wooden houses, many of which are painted with a layer of white paint.

The gold rush here ended quickly, and in less than ten years, it quickly cooled down with the decreasing gold production. Now there are only more than [-] gold diggers left here, struggling to find the legendary large pieces of gold in the mines. .Of course, they are just barely making ends meet.

This morning, a group of several cavalrymen came here. As soon as they appeared in the town, they attracted everyone's attention-they were wearing black military uniforms, with revolvers in their waist holsters, and the saddle beside their saddles. There was also a rifle in the bag.

After this group of people entered the town, the leading young officer looked around, as if he was looking for something.Then he rode to the side of the road.

"Good sir, where is the town sheriff's office!"

Riding on a horse, Li Yangshu asked the middle-aged man on the side of the road in fluent English.

Facing his inquiry, the man didn't even pay attention to it, and just turned his head away.

He even said something when he left.

"Damn yellow monkey!"

As soon as Bai Pi's words fell, the gunshots rang out.The white man in a suit was stunned, and everyone on the street watched this scene in astonishment.

Pointing the gun at the rude white man, Li Yangshu said in cold language.

"Get your gun out!"


"I said, get your gun out!"

Once again, Li Yangshu ordered coldly.


Under the pressure of the gun, the white man touched the pistol with trembling hands, and the moment he drew the pistol, the gunshot rang.

After two consecutive gunshots, two balls of blood gushed out of the white man's chest.The onlookers on the side of the road were all taken aback. Many men directly took out their weapons. The muzzles of their revolvers and Henry rifles were aimed at this group of yellow men.

Facing the surrounding gunpoints, Li Yangshu glanced at them coldly, and then said loudly.

"I am the captain of the local gendarmerie appointed by the Beihai Governor's Mansion. I am responsible for maintaining local law and order. Now, I will give you a chance to put down your weapons."

He's the new sheriff?
No, according to the negotiations with the United Kingdom, Ming needs to respect the traditions of British Columbia—the tradition of self-government, the town mayor, the town council, and of course the election of the magistrate, which cannot be changed.

According to the British say what is it?

They are responsible for the people here, which is actually bullshit.For this reason, Ying Tian had a plan long ago, and directly dispatched the gendarmerie to take charge of the security of a large area.It is equivalent to sending another group of sheriffs in addition to the local sheriffs.

In the face of these gendarmes, the people in the town realized that the colony had a new owner.When they looked at each other with guns, they didn't know what to do.

Sheriff James walked over with a dozen of his men, all of whom wore police badges on their chests.He didn't even glance at Li Yangshu, but said while looking at the corpse on the ground.

"Damn Tom, how dare you draw a gun at a gendarme! Damn you."

Then James looked at the others and said.

"Gentlemen, you have to figure it out, they are military police, military police sent by the Ming Empire, why do you point your weapons at them?"

Then he went up to the gendarmes and said,
"Mr. Captain, I am James Dawson, the local sheriff. Please forgive me. They are just a bunch of country bumpkins. They don't know that the military police represent the authority of the emperor."

Looking coldly at James who was performing there, the corners of Li Yangshu's lips twitched slightly, and he just nodded slightly, then he looked around the crowd and said.

"Mr. Dawson is right. We are here to represent His Majesty the Emperor to maintain law and order here. What I need to remind you is that here, there is only one person who can kill casually, and that is me!"

Then, Li Yangshu stared at James and asked.

"What do you think, Mr. Dawson!"

Facing the captain of the gendarmerie on a horse, James felt the pressure for the first time. As a local emperor, he had seen too many Chinese people, but these Chinese people were completely different from the Chinese who were panning for gold. Yes, but what about them?
As soon as they got here, they killed people in the street. Did they think they were cowboys?

They are not cowboys, but Li Yangshu and the others are very clear about what is most important in this land - violence!
In this savage land, only violence can be convincing.If you don't kill the chickens and show them to the monkeys, the monkeys will never know that they are just chickens.

But in just a few hours, the news of the gendarmerie's arrival spread throughout the mine along with the news of the murder. Those Chinese gold diggers by the muddy mine river were stunned and their eyes changed. It's all a little fanatical.

"He, they really killed white people!"

Liang Wu asked a little excitedly.The eyes of other people are also full of disbelief. In the eyes of each of them, white people will always be superior and arrogant. Even the reason why they came here from California is not because there is more gold here, but because there is more gold here. They were pushed out by gold rushers in California to come here, but here, like everywhere else, they let white people bully them.

"Really, really, those white people are talking there."

The talking Sun Kun is wearing a suit. Among the gold diggers, he is one of the few who can speak English, and it is even because of this that he can become the head of the mine.

"The captain rode on the horse and said arrogantly—now I will tell you a rule—here, I am the only one who can kill casually!"

Sun Kun's eyes also became fanatical, and he said a little excitedly.

"Before, when they said "Daming Empire", I was still a little confused. What kind of empire is the Daming Empire? After a long time, it was "Daming". We don't have to let the white people take advantage of us like in the past..."

Although he usually pleases those white people in every possible way, isn't the reason why he pleases them because those white people are the masters of this land?
Well now, Feng Shui turns, and finally it's our turn!

Feeling happy, Sun Kun said,

"Now that our Daming government has come, and when we come here, we have to do a little bit of landlord friendship. This big guy has collected some gold. After all, they came here from a long distance, so we can't let him think that we don't understand the rules. "

The next morning, very early in the morning, Sun Kun and Liang Wu came to the gendarmerie with several representatives and Jin Zi.

When they first met, they were naturally full of compliments, and then they took out the gold they had prepared long ago and said.

"Captain Li, you have traveled thousands of miles to come here. We don't have anything else, just this little sperm to express our feelings. Please Captain Li, don't think too little."

Looking at the fist-sized bag of gold in front of him, Li Yangshu pushed the black cloth bag forward.When pushing, he could feel the weight of the gold was at least a catty!

said with a smile.

"It's all my own family. It's a matter of course to take care of you. I won't accept this gold,"

Before Sun Kun and the others could speak, Li Yangshu explained.

"Don't get me wrong, it's not that I think gold is scarce, but because Mr. Li is a soldier, and there are military laws. If you take your gold and pursue it, you will lose your head at that time."

From Nanhua's meeting, iron-like rules have been established. Nanhua will not treat his own people badly in terms of salary, but if someone uses his power to blackmail, then the only thing waiting for him is a dead end!
"Captain, here, here, look here, all, all brought here."

There are officials in the world who don't accept gold!

At least for a while, Sun Kuan and the others felt that they were dreaming. How could there be officials in the world who would not accept gold?

"Captain Li, don't worry, only a few of us know about this matter, and we will never let it out. Our mouths are tight."

As soon as Sun Kun's words fell, the others followed suit.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's that there are military laws. Besides, you have to remember that Da Ming is Da Ming. Now that you have reached the border of Da Ming, you have to change your habits and don't do this kind of thing again in the future. Yes. This national law can not only control us but also you. It is a crime to accept bribes, but it is also a crime to give bribes."

Giving you gold is also a crime!

Sun Kun and the others were all dumbfounded. They didn't even think about such a thing.After all, all crows in the world are generally black, but how can anyone who is an official not like gold?

Seeing that their expressions became a little unnatural, Li Yangshu laughed.

"Okay, those who don't know are not guilty, take the gold back, and return it to whoever should. But there is a favor, I really want you to help me!"

 I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!May all go well with you!Add more today!Guaranteed 5 updates!Just subscribe, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, ask for support!All kinds of requests!
(End of this chapter)

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