Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 536 America is a joke

Chapter 536 The United States Is A Joke (Second Update, Please Subscribe)
What's busy, of course, is the election.

In fact, the reason why Zhu Xianhai agreed to the British to put forward some conditions, in the final analysis, was because of the population. What is the basis for the so-called autonomy?
Of course it's people!
Just like in Buckwei, there are more than [-] people here, but there are more than [-] Chinese people, the absolute majority. In the past, they were excluded because of discriminatory terms. So what if there are too many people?
In the past, no matter how many people there were, they were excluded!Without any power!

But now, of course, they have the right to run.It doesn't matter what the mayor is, let alone the town council, even the sheriff, within two years, he can be replaced by one of his own.

Without him, there are just too many people.As long as there are people, everything will be changed in the end!

Of course, the most important thing is immigration. The key is to have a sufficient number of immigrants. As long as there are enough immigrants, the population structure here will change soon, and European immigrants will eventually integrate into the general environment.

It doesn't even take long, just a boat.A Great Eastern ship of the British Empire will do. Well, this one was also sold to Nanhua by the British Empire.What does it mean to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot?This is called lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot.

At the end of April, the "Great Eastern" approached the North Bay. A month ago, this thirty-seven-mile-long bay was also called "Balard Bay". Vancouver Port, but the immigrants on board did not land immediately.

According to the relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and training for new immigrants, they must first go to Taiping Island in the north to be quarantined for 10 days.

The "Great Orient" transported [-] immigrants. When the ship entered the berth, the deck was crowded with people, men, women, and children, all looking up at the mountains in the distance.People looked into the distance with longing eyes and murmured.

"...Is this Nanhua?"

"No, it must be Nanhua."

This is what Deng Huafeng said with certainty.

"I heard from the sailors on the ship what Beihai is. It used to be called Britain or something. It seemed to be the territory of Great Britain in the past. Now it is called Nanhua. Hong Wu's descendants."

Suddenly a voice came in, it was shopkeeper Liu wearing a melon skin hat, he used to be the shopkeeper of a restaurant, but unfortunately the world is not peaceful, even people like him have to go overseas to make a living.

"Ming Dynasty, then we are not in the territory of foreigners, are we?"

The site of foreigners!
For the common people who went abroad to beg for a living, they felt a little trembling when they thought of the territory of foreigners, but after they knew that it was Daming, they felt relieved for a long time.

It’s different here in Daming, they speak the same words, eat the same food, at most they just change places.

I have to say that the simple change of the name made the common people lose the fear they had earlier, and even created a sense of intimacy.

In fact, this is human nature.At the beginning, they feel that overseas is a particularly remote place, but you just need to give them a familiar name.

They immediately have no psychological burden.

Thousands of immigrants squeezed on the deck kept boarding the small boat along the gangway. After the small boat arrived at Taiping Island, they had to register as new immigrants.

"I don't know how long it will take for us to disembark."

Deng Huafeng, who was carrying luggage, looked anxiously at the small boats. Dozens of small motor boats surrounded the "Great Eastern" like a hill, and thousands of immigrants climbed onto the small boats along dozens of gangways.

"Don't worry, it will be our turn soon,"

Shopkeeper Liu raised his throat as he spoke,

"Huzi, when we get here, let's pack up our belongings, and tidy up Tiancheng Building again!"

Hu Zi, who was standing there across the two, quickly responded:
"Shopkeeper, that's a must. It's quite old. Our Tiancheng Building is in Dezhou. It's well-known. Who doesn't know our Tiancheng Building!"

Even if Tiancheng Building was famous back then, so what?Didn't the business that was in the wilderness and chaos not continue? If it could continue, why would it be necessary to leave the country and come to this place?
"Hey, Hua Feng, haven't you figured out what to do? Otherwise, you can work with me. Huzi is a cook, and I still need a big guy in charge. At that time, if you register, you will be regarded as a technician." Immigrants. As soon as the quarantine is over, we can open a restaurant here."

Shopkeeper Liu said with a smile.

"This one……"

Deng Huafeng did not agree immediately. He already knew the number of immigration routes when he was in class on the ship. After all immigrants arrived, they had to go through advanced registration. The next step was to enter the "New Immigrant Education Camp" where they were quarantined for 10 days. , and then shave off the braids and take a shower.After the quarantine period is over, they will go ashore to work for six months.

During these six months, they were only given food and 2 yuan for living expenses. Their wages were used to deduct the boat tickets, and they could regain their freedom after six months!Unlike ordinary immigrants who are settled in factories, mines, and farms, skilled immigrants can directly recover their freedom. If they have money, they can of course start their own business.

Although shopkeeper Liu doesn't have much money, he is definitely not as strong as other poor people. There are still boats to open a restaurant.

Faced with Shopkeeper Liu's invitation, Deng Huafeng hurriedly said with a smile on his face:

"It's my good fortune that shopkeeper Liu can think of me, but I don't plan to stay in the restaurant, I just want to make a living here..."

Shopkeeper Liu nodded and said.

"I understand what you mean! Anyone who comes here must want to make a living and work on the farm. In the future, they will also be allocated a piece of land. Everyone has their own aspirations!"

In fact, for the vast majority of immigrants, what they think of is not to work in factories, but to work on farms. In the past, farm workers could only apply for a 1000-square-meter "residential land", but now they can Applying for 5000 square meters of "residential land", that's seven or eight acres of land!

Although there are not many, for ordinary people, the land is the most real!Therefore, immigrants are more willing to work on the farms, and of course many are willing to be workers. After all, the wages of workers are also extremely attractive.It is a matter of choice to say that one thousand is worth ten thousand.But whether you are a farmer or a worker, you must be literate.

Liu Huafeng has studied privately, and was a teacher on the ship, so literacy is not a problem at all in his hands.

After waiting for more than three hours, Deng Huafeng and the others sat on the transportation boat. The boat sailed for more than ten minutes. After landing, they lined up to wait for the registration. After waiting for a while, it was Deng Huafeng's turn.


"Deng Huafeng."


"26 is old."

After roughly asking about his name, age, and place of origin, the recorder asked again.

"What technology will it be?"

"I have studied under me and used to be a student member of the county."

"Scholar, that's a scholar!"

The recorder looked up at him, and said,

"You came at the right time. Our Beihai was first built, and we must build a school. Maybe you can be assigned to the school to teach at that time."

Go to school to teach?
When Deng Huafeng was still a little dazed, the recorder tore off a piece of paper and handed it to him:

"After entering the camp, hand it over to the immigration office—"

As he spoke, he pointed to a two-story building not far away.

"Also, you are skilled immigrants, you don't necessarily have to work in the camp for six months! Pay more attention to the recruitment information on the bulletin board."

"Yes, yes, thank you sir, I understand."

Deng Huafeng nodded and bowed as he took the piece of paper, on which was written "Registration Form for New Immigrants". This was the registration information copied on carbon paper. Calculate household registration.

When the immigrants landed and entered the isolation camp, Liang Baitao, who was in the Governor's Mansion, had been standing on the balcony, holding a binoculars, staring at the "Great Eastern" and talking to himself.

"26000 people! With just this one ship, our population will surpass that of the local whites. If there are more ships, there will be a population of more than [-]. The population of our North Sea will also exceed that of Oregon."

"Oregon, there are only a mere [-] people."

Standing beside the governor, Liu Kun smiled and said,

"As long as His Majesty agrees to give us the "Dadong", in terms of the capacity of the "Great Dongfang", it can make at least 7 round trips a year, which is 18 people a year! Plus other immigration ships, a year There are at least [-] people, and within three or four years at most, the population advantage of the United States in the west will be replaced by us!"

Liang Baitao nodded and said.

"Of course, our immigration ships are all high-density immigration ships. Huaxia doesn't have much at the moment, but there are a lot of hungry people. As long as there are enough ships, we can transport people over. Don't just focus on one person. Great Eastern, we can also buy some immigration ships of our own!"

It is always unreliable to rely on others for anything, the most important thing is to rely on yourself.Rather than relying on the imperial hub to ensure the transportation of immigrants in this area, it is better to buy a few more ships and solve this problem by yourself.

After all, if it is a colony, if you buy an immigration ship yourself, then those immigration groups are exclusive to this colony.

"The most important thing for us right now is that we do whatever it takes to outdo the Americans."

Staring at the south sadly, Liang Baitao said in a somewhat low tone.

"At present, the biggest advantage of the Americans for us is that they have far more people in the west than we do. But so what? In China, we may not have anything else. In China alone, we have the most people in the world. Sufficient manpower, as long as we bring them here from China and bring them here continuously, one day we will surpass the United States, and the so-called advantages of the United States are actually just a joke."

(End of this chapter)

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