Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 539 This Great Ming Is the Real Prosperity

Chapter 539 This Great Ming Is the Real Prosperity (Fifth update, please subscribe)
The train roared with black smoke and ran through the mountains of Araucania.Although it is April, it is autumn in the southern hemisphere. The slightly cool wind blows into the car from the window, which makes people feel refreshed.

The railway from Linhai to Nanhua is laid all the way along the central valley. The railway first passes through the mountains along the west coast, passes through the central valley with vast hills and undulating hills, and then enters the Andes mountains in the east. This railway took about four years to complete. Announced completion, from where it was completed, this Pacific Railway has become the lifeline of Nanhua-immigrant ships can directly pass through the Pacific Ocean to Linhai, and then transport immigrants to various places in Nanhua by train. In fact, in the past few years Li and Nanhua build more than 1500 kilometers of railways every year on average.The vast Pampas prairie has been railwayized. Along the railway, collective farms stand on the grassland. The immigrants have built a large number of irrigation projects on the grassland-dams, diversion channels, reservoirs and several Hundreds of irrigation and drainage stations using steam pumps have reclaimed tens of millions of acres of fertile land.

All of this is unfamiliar to Yung Wing and Li Jingfang, who are newcomers to Daming. After the train passes through the thrilling "Devil's Nose" and drives out of the Andes Mountains, the endless "Xinxia Great Plain" That is to say, the Pampas prairie is presented in front of their eyes, and everything they see is green.

The flocks of sheep in the distance are dotted on the grassland like white clouds in the sky. Going forward, the grassland turns yellow—that is the golden yellow of wheat. The water surface of the artificial river is sparkling, and willow trees grow on both sides of the river Wait for the woods.

In the agricultural plan of Ming Dynasty, although the basic principle of planting along the river was established, in order to maintain water and soil, not only the basic principle of prohibiting reclamation within 500 meters on both sides of the river was planned, but also a 200-meter forbidden reclamation area was planned on both sides of the artificial river for irrigation. , At the same time, the planners intentionally set the riverside as a "landscape belt" as a place for people to relax and entertain.There are not only flowers and trees on both sides of the river, but also a small number of pavilions and pavilions on the river banks near some cities. Linhe Park is a characteristic of Daming to a certain extent.

Even though he has never been to Daming, the rivers he saw along the way seemed to have been deliberately regulated. After discovering this, Rong Wing was a little curious.

"I never thought that Daming would be so leisurely."

Looking at the scenery on the bank of the river outside the car, Rong Hong secretly marveled in his heart, such scenery is not seen in the Qing Dynasty, perhaps there are countless scenic spots in the Qing Dynasty.However, those dilapidated and dilapidated towns are definitely not comparable to the ones here.Wherever you pass along the way, the buildings are regular, the roads are flat, and the streets of the villages are clean and tidy.

"Perhaps, this is the real weather of the Celestial Dynasty..."

For some reason, such a thought came to Rong Hong's heart, this thought made him panic for no reason, and he even glanced at the eldest son worriedly, only to see that the eldest son was immersed in the scenery outside the car In, there noticed him ah.

so far so good.

In the future, I may not be able to think so wildly.

Yung Wing secretly reminded himself in his heart.But along the way, he couldn't be calm for a long time, especially when he saw this peaceful and prosperous world like a paradise.

It is always inevitable to think wildly and think about things that shouldn't be thought about.

Two days later, when the train approached Nanyuan, the largest iron and steel industrial zone in Daming, the scene before their eyes changed drastically. The towering chimneys spewed black smoke. This industrial zone not only has a lot of chimneys , and there are more than a dozen tall iron-making blast furnaces, and the black and white smoke almost obscures the sky.Even when the train passed by, there could be a strong smell of rotten eggs in the air. When this strange smell of charring rushed into Rong Hong's nostrils, it only made him cough repeatedly and quickly covered his nose to hold his breath.

"Mr. Rong, this is the taste of industrialization!"

Li Jingfang looked at this magnificent industrial area, not only did he not choke on the smell of rotten eggs, it was the smell produced when the coking plant used coal to refine coke.

He even took a deep breath, then closed his eyes to feel all this, and then stared at the outside of the car and said.

"One day, outside Xuzhou City, there must be such a scene, Mr. Rong."

In fact, there are similar factories in the area from Xuzhou to Haizhou. The Liguoyi Iron Works in the north of Xuzhou is also magnificent. The iron factory founded by Zhao Tianfeng produces nearly [-] tons of wrought iron every year. I don’t know how many people are watching the iron factory Later, they all sighed: In the eastern half of the earth, there is no such iron factory in Asia and outside China.

Xuzhou Manufacturing Bureau and Haizhou Shipyard are both first-class factories in Asia in terms of scale. In addition, Westernization enterprises such as Lieshan Coal Mine, Xuzhou Textile Bureau, Telegraph Bureau, Railway Bureau, and China Merchants Shipping Bureau have been in the past few years. During the years, due to the pressure of the war, the scale of Governor Li's Western Affairs Office was larger than in history, and it went further.

There is no other, because the Kingdom of Heaven has gone further—the ironworks and shipyards near Nanjing are also large in scale, and they even hired Nanhua's managers and engineers.Under the pressure of the Kingdom of Heaven, even though many conservative parties in the court criticized Governor Li, the court did not dare to criticize too much. After all, if Governor Li could not stop the Kingdom of Heaven, the Aixinjueluo family would lose the world.

However, even so, the scale is far less than one-tenth of that of Daming. Facing the oncoming industrial atmosphere, Li Jingfang was hit unprecedentedly. As the governor's son, he thought more.

But what are you thinking more about?
Of course - if the people of Ming Dynasty can do it, they can do it too.

In the morning of the next day, the train finally entered the border of Nanhua. When the train slowed down and entered the station, the attendant on the train shouted:
"Nanhua East Station has arrived! The terminal has arrived..."

Finally, they arrived at Nanhua. Although Li Jingfang and the others knew that they had already entered Nanhua when the number of buildings outside the train increased, but now they were still a little excited when they were about to get off the train.

Passengers poured out of the carriage like a tide, and Yung Wing and his party also got off the carriage in the crowd.However, the staff of the American company responsible for receiving them did not let them leave with the passengers.

"Mr. Rong, let's take another passage."

It has to be said that no matter where you are, privileges are everywhere.When ordinary passengers left the train station along the crowded exit, more than a hundred members of the Qing Dynasty Liuming Children's Group had already walked out of the train station through a special passage.

(End of this chapter)

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