Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 540 American Exclusion Act

Chapter 540 American Exclusion Act (First update, please subscribe)
After Li Jingfang and his party walked out of the train station, they got into the double-decker carriage that had been prepared long ago.A group of more than one hundred people took five double-decker carriages.

In order to feel Daming more intuitively, Li Jingfang purposely sat on the top floor.As the carriage moved around, he looked curiously at the city in front of him.

From now on, what he saw in front of his eyes was a bizarre world. Even though it was evening, those towering high-rise buildings on the side of the road seemed to present a completely different world.

"Then, that car doesn't use a horse!"

Suddenly, someone pointed to a jingling tram approaching in the distance and said.

They even stared dumbfounded at the bustling crowd in front of the train station, scrambling to get into that strange car, and then watched him clank into the distance.

"Then that's the tram!"

Li Jingfang said to himself in surprise.

He had seen a tram in a pictorial newspaper, and knew that it was a kind of car that didn't need a horse, similar to a train, but it didn't need a locomotive to pull it like a train.

"Yes, it should be..."

Just when Li Xuexian hadn't finished speaking, suddenly the dimly lit street suddenly lit up.

I saw street lights shining brightly along the street to the distance.

Li Jingfang and the others were a little dazed at the sight of the endless electric light. They knew it was an electric light.

They even know that Nanhua has the nickname "City That Never Sleeps", but now when they look up at the bright lights of the street lamps, the impact they feel is unimaginable to outsiders.

For Li Jingfang and others who first arrived in Nanhua on this day, the shock they felt seemed inevitable. After all, Nanhua is currently the most modern city in the world.

Nanhua not only has street lights covering the whole city, but also has modern transportation such as trams.And as the capital of Ming Dynasty——Yingtian, if compared with Nanhua, it is undoubtedly backward.

However, this backwardness will soon change. In the planning of the capital, not only the construction of the capital was re-planned, but also a new district was planned in the south of the city. Compared with the old city full of European style, the buildings in the new district are modern but It has Chinese architectural style.

After all, this is the capital of Ming Dynasty, and it is obviously inappropriate to have all European-style buildings.Although in Zhu Xianhai's plan, the future capital of Ming Dynasty is located in the hinterland, the temporary capital still needs to be built right now.

The central area of ​​the new district is the administrative area, and the shape of the administrative area is "middle" when viewed from the air.The area includes several government buildings as well as buildings such as the Imperial Library and Museum.The State Council Building is located on the left wing of the "Zhongzi District". The building was designed by Zhu Xianhai himself, and it is a building with a Chinese architectural style.It covers an area of ​​51000 square meters, and its construction area is 27500 square meters. It is in the shape of a "mountain". The building is the latest reinforced concrete structure. Although the architectural style is modern, the top of the tower and the roof are oriental.The layout is magnificent and the appearance is extremely majestic.

In fact, this is also the characteristic of the architectural design style of the new urban area - it is mainly based on the Chinese ethnic style, and at the same time, it takes into account the needs of modern times, and pays equal attention to practicality and beauty.In the second year of Shengde, that is, in March 1871, after the State Council moved to this place, to a certain extent, this place is the political center of Ming Dynasty, although it is 3 kilometers away from the imperial palace.

This morning, as usual, Zuo Zongtang, the prime minister of the empire, was handling official business in his office on the sixth floor, when Foreign Minister Zhu Guozhong hurried over after a while.

"Think left, think left,"

Why think left or right?

Every time, Zuo Zongtang couldn't help grinning whenever he heard the uncle of the country calling himself, this guy's official words.

"Something is bad!"

Putting a copy of the confidential telegram just received on the table, Zhu Guozhong said seriously.

"In the United States, no, it is Washington. Some members of Congress have submitted the "Law Concerning the Implementation of the Provisions Concerning the Chinese Treaty". They want to fundamentally prohibit Chinese from entering the United States..."


Zuo Zongtang suddenly stood up and said.

"What is the telegram?"

"Just now."

"Come on, let's go see His Majesty together!"

Let's meet His Majesty together!
When Zuo Zongtang walked out of the office, he gave instructions to the secretary outside.

"Prepare the car and go to the palace!"

After a while, when Zuo Zongtang and Zhu Guozhong went downstairs, a black BMW 101 sedan had already parked under the large balcony in front of the building. After they got on the car, the car drove out of the State Council Building. When it took the throne, the shape was borrowed from Ford's limousines in the 30s, but only a few were produced.

Now, more than 50 of this five-seat sedan with a [-]-horsepower four-cylinder engine have been produced, and more than [-] of them are in official offices.As soon as it was put into use, it was deeply loved by people. After all, this car is fast.

While the car was driving out, six motorbikes guarded the front and back of it respectively. As soon as the convoy started on the road, the speed quickly increased to 40 kilometers. On the fast-moving car, Zuo Zongtang frowned tightly A little bit annoyed.

"Those Yankees, aren't they just looking for trouble?"

"Isn't that the case, do they think our fleet is a display?"

As the uncle of the country, when Zhu Guozhong mentioned the United States, the reason why he mentioned the fleet with confidence was because the US navy was simply not worth mentioning-not even a single ironclad ship.At the end of the American Civil War, the U.S. Navy had 700 ships and more than 5000 artillery pieces, far ahead of the navies of European countries.After the war, even in the face of the reality of the division of the country, the congressmen of the United States still believed that since the war was over, there would be no war for a long time in the future, and they should concentrate on economic development, so they began to abolish the navy on a large scale. There are only 48 warships in service, and these warships are basically wooden hulls. As for the ironclad ships that were built during the war without sailing capabilities, they were basically eliminated.

If you forget the battle, you will be in danger. Americans don't understand this truth, it's because there is no threat, even in the's Ma Fang Nanshan.

Uncle Guo's words made Zuo Zongtang frowned again, this was exactly what he was worried about.

I'm really afraid that something will come. Just a few months ago, I was worried that the border between the Beihai Governor's District and the United States would lead to intensified relations between the two sides. But now, the Americans came directly to the door.

Facing the United States, which took the initiative to come to the door to clean up, how could he not be worried?

"Uncle Guo, what I am most worried about right now is that His Majesty will use the fleet to speak!"

Before this, Zuo Zongtang had no worries in this regard, but since the Kedah Sultanate, he has basically understood His Majesty's attitude - Daming is a member of China, so naturally he should be the protector of the Chinese nation, the Americans are now taking the initiative Stand up and look for trouble, can His Majesty bear it?

But ten minutes later, the worry in Zuo Zongtang's heart disappeared. After hearing his report, Zhu Xianhai did not answer immediately, but went to the window silently, thinking for a while.

The "Chinese Exclusion Act" was finally promulgated. In another world, it would have been another ten years. I never thought that the Chinese Exclusion Act was promulgated ten years earlier.

Finally I couldn't bear it anymore.

Smoking a cigar silently, thinking for a while, Zhu Xianhai said.

"Let's pass a bill too!"


"Let the Minister of Justice start drafting a "American Exclusion Treaty" and refer to their treaty!"

Treating his body with his own way, Zhu Xianhai sneered, and then said.

"Can't the Americans pass the bill? We can too. We will treat them as they treat the Chinese. Isn't there nearly [-] Americans in the Beihai Governor's District? Treat them according to the American bill. They If Chinese workers who are employed as miners are prohibited from entering the United States, then we also prohibit Americans from entering Daming, and any American laborers are not allowed to enter Daming.”

The reason why Americans are prohibited from entering Ming Dynasty is not only a targeted countermeasure, but also an even more important reason—gold. Soon the news of the discovery of gold in Alaska will spread all over the world, and it will cause an empty battle at that time. previous immigration waves.

If there is no corresponding legal prohibition clause, how can it prevent Americans from entering the Ming Dynasty to pan for gold?The bill that the United States has come up with now is simply a reason for sending it to the door, and it can directly close the door of Ming Dynasty.

"As for the reason!..."

Going back to the table, Zhu Xianhai read the content of the bill while looking at the telegram.

"Given that the United States government believes that Chinese laborers come to the United States to endanger the good order in certain places in the United States, therefore..."

Throwing the telegram on the desk, Zhu Xianhai said while suppressing the dissatisfaction and anger in his heart.

"Since the Ming Empire government believes that American laborers come to Daming to endanger the good order in some parts of the empire, so... there is no need to modify this bill from the United States. Yes, this bill was proposed by those senators. Remember to mail it to them One copy, to be translated into English!"

"Your Majesty's plan is very clever,"

Zuo Zongtang hastily complimented him.

"Return the other's body in the same way, since the Americans can target us, we can also target them!"


Regarding Zuo Zongtang's flattery, Zhu Xianhai just snorted twice and did not speak.

Is this revenge?

Of course it wasn't any real revenge.What is real revenge?
Definitely speak with strength!The introduction of a targeted bill like this is nothing more than a simple response, not a retaliation at all.

And's not very comfortable to hold back this tone.


Zhu Xianhai snorted in displeasure.

"They really got carried away..."

 Add more today!Guaranteed more than [-] words!

(End of this chapter)

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