Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 542 Nanhua University Is A Little Difficult

Chapter 542 Nanhua University Is A Little Difficult (Third Update, Please Subscribe)
"The future of the country is determined by the podium!"

In the past years, what impression has Nanhua left on people?
Importance of education!

Great emphasis on education!

The most direct manifestation of the emphasis on education is the expenditure on education—it accounts for 15% of all expenditures!

Sufficient funds allow Nanhua to establish an education system that covers everyone for ten years. As early as 1864, the "Compulsory Education Act" was passed to implement compulsory compulsory education. Although compulsory education is only four years old, However, every year, 50% of the outstanding students can be promoted to senior primary schools and receive high primary education in the form of stipends.50% of the outstanding students who graduate from high school can receive scholarships to study in junior high school. Half of the graduates from junior high school enter specialized technical schools to receive professional technical training, and the other half enter public high schools, and then pass the examination to enter higher schools.

This set of education system was established by Zhu Xianhai based on the experience of later generations. Although the elimination rate is high, it can guarantee that everyone can receive education, at least everyone can receive primary education.So that excellent students can not drop out of school because of financial problems.As long as they are good enough, whether it is bursaries or scholarships, they can cover their tuition fees and living expenses during school.

It is precisely this seemingly cruel education system that allowed Nanhua to catch up with many countries in Europe and the United States in terms of education in just ten years.A large number of talents who can be used have been cultivated.

The University of Nanhua is probably the most representative of Nanhua's educational achievements. It is not only the first engineering university in South America, but also the first university in Nanhua.Of course, this highest institution of learning in Ming Dynasty is also the study goal of Li Jingfang and others.

This morning, when more than a hundred teenagers aged thirteen or fourteen, accompanied by several adults, walked into the university, the teenagers looked at the university with longing eyes.After all, they have heard too many rumors about him along the way.

What is the first engineering university in South America.

Don't think it's new. These days, South American countries have medical schools and universities that can teach art, literature, music, and animal husbandry, but they don't teach science or engineering.

why?Because there is no demand, for those manor owners and landowners, study engineering?is that useful?It's better to learn music, literature, and art to attract a few women at the ball.

But Nanhua is different. Nanhua builds a country through industry. It does not open engineering courses and cultivate talents. How can it build a country through industry!Even Nanhua's first institution of higher learning was a college of higher learning, yes, it specialized in training engineers.The first school built by Nanhua was also a technical school for workers.It is for training skilled workers.

This is also a manifestation of Nanhua's emphasis on practicality.

As for Nanhua University, when it was founded, it also focused on engineering, and hired hundreds of well-known scholars from the United Kingdom, France and Germany to teach.

Such an institution of higher learning naturally attracted the attention of these young people, who looked at this university with a beautiful environment curiously.Here you can't see those leisurely scholars in domestic academies, but some are just students rushing to the classroom with books in their hands.

Seeing those students hurrying on their way, Rong Wing asked curiously.

"Mr. Liu, how many students are there in Nanhua University now?"

"Currently, there are about 2500 students in Nanhua University's school!"

Liu Yizhe, who graduated from a high-level business school, is the receptionist of Governor Li's Liuming Children's Group. He is not an official representative, but receives them as an employee of the American company. After all, Governor Li has always been a major customer of the company. .

This number made Yung Wing gasp, and said in shock.

"2500 people! This university!"

It's no wonder that in this era of universities, a school usually only has three or four hundred students, but Nanhua University is... really big.

It can even be called the first university in the world.But he didn't know that in Emperor Zhu's plan, such a university was at least doubling in size, and there were not too many people.

After all, what Daming lacks most now is technical talents, and it is inseparable from these talents that Daming wants to rise. After all, only industry can make Daming a powerful country.

The development of industry is inseparable from talents!Especially those high-end talents who have received higher education are inseparable.

"Yes, there are currently 37 colleges and universities in Nanhua, and the total number of students in the school is only 18600. This is the number at the beginning of the year. When His Majesty inspected the Ministry of Education, he also ordered to increase investment in higher education..."


Looking around in astonishment, especially when he saw the students who were playing football and running in the playground far away, Rong Wing couldn't believe his ears.

18600 college students!

What is this concept?

When Yung Wing was studying in the United States, how many college students were there in the United States?There are only a few thousand people, even in Germany, there are only more than [-] people!

"You guys, do you need so many college students?"

Yung Wing's tone was full of surprise.

"The vast majority of these people have graduated from colleges and universities, and many of them have entered factories and enterprises as technicians, engineers, and middle and high-level managers of factories."

Need so much?


Not many, at least until now, Daming's demand for talents has never been satisfied.After all, Daming's factories are constantly expanding, and the number of enterprises is constantly increasing.The demand for talents is naturally increasing.

"Until 2 years ago, Ming's industrial development did not form a real torrent. It is most appropriate to call this accelerated development a "revolution". It is during this period that Ming's transition from a country dominated by agriculture To transform into a country dominated by industry - some emerging industries that are the signs of the "future" industrial age, such as machinery manufacturing, electrical industry, chemical industry, optical industry, etc., all require a large number of skilled personnel - we want to be in the comprehensive To catch up with and surpass the UK in terms of national strength, we must adhere to the path of becoming a technologically powerful nation... No amount of talent is too much!"

Looking at the dumbfounded Rong Hong, Liu Yizhe directly quoted His Majesty's speech at the Ministry of Culture at the beginning of the year, why two years ago?
It was because it was not until the first batch of foreign students trained by Daming two years ago, the first batch of local high-end talents began to enter the enterprise in large numbers, and it was from that time that Daming underwent earth-shaking changes.

And it is those people who make the change.

In the end, he even said it earnestly.

"If you are here to find the way to strengthen the country, the answer is actually very simple--education!"

Looking around the campus of Nanhua University, Liu Yize said in a rather sighing tone.

"The future of the country depends on the podium! Mr. Rong, I hope that all of you can pass the high school entrance examination and get excellent results, and then get admitted to this university. After all, this is the highest institution of learning in Ming Dynasty."

Get great grades?
Among a group of foreign students, Li Xuexian, the oldest, took a special look at Li Jingfang and thought to himself.

"Like the eldest son, he must go directly to Nanhua University, no, let's work harder, we must hold the eldest son's thigh tightly!"

Just when Li Xuexian made up his mind to hug the eldest son's thigh tightly, Liu Yizhe explained again.

"Mr. Rong, I don't know the level of your students, but the entrance examination of Nanhua University is very difficult, and there is no favor to be found. His Majesty once said that even the Crown Prince, if he fails to pass the examination, No special admission is allowed!"

During Liu Yizhe's words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and the crown prince can't just study at will!This is too unbelievable!
"If you want to go to Nanhua University, my suggestion is that you go to the preparatory school of Nanhua University first, study for one to two years, and then try again, but even if you fail the exam, it doesn't matter, after all , Nanhua University is the world's top university, and those who want to enter this university must be the best people!"

Everyone was taken aback by Liu Yizhe's persuasion. The eyes of all the international students including Li Jingfang were full of desire. At this moment, Nanhua University became their desire and goal.

When they made the vow in their hearts, they didn't know that in the following decades, for Huaxia's youth, entering Nanhua University was their life goal.Even in the era of the "Sixth National University of China", as the earliest and most famous university in China, Nanhua University still enjoys a top reputation.

Tens of millions of young students take this university as their life goal on the way to study.And in the next few decades, hundreds of thousands of young students will pour into various industries after graduating from this school, not only becoming the top backbone of various industries, but also playing an extremely important role in the all-round rise of the Chinese nation. effect.Later, this university even equated with China's revival to some extent.

But all of this is just something later, after all, they are just the first batch of foreign students that the school will accept.

Staring silently at the university, Li Jingfang instantly set himself the goal of coming to Nanhua.

"It's here..."

It is Nanhua University!
It's just that what Li Jingfang didn't know was how much effort he had put in and how much torture he had suffered in the next two years in order to get admitted to this university!I don't know how many times he even wanted to give up again and again.But in the end he persevered.

In the end, when he was admitted to this university, it was already two years later.It was also from that time that the phrase "before the gate of this school, all are equal" became widely known.

After all, even Governor Li's son took the exam four times in two years.Only then did I enter the most common law department of this university.

But now, everyone including Li Jingfang, when they stare at this university, they all look eager to try...

(End of this chapter)

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