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Chapter 543 Ming's Monsanto

Chapter 543 Ming's Monsanto (fourth update, please subscribe)
In October 1864, thousands of laborers came to the wilderness in the southwestern suburbs of Nanhua. In the following two years, tall buildings, playgrounds, and even artificial lakes and gardens appeared here.This is Nanhua University.

In that year, in order to promote higher education in Nanhua, Zhu Xianhai proposed to establish a university. Although there were already many colleges in Nanhua at that time, Zhu Xianhai's goal was to establish a first-class university in the world.

At the time, it seemed that this was a bit counterproductive. After all, Nanhua did not have a professor of its own at that time.

It doesn't matter to me, so I just spend money to hire someone from outside.Anyway, scientists in this era communicate with each other!

At the same time as the campus construction, the headhunters of the European and American branches began their "hunting" journey, and their "hunting" targets were outstanding scholars and professors from various countries.In return for high salaries, when the university opened in March 1866, there were 3 professors and lecturers in the school. Except for a few lecturers who taught Chinese studies, most of the other professors were from European countries. Be a professor or lecturer at a university.With their arrival, Nanhua University has climbed to a certain academic peak from the very beginning, after all, most of its professors are world-class.

However, there are exceptions to everything. In the Faculty of Agriculture, there is a scholar from Austria. In the university, others call him "Father". The list was obtained from the monastery, where he had conducted experiments on the hybridization of peas. This experiment was carried out for 1856 years from 1864 to 8.Although as early as 1865 Mendel compiled the results of his research into a paper "Plant Hybridization Experiment" and published it, it failed to attract the attention of the academic circles at that time.

After all, Mendel's experiments were far ahead of this era, and the scientific community lacked the ideological basis for understanding Mendel's laws.Although he was not valued in Europe, Zhu Xianhai still included him in the list of thousands of people "introducing experts and scholars"—according to Zhu Xianhai's plan, in order to promote the development of industrial technology, it will take ten years Introducing 1000 experts and scholars from various industries is basically equivalent to collecting all the well-known scholars he could think of in the 1870s or even the 80s.

The introduction of these experts and scholars will not only speed up the development of science and technology in Ming Dynasty, but also bring education in Ming Dynasty to a new level.

However, among the experts and scholars introduced, Mendel was an exception. This strange man who was introduced by "seeking trouble for nothing", after arriving at Nanhua University, he cultivated a field behind the Agricultural College and carried out wheat breeding experiments all day long.

Since January 1866, this lecturer with a big head and a slightly fat body has devoted himself to this experimental field. Of course, as a university lecturer, he also taught botany and mathematics in class.

"Mr. Meng, the growth of wheat in field No. 13 is much better than before. I estimate that the yield should increase by more than 20%."

The student's words brought a smile to Mendel's face.

"If this is the case, we can report the results of our experiments this year.",
Mendel, who was born in a poor farming family, liked natural science very much, although he had no interest in religion and theology.But in order to get rid of the life of hunger and cold, he had to enter the monastery against his will and become a monk.When he received the invitation from Nanhua University, he immediately abandoned everything and came to the New World.

Entering a university and becoming a professor is exactly what Mendel longed for. On the boat to Nanhua, he has been thinking hard about how to prove his worth to the school, relying on the "pea hybridization experiment" that no one can understand?This is obviously unlikely.

As a scholar, Mendel was never one to be pedantic.Even to a certain extent, he has always longed for his talents to be recognized by the world.

While he is grateful for Nanhua University's kindness to him, he is also eager to prove to the university that their choice is correct through corresponding research.

After learning that flour is Nanhua's most important export commodity, he chose wheat as a breakthrough point. On the day he arrived in Nanhua, he began to conduct wheat hybrid experiments.In order to obtain as many seeds as possible, he wrote letters to India, Egypt, Canada and the United States to buy seeds of different wheats.

After getting these seeds, Mendel, who had found a treasure, carefully planted these seeds in the experimental field and took good care of them.Year after year, with the help of a dozen students, Mendel patiently cross-pollinated hundreds of wheat varieties, each time saving the best seeds for continued selection in the coming year.In his and his students' notebooks, he and his students recorded detailed information about each variety: where it came from, which varieties it has been crossed with, growth cycle, yield and weather, and so on.

"The yield in the experimental field has increased by 20%, and the field planting may only be less than 10%, which means that there is still potential for further improvement."

Mendel lowered the frame of his glasses, staring at the experimental field through the gold-rimmed glasses, and the smile on his face became wider and wider.

It's 5!

Finally saw the results!
Where there is a will, there is a way. After five years, Meng Deli finally bred a new variety of wheat through sexual hybridization. The wheat he bred has more yield and higher quality than other varieties of wheat.

"Hybrid wheat!"

After learning that the yield of wheat cultivated by Mendel had increased by 21.5%, Zhu Xianhai was stunned for a while. Originally, he invited Mendel here to make Nanhua University the founding institution of "genetics", but he never thought that Mendel actually bred a new type of hybrid wheat.

In fact, hybrid wheat is nothing new. Wheat hybrid breeding began in the mid-nineteenth century. After the rediscovery of Mendel’s law in the early 20th century, wheat hybrid breeding finally developed rapidly. Now... well, it is The grandfather went out.

It really is extraordinary!
However, the increase of 22% is less than 120%, which seems a lot, but the basic yield of wheat in this era is very low. The average yield of wheat per mu in Daming is only 20 kg, an increase of 140%, and it still does not exceed [-] kg.

"Increased by 21.5%. Even after changing to field planting, the output has decreased, but looking at the entire Ming Dynasty, this is an extremely impressive figure, um..."

After thinking about it, Zhu Xianhai said to Li Weimin, the Minister of Education of Ming Dynasty.

"This is a blockbuster! This year's education industry commendation, you can list his name. For scholars, we will never be stingy with giving them reputation and money!"

For many scholars, what they cared about was never money, but reputation. Since the Ming Dynasty was not stingy with money, let alone just a false name?
However, the reward given by Daming is not only the honor, but also the corresponding bonus.

Even Zhu Xianhai already has a corresponding plan to launch Daming's "Dynamite Award" when the time is right. Of course, it will definitely not be called "Dynamite Award" by then.

But what is certain is that the influence of this award in the world in the future will definitely exceed the so-called "Dynamite Award".

After all, even now, the bonuses awarded by Daming to those scholars are extremely generous.

"In the final analysis, it is His Majesty who can recognize people with eyes. When he was first introduced, he was not well-known at all. Some people think that introducing those people is a waste of time and money. But judging from the past few years, the candidates listed by His Majesty, Even if there are no results for a while, they will soon achieve quite astonishing achievements in many aspects. After all, they should thank His Majesty, after all, it is His Majesty who keeps them from being dusted."

Isn't this nonsense!

Zhu Xianhai secretly thought in his heart that anyone who he could remember and write down on the list must be famous scholars in the history of science. Can the environment not shine?
Not only will they shine one by one, but they will shine more dazzlingly than in history!

Compared to politicians, these scholars are the real light of humanity!
"Gold will always shine!"

Zhu Xianhai said modestly, after thinking about it, he added.

"Since it is a good seed, it must be promoted. Well, let's set up a good seed breeding company, let's call it... well, let's call it Monsanto!"

Monsanto, well, what a name, it would be notorious in another world, but in this world!
The name is totally open to reinterpretation.

"The seeds cultivated by Mendel can even grow on mountains!"

Zhu Xianhai explained directly.

A few years later, thanks to the promotion of Monsanto, the hybrid wheat bred by Mendel made Daming's wheat famous in the international market because of its stable yield and high quality. Grain merchants from all over the world flocked to Daming's wheat.

Of course, this is all something to say later, whether it is Mendel’s hybrid wheat cultivation or the establishment of Monsanto, it means that Ming’s agricultural science has reached a new level, in the academic field of “genetics” and the financial support of Monsanto Under this circumstance, the cultivation of improved varieties in Ming Dynasty is also on the right track, which also means a new era of agriculture.

Of course, as a scholar, Mendel also became famous and became a world-renowned scholar. To a certain extent, he even became the "horse bone" of Ming Dynasty. Mendel's achievements in Ming Dynasty have attracted many European scholars. envy.

After all, before Mendel came to Ming Dynasty, he was just a nobody. However, here he not only became a university professor, but also obtained research resources unimaginable in Europe.

So in the next few decades, I don’t know how many young European scholars came to this country, to this hot land of science...

 Try harder at night, if possible, there will be another update at 8-9 o'clock!Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a subscription, ask for a reward.All kinds of requests!

(End of this chapter)

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