Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 544 Daming's Energy Crisis

Chapter 544 Daming's Energy Crisis (Fifth Update, please subscribe)
What is the emperor doing there in a day?
What is certain is that the emperor will definitely not be working in the field with that golden hoe on his shoulders.

In fact, the emperor's day is the same as that of ordinary people, at least there is no essential difference.

In the morning, at 6:30, Zhu Xianhai would get up, unless it was a little absurd to sleep with a few concubines last night, otherwise this is the rule that will not change.

But as an emperor, one always has to be absurd, otherwise, wouldn't the carefully selected female officials in the palace be very lonely.

In other words, isn't this emperor being very boring?Now that you have become an emperor, you must enjoy it.

This is also human nature.

On Wednesday, another ridiculous day as usual, Zhu Xianhai finally got up from the pile of nephrite jade in Wenrou Township at around [-]:[-] a.m., and saw several young women of different ethnicities lying in a mess on the bed.
Lamenting that being in the melting pot of human race in South America, it is not easy for Zhu Xianhai to control himself and choose what to eat, he forcibly suppressed the thought of wanting to continue the absurdity in his heart, and got up like a saint.

At 9:20, after grooming, Emperor Zhu took another 20-minute exercise—walking on the footpath by the Xin'an River, and then enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast in the restaurant.

The breakfast is said to be rich, but it is actually milk, eggs, etc., that is, there are a little more types.

While eating breakfast, Emperor Zhu looked at the newspaper. The newspaper is the best channel to understand the outside world.
Emperor Zhu was very good at listening to the voices of the people, and listened to the opinions of the people from the newspapers. It is a pity that there are nearly three million European immigrants living under the Ming Dynasty who speak Spanish, Italian, etc., and they are naturalized in Muhua The heart is getting stronger and stronger, and I no longer read Western-language newspapers. There is no Western-language newspaper in Daming.

However, whether they can read Chinese or not, they have to learn it sooner or later.

Neither the latest issue of "South China Morning Post" nor "Huangming Daily" had any news worthy of special attention. After breakfast, he took a walk as usual before entering the study.

At this time, it was almost ten o'clock in the morning, and the secretary Song Yuanqing handed over the prepared materials. It was not until this time that Emperor Zhu started his day's work.

A day's work starts with the intelligence briefing of the Imperial Investigation Department. The agents of the Imperial Investigation Bureau who submitted the intelligence briefing have been waiting in the waiting room. According to the regulations, the intelligence briefing must be handed over in person, and no one else is allowed in the middle.

After opening the simple sealing strip of information, Emperor Zhu flipped through the contents of the briefing, both domestic and foreign, in short, the world is peaceful.However, in the briefing of the Security Command, it can be seen that another group of residents living in "Tegaoke" voluntarily applied to emigrate to the "Gulag".

Well, they will live happily ever after.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Zuo and ministers of various ministries have arrived in the meeting room and are waiting for your summons."

Wednesday is also a routine state affairs meeting.Unlike the imperial meeting on Monday, only the prime minister and department ministers notified in advance will participate in the regular state affairs meeting.And the imperial meeting is attended by everyone.

In order to improve the efficiency of the state affairs meeting, as early as in the company period, Zhu Xianhai would ask the secretary to sort out and classify the topics that the various ministries were going to discuss at the meeting in advance, and sorted the topics into a summary of the meeting.

Doing so can maximize the efficiency of the meeting. Even later generations of multinational companies will not discuss trivial matters at the board meeting.

As the founder of the country, Emperor Zhu was the real monarch when the imperial system was first established. Since he is the real monarch, he must assume the responsibility of the monarch.But he is not willing to be like the "old ancestor" Zhu Yuanzhang, who does everything by himself, no matter how big or small, and works diligently to death.

Of course, a more important reason is that there was also a diligent emperor in Ming Dynasty, Emperor Chongzhen.

Is my ability Chongzhen or Zhu Yuanzhang?
No one has a clue about this matter, after all, being the emperor, it is also the first time for us to be a big girl and a sedan chair.But as an emperor, it is right to grasp the big and let go of the small.

Even trivial matters need to be asked by the emperor, so what do you want those ministers to do?Is paying them such a high salary just for nothing?

Surely they can't be left idle like that.That's why we have to make the best use of everything, so that we can be worthy of the wages paid to them.

After arriving at the meeting room, there was not much etiquette, just bowing and saluting, and then the ministers spoke one by one.

After commenting on several issues, Zuo Zongtang, the prime minister of the empire, and Fang Zhanbo, the minister of industry and commerce, presented a major event together.

Daming is running out of coal!
"...As of last month, 50% of my country's coal depends on Patagonian plateau coal mines, and the other 50% depends on imports. However, with the development of industry and the increase in private coal demand, the current gap is increasing. If we do not solve the problem of coal supply and only rely on imports, I am afraid that our industrial security will be seriously affected."

The security of the coal supply chain is national security!

Everything in South America is good, but there are no big coal mines.Rio Turbio, located in southern Patagonia, is the largest coal mining area in Daming, and almost all of the industrial coal in Daming is supplied by this coal mine.But even so, Daming had to spend a lot of money to import coal.

There was no way around it, and the steam engine couldn't run without enough coal.The factory cannot be opened.So imported coal has become the only option.

The lack of coal resources is an important constraint on Daming's industrial development. Once the supply chain is affected, Daming's industrial production will definitely suffer a major blow. This is the core problem that must be solved!

"The production and supply of coal is a major issue related to the national economy and the people's livelihood. This matter must be solved fundamentally!"

Zhu Xianhai thought for a while, and then said.

"There are coal mines in the Beihai Governor's District. We can increase the exploration of coal mines and build a new batch of coal mines to meet our needs."

In another time and space, British Columbia is the most important coal producing area in Canada. Most of the local coal mines are open-pit mines, which are shallow and easy to mine. The coal is high-quality metallurgical coal, and of course it can also be used as thermal coal.

"Your Majesty, like Alaska, the Beihai Governor's District is severely underpopulated. A coal mine with a production capacity of one million tons needs at least tens of thousands of miners. Without enough population, even if there is a coal mine, it may be difficult to mine!"

Fang Zhanbo, the minister of industry and commerce, directly pointed out the problem of the Beihai Governor's District, and the population is the biggest problem.

So what if no one has mines?Just keep your eyes open and watch!

After a long silence, Zhu Xianhai said:

"Well, there is not enough labor in the mine. In my opinion, we can find a way from the Central Africa Company. Well, we only need labor... Let's deal with it according to the labor treatment."

Emperor Zhu pinched his brows and introduced labor. There was no other way. After all, coal always needed someone to dig it.

Since I don't have enough manpower on my side, or I don't want to use my own people to do those rough jobs.Then hire cheap labor.

Besides, there is also a lot of cheap labor that can be used there, and it is a waste of the ready-made labor to not use it.

"What about this labor? It's "contract labor". You are no stranger to this. You should study it and make a plan, um..."

The big guys must be no strangers, because many of them were born as contract laborers.Even when they heard this term, they couldn't help frowning.

After thinking about it, Zhu Xianhai said again.

"As for the "contract labor" contract, I think we can learn from the advanced experience of foreigners. After all, they are very experienced in this area, and we must be good at learning."

In fact, there are still many things worth learning from the old colonial countries in Europe.Being good at learning is the greatest advantage of the Chinese nation.

"In addition, send a telegram to the North Sea, telling them to complete the exploration of the coal mine as soon as possible, try to find the coal mine this year, and then dig out the coal next year!"

After thinking for a while, Zhu Xianhai added.

"Also, Wang Dexing, your Ministry of Transportation must immediately implement the work of transporting laborers to the north, and send the rebels from TGK, Guantanamo and other places to those mining areas for training from now on, and try to let them complete the transformation as soon as possible and become a qualified worker. citizens of Ming Dynasty. Although they are rebels, compared with those laborers, many of them are educated, can be used as foremen, and can establish production targets. This target must be compacted and grasped at the first level First level, implement at every level! Yes, directly link production targets to their transformation, let them work hard to reform, and strive to be a new man as soon as possible."

When saying these words, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help sighing his kindness.

Compared to the barbarism of the Europeans, Ming is merciful. Not only did he not care about the crimes they committed in the past, but he also gave them a chance to start a new life.

Even in the future, they will have the opportunity to settle down on the African continent and start a new life.

 The baby is exhausted... Fifth watch, another big explosion today!Ask for a subscription, ask for a reward, all kinds of requests...

(End of this chapter)

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