Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 570 The Deming Fleet in Los Angeles

Chapter 570 The Ming Fleet in Los Angeles (First update, please subscribe)
Seen from the air, one huge smoke puff after another rose from the ground, swallowed by the palace's billowing smoke.

Although there was no sound in the movie, at this moment, everyone heard the sound of rumbling explosions.

Not only did they hear it, but they saw it too!

Saw destruction!
Once upon a time, they had seen photos of the destruction of the Palace of Versailles, and they also knew the news, but when they saw the movie, they seemed to have witnessed that scene with their own eyes. They even stood up in horror, and then Only then did they realize that what they saw was just a picture.

On the screen of the movie, amidst the continuous explosion of gunpowder smoke, the palace known as the "Heart of Europe" collapsed and was destroyed.

Even in the White House room, they even had an illusion—they smelled gunpowder, smelled the suffocating breath of death...

Finally, I don't know how long it took, when the movie ended, those speechless people who were stunned by the destruction of the Palace of Versailles came back to their senses again, McClellan, who relied on The face of the president of the United States who won the election after peacefully defeating Lincoln was full of anger.

"What do you mean, is this intimidation?"

That's right, it's really intimidating!

Dong Kun even admired His Majesty from the bottom of his heart, unexpectedly thinking of using such a movie as a weapon.

It's just intimidation, what can you do?
Although it is intimidating.But out of politeness, it is better to be tactful.

"No, Mr. President,"

Dong Kun said with a smile.

"This is just a small gift, a gift from His Majesty the Emperor to your country!"

What a gift!
It's clearly a warning!
Replace it with the most familiar term for later generations, that is, blackmail.This is a kind of blackmail based on strength. Of course, the party being blackmailed has the right to choose to refuse, but the premise of rejection is that it must have sufficient strength.

"Gift? Is your gift a war?"

Just as his words fell, the door was suddenly opened, and then someone rushed in and said nervously.

"Mr. President, Los Angeles, something happened in Los Angeles..."


On the morning of November 11, after 17 days of voyage, the task force finally arrived off the coast of Los Angeles. As soon as this fleet of three warships and a coal carrier arrived in the open sea, it immediately attracted attention near Santa Monica Beach. The vigilance of American soldiers on the fort.

"Da Ming Fleet!"

Accompanied by the shouts of the watchmen, there was a sudden chaos on the fort, and American soldiers in blue uniforms ran up the fort and rushed to their emplacements.

On the turret, four Rodman cannons are pointed directly at the coast—until now, the turrets on the coastline of the United States are still the same Rodman front-mounted cannon.

"Are you sure it's the fleet of the Ming Empire?"

Major Storm walked up to the battery, raising his binoculars as he asked.

There is no need to ask any more—it is the Ming Fleet, and the phoenix flag flying on the mast has already proved their identity.

Although the Ming Dynasty adopted the "Sun and Moon Flag" as its national flag, the Suzaku flag was still used as a military flag, and the navy flag was inlaid with a blue border around the Suzaku flag.

"They... finally came!"

Major Storm's expression looked a little dignified, and the most worrying thing finally happened.

As early as the day after the "Los Angeles Massacre", he received a telegram from Washington asking him to strengthen his combat readiness to prevent possible "invasions".When he first received this telegram, he thought it was a joke,
As a soldier, he didn't believe such a thing could happen.After all, it's just a group of Chinese people.Even changing a name can't change their identity.

But now, he couldn't laugh anymore.

The Ming Empire Fleet has really arrived!

Soon, news of the arrival of the Ming Empire fleet in Los Angeles spread throughout Los Angeles. This is a city with a population of only 5000. Facing the visiting fleet, people have different expressions. Jesse Bill, who is patrolling the streets De Lan, the culprit of the "Los Angeles Massacre", was stunned for a while when he learned of the arrival of the fleet, and then said.

"The Ming Empire? Where did they come from?"

It's not that he is ignorant, but that he really doesn't know, he doesn't know at all, where the Great Ming Empire came from.

Just as people were watching the fleet at sea with all kinds of eyes, a messenger sent by the Ming Task Force sent a letter.

Soon, the letter was delivered to the mayor and councilors.

"Gentlemen, what now?"

Mayor Frank looked at the congressmen and asked loudly.

"Back then, every single one of us demanded a cover-up, but now? They demanded that we hand over all the murderers—they even made a list, a list of 578 people! Damn it, Michelle, you're there too on the list!"

"It's impossible, how did they know I was in the crowd."

Deputy Sheriff Michelle said loudly.

"Where did they get the list?"

Looking at the long list, their eyes all became a little complicated. In fact, this list of 578 people was the evidence they had covered up—it was based on the confessions of the mob. There were cops, there were barkeepers, there were shoemakers, there were men, there were whores, there were men, there were women, there were even teenage children, the list had been burned, and now it was in their hands.

They didn't know at all that after the incident, the Beihai Governor's Mansion sent investigators. The appearance of European descent allowed the investigators to easily obtain the list that should have been destroyed, and then the list was sent to Mexico by telegram. , when the fleet passed through the port of Mexico, the special agents stationed there sent the list to the ship.

Now that the fleet has arrived in Los Angeles, there is only one demand - to hand over the 578 people involved!
Of course, this is just the beginning.Conditions are raised slowly,

"Damn it, wherever they got the list from, now they're making us hand over everyone!"

Senator Hunter said a little excitedly.

"Let's hand over the 578 people on the list! For God's sake, there are only 5000 people in this city, which is more than 10% of the total population. If we hand them over, I can guarantee that none of them will survive Back to America!"

"Yes, gentlemen, those heretics will definitely kill them all, just like they hanged those Chinese guys, Chinese guys, the Ming Empire is also a bunch of Chinese guys, a bunch of damn heretics!"

"Absolutely don't hand over people!"

"Yes, if we turn these people over, we won't just lose votes, we may lose lives, and those people will turn into thugs and kill us all!"

Turn over 10% of a city to heretics who will kill them?
You don't need to think about the result, the vast majority of those people are adult men.Those people all have guns in their hands, how could they wait to die?
"But, what will happen if we don't make friends?"

You don't need to ask everyone to know what will happen, the not a decoration.

The fleet didn't come here just to let them appreciate the heroic appearance of the ironclad ship.

These steel machines may turn into erupting volcanoes at any time, and in the furious eruption, the city of Los Angeles will be razed to the ground!
(End of this chapter)

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