Chapter 571 The Rumble of the Guns Raises Its Prestige (4000-word chapter, second update!)
When the telegram for help was sent from Los Angeles, the people in Los Angeles didn't know what happened.

Many of them just stood there blankly, looking at the sea and the fleet at sea.

Compared with ordinary people, Major Storm's mood is complicated. Looking at the ironclad ship at sea, his heart is full of helplessness, even bitterness.

He was a battery commander, but God knows he was a naval officer as well.But the disarmament after the war caused him to lose his warships. In the past few years, the once huge fleet disappeared. The United States didn't even have a real ironclad ship, but what about the Ming Empire?

Their ironclad warships are showing off their power there, even pointing their naval guns at American soil, threatening the conditions that the United States agreed to them.

"Have the mayor made a decision?"

While Storm was thinking about this question a little uneasy, a small boat sailed towards the "Union". The American officials on board held a white flag. After he arrived at the "Union", he first expressed his greetings to His Majesty the Ming Emperor .

It has nothing to do with etiquette, just because... Americans are born to kneel and lick nobles, let alone the emperor?
Then Horace Bell, the lawyer in the city, looked at Captain Meng Qingen, the captain of the fleet, and said.

"Dear Admiral, although what happened that day caused many controversies, we can guarantee that similar incidents will never happen again, and the city government has agreed to provide 15 US dollars in compensation to overseas Chinese in Chinatown. In addition, for 18 The compensation for the deceased is $5000 each, which will be paid to their families."

So generous!

Meng Qingen's expression was cold, and then he asked.

"The issue of compensation needs to be discussed, but what we need now is 578 suspects. When are you going to hand them over to us!"

"Your Excellency, Admiral, please forgive me. No matter what happens, any responsible government will not hand over its people to foreign countries for trial! Moreover, this incident happened in Los Angeles, and the Ming Empire has no jurisdiction over them! in addition……"

Rhys Bell, a lawyer, said.

"I personally despise those thugs. They are barbaric and crazy. They brutally killed many innocent Chinese. I also believe that the incident is completely contrary to what they claimed, and they are covering up the truth. But your Excellency, as a lawyer , I think we should solve the problem through legal channels, and this matter can be handed over to the international arbitration court!"

Facing the lawyer's suggestion, Meng Qingen looked at Rhys Bell with a solemn expression, then looked towards the city of Los Angeles, and then said.

"Mr. Bell, do you know why my country sent me so far away?"

"Your Excellency Admiral..."

Before Rhys Bell could answer, Meng Qingen said.

"It's for justice! I remember "Fiat justitia, ruat coelum" written in almost every court in achieve justice, even if the sky falls!"

Meng Qingen's tone was very calm, and his eyes even felt a little compassionate.

"But your court has turned this sentence into a joke. Since your law has become a joke, then we can only achieve justice in our own way. Mr. Bell, please go back."

"Your Excellency, Admiral, please don't fire. There are many ordinary people in the city, including women and children. They are innocent..."

When Rhys Bell was stopped by the sailors, he still shouted loudly, facing his shout, Meng Qingen said.

"Among our emigrants, there are also women and children, and they are also innocent!"

There was no negotiation, or even too much negotiation. When Rhys Bell sat in the small steamboat and sailed towards the harbor in despair, he saw the naval gun on the side of the ironclad ship "Alliance", which had slowly turned.

"Oh God, what have we done!"

"Damn it, they're going to fire, gentlemen, prepare to fight!"

Major Storm put away the binoculars and shouted loudly.

"Cannonballs, quickly load the cannonballs!"

In the shouts of the major, the American soldiers on the fort got busy. They pushed the ammunition cart to push the shells to the muzzle. The artillery is an old-fashioned Rodman cannon, but it has been converted into a rifled gun a few years ago, that is, a layer of rifled barrel is stuffed into the barrel.

After the American soldiers on the fort finished their shooting preparations, they all looked nervously at the fleet at sea. This was a fleet, and they only had four old-fashioned cannons.On the west coast, they never worried about foreign invasion.

"Sir, will they fire?"

asked the soldiers, looking at the major.

"I'm afraid it's only..."

Suddenly, Major Storm stopped talking. He saw gunpowder smoke and flashes—the Ming Empire fired!

When the 280mm naval gun was fired, the "Union" with a displacement of more than 7000 tons even retreated one or two meters, and the sea surface on the side was hit with large ripples. Fly sailor's sailor cap.


Orange flames spewed out black smoke, completely enveloping the entire warship.


Target—Santa Monica Shore Fort!

The sound of the 280mm shell tearing through the sky is like the whistle of a train. The long whistle is shocking, and the shell weighing 240 kg flies parabolically to the distant coastal fort.


The American artillery on the fort returned fire!
Although there was a harsh sound of piercing the air, they still dutifully fought back at the Ming Fleet!
Just as they fought back, the shells struck!
The shells that fell were not just 280mm shells. According to the order, the "Union", "Tianlong" and "Qinglong" concentrated all their artillery fire to attack the shells. After all, the fort was their biggest threat.

The ending was doomed from the beginning!
After all, this coastal fort is just a simple artillery shell. The moment the shell exploded, the fort was completely covered in a dense column of smoke. The violent explosion swallowed the entire fort. The explosive power of the heavy shell was astonishing. Even the Americans in the city were stunned by the violent explosion, and they all stared dumbfounded at the fort engulfed in gunpowder smoke.

"my Lord!"

Amidst people's horrified screams, they saw that in the smoke of the explosion, it seemed that a cannon was blown into the air, and in the huge cloud of smoke, two thick and long black shadows were blown into the air Under people's jaw-dropping gazes, they fell hard, and one of them even fell into the sea.

The improvised fort did not even survive the first round of shelling, four of the cannon were destroyed, and the fort was littered with casualties.

After confirming that the fort was out of combat effectiveness, Meng Qingen looked at the city of Los Angeles and calmly ordered.

"Target—the main city of Los Angeles, carry out indiscriminate bombardment!"

Meng Qingen, who put down the binoculars, turned around and ordered.

"Drive close to the coastline and carry out close-in artillery fire!"

An order from His Majesty is to raze Los Angeles to the ground!



Although the continuous rate of fire of the 280mm main gun of the "Union" ironclad ship is only 1 round per minute, the gunner fired three rounds at the limit rate of fire in just two minutes.

"Blow them up!"

When loading the heavy shells into the shells with a crane, the loader shouted excitedly.The faces of the gunners on the emplacements were covered in gunpowder smoke, sweat and gunpowder smoke made their faces white and black, but the expressions of all of them were the same—all with unprecedented excitement.

The city ahead of them is already boiling!

With a whistling sound like a siren, the heavy artillery shells roared into the city of Los Angeles, and the high-explosive shells they carried blasted clusters of sparks in the city. The violent explosion threw brick and stone houses into the air, accompanied by gunpowder smoke. Turned into black clouds of smoke.Steel fragments roared and flew around, and the air was filled with flying dust and hot metal fragments.

The flames of the explosion directly ignited the wooden houses in the city. The wooden buildings were shattered into pieces in the shock wave like children's toys, and then burned. among
People who once cheered and shouted "Kill the Chinaman" were blown into the sky in the violent explosion, and their bodies were torn to pieces in the explosion.

At the same time, the fleet finally approached the coast. Less than three kilometers away from the coast, dozens of 150mm mortars lined up on the side deck of the warship.

Close-in bombardment!

After bombarding the Sultanate of Kedah, in view of the slow rate of fire of naval naval guns and the inability to cause devastating blows to targets on the shore, the navy developed a new tactic-mortars on board.

In fact, it is just to use the rate of fire of the mortar.


Accompanied by the roar of the gunner, the 12 150mm mortars on the "Union" cheered up, and the moment the 32 kg shells were ejected from the muzzle, they roared and flew into the distance. Cannon slow rate of fire. The rate of fire of the 150 mortar is as high as 15 rounds, and the rhythm of the gunners who are getting more and more active is constantly accelerating.

One shell after another flew from the mortar port to Los Angeles. In just one minute, hundreds of shells fell in the city.

In the rapid bombardment of the mortar, the naval guns of the battleship are also constantly bombarded. The naval gun and the mortar are like two drummers. They played a concerto with their own rhythm. The 280mm The giant cannon played the most enjoyable treble with its roar.

The moment the artillery shell fell behind, large craters were smashed on the ground. In the violent explosion, stones and bricks were blown into the sky, and then fell like raindrops, and then were blown up by the next shell, and then people were thrown into the air. In mid-air.

In the next half hour, the shelling of the fleet continued.

Los Angeles, Los Angeles as a city has been destroyed!
The long-time shelling caused some barrels of the naval guns to overheat. Under the command of the artillery commander, some of the fleet's artillery stopped shelling, and the originally intensive shelling stopped.

However, the mortar is still shelling. When it is about to overheat, the gunners will use a bucket to lift a bucket of seawater from the sea and pour it directly on the barrel. The shelling continues amidst the rising steam!
The city is being destroyed!
The city is burning!
On the coast, the smoke from the explosion combined with the smoke from the flames to form a thick wall of black smoke, which blocked the entire Los Angeles.

But the shelling did not stop!
The shelling is still going on. During the shelling, the Americans kept running. Tom, who once killed Doctor Tong himself, was horrified to see his bar destroyed in the explosion. He even watched his wife being bombed. The cloud of smoke engulfed it.

"No, Anne!"

The next moment, a piece of arm fell in front of him. It was his wife's arm. He recognized that hand, no, it was the ring on the finger. That diamond ring was exactly what he had taken from Dr. Tong after he killed Dr. Tong. I snatched it there, and gave it to my wife as a gift after I snatched it.

But now?
His wife died.There was even only such an arm left, and the ring on the arm seemed to remind him why she died!

She didn't die from disease or time, but from gunfire, because of their greed!

This is the punishment for greed.

"This scene is really spectacular!"

Standing on the hill, Li Hui'an was watching the burning city. He was an official sent by the Beihai Governor's Mansion, and he brought everyone out before the shelling started.

Behind him are more than 150 overseas Chinese who survived the catastrophe, and they all stared at the city in amazement.

The city was thus destroyed.

"Li, Mr. Li, this, this, you, you really, really fired..."

It was Yu Xing who spoke. As a big brother of the Hongmen in Chinatown, he couldn't believe it. Daming's fleet fired directly.

"Big, big..."

The gunshot rang out, and Yu Xing, the big brother of the Hongmen, just fell down, with a blood hole on his forehead.

"Big brother!"

The ten overseas Chinese strong men around were all dumbfounded watching this scene.

what 's wrong?
After these gang members watched the boss being killed like this, they all looked at Master Li in a daze.

"As a Chinese, Yu Xing colluded with foreigners and harmed his compatriots. The law of the country is intolerable, and his crime should be killed. From now on, all my compatriots must support each other, and no infighting, let alone blood and blood, if there is any violation , shoot or kill, "

He said these words to the overseas Chinese around him. In Chinatown, while ordinary overseas Chinese, the clothes gang seek protection, they also let the gang bully them.

But from now on, these rules will be changed.Those gangs that used to be fish and meat compatriots must be eradicated!And now is the opportunity, the opportunity for the government to establish WeChat.

Glancing at the corpse on the ground, Li Hui'an said to himself.

"After this time, no one in the United States will dare to bully the Chinese again!"

(End of this chapter)

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