Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 572 Operation Los Angeles

Chapter 572 Operation Los Angeles ([-]rd update, please subscribe)
While the bombardment was still going on, a small transport boat was lowered from the coal carrier "Yingrui" of the Navy, and an armored car was carried on the small boat.

Not only shelling, but also landing!

"Quick...quick, move faster!"

The climbing nets were dropped by the three ships of the task force, and the sailors wearing sea soul shirts and beanies on their heads stepped on the climbing nets and descended to the small boats on the side with rifles on their backs. Most of the Chinese sailors are boiler soldiers. In the past, their posts were on warships and coal bunkers, but now they need to pick up rifles and fight like the army.

And at this time, it is often to perform such a task!
In order to execute the order for landing operations, the fleet dispatched [-] sailors from non-combat positions on each ship to cooperate with the Marine Corps to fight.A rowboat full of sailors sailed towards the port area under the paddle of the sailors.

In the lead were two steam traffic boats, sailors operating Gatling guns on the boats, looking at the harbor vigilantly.Zhao Minghao, a reporter with the army, recorded the scene of the troops landing with a movie camera.The troops landed very smoothly. Although the Americans on the shore attacked them with rifles and pistols, under the intense firepower of several electric Gatling machine guns, the resistance on the shore was soon disintegrated.

More than ten minutes later, Zhao Minghao, who was the first to go ashore, was standing by the port to take pictures of the troops coming ashore. He saw an armored vehicle unloaded from the steamboat to the shore under the lifting of the dock crane. This armored vehicle was for this landing. Specially prepared, this armored vehicle will become a mobile fortress accompanying the troops' attack, and it is the first time for most sailors to see this kind of armored combat vehicle.

"Check the armored vehicles, and the armored vehicles will be the leader in a while, enter the city of Los Angeles to implement the "Justice Enforcement Act Operation", and arrest all suspects according to the list!"

Wang Leping of the Marine Corps yelled in his Henan dialect that this armored vehicle is destined to become a nightmare for the Americans in the city!

When the armored combat vehicle was launched, the sailors who were gathering at the pier followed the armored vehicle and marched into the city. When the troops attacked, someone shouted loudly in front.

"Citizens of Los Angeles, we are here to carry out law enforcement tasks. Please do not resist law enforcement. Any unfriended behavior will be regarded as resistance! For your safety, please put down your weapons!"

Amidst the shouts of the sailors, the armored vehicle continued to move forward, and Wang Leping, who was following behind the armored vehicle, looked back at his brothers and said.

"Our task is to arrest those suspects who are suspected of killing and robbing overseas Chinese! ... Remember our principles of engagement, any attack, no matter who the target is, is an enemy of our army!"

Since they are enemies, there must be only one result - to kill them.

At this time, the bombardment had stopped, and some men and women who had lost their souls in the city were walking among the ruins like ghosts.

Los Angeles as a city no longer exists.

Collapsed ruins, burning houses, and broken limbs can be seen everywhere.

How many people were killed by the shelling?
Nobody cares, but law enforcement continues!

Under the cover of armored vehicles, the marines and armed sailors walked carefully on the street, and the soldiers with rifles occasionally cast their eyes around.


The sudden sound of gunfire caused the sailors to immediately disperse to both sides to find cover, and the armored vehicles immediately fired forward.


With a burst of gunfire, the resisting Americans were knocked down.

More Americans dropped their pistols and rifles and came out of the ruins. They looked at these yellow people in horror. Just a month ago, in the eyes of these white people, the "chinese" were still beaten and beaten at will. object of insult.

And now?

Here come the soldiers!

They came here with the guns of the warships, and made their voices with the guns!
This is a manhunt!
Those white people who used to be extremely arrogant have now turned into docile little sheep. They walked out of the ruined walls with their hands raised high.

In front of the army, no one dared to resist.

As they surrendered with their hands raised, several officers shouted names with lists.

"Billy Douglas! Billy Douglas! Who is Billy Douglas..."


Soon, under the identification of the Americans themselves, one suspect after another was pulled out, and Tom was among them.

Unlike many people who excitedly argued that they did not kill the Chinese when they were caught, Tom looked at the officer and said loudly.

"I never regret killing a Chinese, I only regret killing one person!"

He thought it would irritate the officer, but the officer just stared at him ironically and said.

"Trust me, you will regret it!"

Then a sailor slammed him on the head with the butt of his gun and tied him up with a rope after he fell to the ground.

Does he not regret it now?It doesn't matter, he will definitely regret living in this world in the future!

At this time, on the faces of those Americans who were arrested, no matter whether they were white or black, they could no longer see the madness of the past, and some were just pitiful pleadings.

Yes, there were not only whites but also blacks among those arrested, and not only whites participated in the looting that day, but also blacks.Those black people who are not human at all in front of white people tend to discriminate against Chinese people.

578 suspects, how many were arrested?
But there are only 315 people, where did the rest go?

One thing is certain, some people must have escaped, but many more people died, died in the devastating artillery fire.

"My God, what have you done,"

Mayor Frank shouted excitedly, he couldn't believe what he saw, the city was destroyed.

"You devils."

Yes, these people are devils, and only devils can do such things.Of course, at this time, he obviously forgot the crimes committed by his compatriots before.

"Are you Mayor Frank Weir?"

An officer walked up to him and asked.

"Yes, I'm the mayor of this city, you thugs. How can you..."

But the officer didn't give him a chance to let his righteousness continue.Instead, he looked at him and said.

"You've been arrested for cover-up!"

"What sir? How could this be? It must be a misunderstanding..."

Frank Will defended in horror.

"Sir, there must be a misunderstanding. Although I... Please believe that I can help you rule this city better."

Facing the possible danger, Frank Will immediately made the choice that was best for him—surrender, like a surrender.

But he was doomed to be disappointed.The officer said to him bluntly.

"We are not here to occupy the city, but for justice. Frank Weir, you are under arrest!"

Amid people's stunned gazes, Frank Weir, the mayor of Los Angeles, was arrested in this way.

Only he was arrested for covering up and destroying evidence.At the same time, more than a dozen congressmen and officials were arrested, all of whom were suspected of destroying evidence in the Los Angeles tragedy.

In short, this is just a law enforcement action.

In fact, Americans must be very familiar with this kind of thing.After all, more than a hundred years later, their descendants will call themselves the world's policemen and carry out so-called law enforcement operations all over the world.

Well, now it's up to Americans to get a taste of it for themselves.

Of course, this taste is absolutely uncomfortable.Especially when several lawyer-turned-politicians were arrested, they were still saying something over and over again.

"Sir, please respect the laws of the United States. You are on the territory of the United States, and you have no law enforcement power in the United States."

What they said seemed to make sense.It seems that this is indeed true.

But so what?

They apparently forgot at this time that when they covered up the facts, they never considered the existence of laws.

"Sir, if the laws of the United States are useful, it is not our turn to speak with cannons!"

(End of this chapter)

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