Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 573 The Emperor of the United States is unbearable for a battle

Chapter 573 The Emperor of the United States is unbearable to fight (first update, please subscribe)

The earth is shaking!
Everything in the world was shaking violently there!

Is it an earthquake?

Deafening explosions continued to sound.

What's this smell?
There was a choking smell of gunpowder in the air, mixed with the stench of burning corpses.

These smells constantly stimulated his breathing.

In the city, people are running, children who have lost their parents are sitting on the ground crying, and mothers who lost their children are walking on the streets like ghosts, and then they are blown into the air amidst the roar of bombs .

Even the hell described by Dante is nothing more than that.

What appeared before his eyes was a hell, a burning hell.

This hell is not only burning, but collapsing!
Everything within sight was razed to the ground!
Burning flames and collapsing wreckage everywhere!

What appeared in front of his eyes was the remains of a huge building. From the Roman-style dome that was broken into two sections and had been smoked to a charred color, it can be seen how magnificent and majestic it was once.

That's the Capitol!
It is the Capitol that George Washington laid the foundation stone himself!Now the Capitol has been turned into ruins, and the white stone pillars have turned black.

There were dead bodies everywhere around the Capitol, mostly darker ones.


When he woke up from the nightmare, McClellan only felt cold sweat on his back!

This is a nightmare, but this nightmare is real!

"Now everyone is clamoring for revenge. In Congress, members of the Senate and the House of Representatives are all angrily shouting for revenge and declaring war, but what happens after the war is declared?"

Closing his eyes, McClellan's heart was filled with fear, and he seemed to see that scene in his nightmare again.

That day "The Goal—Versailles" left an indelible impression on his heart, but what was more deadly?
It was the Ming Empire that shelled Los Angeles!
Thousands of people were killed or injured!
Not only did they bombard Los Angeles, but they also arrested hundreds of American citizens!

"America has never been so insulted!"

"Not only have they destroyed our cities and killed our people, but they have trampled on our dignity!"

This face hurts from being beaten!

Without that movie, without the destruction of Versailles, without the airship...

McClellan will definitely go to Congress to deliver an impassioned speech and a declaration of war speech, but now?
What should we do now?
declare war?

Then wait for Washington, New York to be destroyed?
In fact, he himself knew it very well, even if there was no movie and no airship, McClellan would also understand it very well.The current United States is not an opponent of the Ming Empire at all.

It is said that he understands, even those members of Congress are also very aware of this fact.Even if the United States declares war on the Ming Empire at all costs, what will happen then?

There's a good chance that that scene in the movie will happen.It's not very likely, it's bound to happen.

Everyone is very clear about this.Even if they kept talking about mobilizing the militia, then what?

Are those militiamen allowed to swim to the Ming Empire in South America?
As for occupying the land of the Ming Empire in North America.That's more, don't even think about it.Once British Columbia is really occupied, the Ming Empire will definitely send their navy to bombard New York.Bombard any coastal city and destroy every American merchant ship.

And the saddest thing about all of this is that the United States has no power to fight back at all, and can only be beaten helplessly.

"Mr. President, Minister Schofield is here!"

When the Secretary of War walked in, McClellan immediately and enthusiastically asked him to sit down.

"John, what's going on now?"

"Mr. President, I have ordered General Grant to lead 3000 troops into the west by railroad. As long as Congress agrees, they can attack British Columbia at any time and seize all lands including Alaska. They have less than [-] troops there!"

As the Minister of War, Schofield reacted extremely quickly. After learning about the artillery bombardment of the Ming Empire, he immediately reacted.

In fact, his reaction was nothing more than that, it was nothing more than to let those politicians see that the army was indeed in action.

"Mr. President, please rest assured that we are sure to defeat them on land!"

On land?
Sensitively aware of the subtext in his words, McClellan asked.

"What about the sea? Can we stop their fleet at sea?"

"Mr. President, our navy now has only 52 warships, and they are all wooden-hulled warships, but they have the most powerful ironclad fleet in the entire American continent! Mr. President, I said a few years ago that unless The United States is willing to become a third-rate country, otherwise we must build a powerful armored fleet, but most people believe that the United States is safe and does not need a large fleet at all, but now?"

Facing the president's inquiry, Minister Schofield said in an aggrieved tone.

"Now the ironclad warships of the Ming Empire are bombarding our cities, killing our people, and they even set foot on our land, but we can only watch all this. We can send a fleet, but the result will be a disaster Sexually, as the Minister of War, I don't agree with sending the fleet, this is simply letting them die!"

The reason why he was so dissatisfied was that as early as the end of the war, he had repeatedly warned against Congress’s move to abolish the navy on a large scale, but his warnings were ignored. Now it’s all right, their fleet It's a slap in the face, but what about the United States?

The United States can only stick out its face and let others beat it, because there is no way to fight back!So what the United States can do now is to stick out its face and let others beat it.

"Now, even if their fleet comes to the coast of New York, they can bombard our city at will. Our forts use old Rodman cannons, and our fleet is wooden warships. Compared with them, Our Navy is stuck in the last century, Mr. President."

The Secretary of War's complaint made McClellan a little helpless.

On the one hand, members of Congress are clamoring for revenge, and on the other hand is the reality that the US national defense is not up to snuff.

How to do?
"If war is declared, can we defeat the Ming Empire?"

Looking at his Secretary of War again, McClellan asked.

"Mr. President, our army can occupy British Columbia in the early days of the war, and then, it can only be handed over to God! Maybe we will win in the end, but what is certain is that in the early days of the war, our coastal cities will definitely be taken by them. Of course, they still have airships, and the price we will pay will be extremely heavy."

As a soldier, Schofield is very aware of the strength of the United States itself, and the current military strength of the United States is simply ridiculous.

"So, war doesn't seem to be the best option!"

The answer is obvious, McClellan thought for a while, and then sighed helplessly.

"But now the anger of the people..."

Walking up and down the office, McClellan said.

"Before this, on the east coast, the public's dissatisfaction was aimed at the massacre of the Chinese by the Los Angeles people, but now their anger is because of the atrocities committed by the Ming Empire navy. If we do not declare war, it will inevitably lead to a new round of political turmoil. crisis."

McClellan's tone was full of helplessness. This was his second term. He once ended the Civil War at the cost of splitting up. Now, facing the bombardment of the Ming Empire, he seemed extremely at a loss.

It is a declaration of war.

Or bear it all in silence?
No matter what choice you make, you must pay the corresponding price for that choice.And some costs are definitely not something a country can bear.

What should we do now?
Could it be that like now, it is really just sticking out your face to let the Ming Empire have a good time?
McClellan fell into silence...

(End of this chapter)

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